
Good news! "Ping An Star" Zhang Min was once again awarded the honor of "Advanced Worker of the Autonomous Region".

author:Qinzhou release

On April 30, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Autonomous Region held the 2024 Regional Celebration of the "May Day" International Labor Day and the Conference on Commending Model Workers and Advanced Workers of the Autonomous Region in the auditorium of the Guangxi People's Hall, and Zhang Min of the Qinzhou Fire and Rescue Detachment won the title of "Advanced Worker of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region".

Zhang Min is currently the deputy director of the fire fighting and rescue headquarters and the chief of the combat training section of the Qinzhou Fire and Rescue Detachment. He has won many honors such as "Safety Star", "The Most Beautiful Family in the Country", "Advanced Individual with Outstanding Contributions to Responding to Emergencies in Guangxi" and "Outstanding People's Police in Guangxi", and has been rated as "Excellent Commander", "Top Ten Commander", "Top Ten Cadres" and "Excellent Combat Training Cadre" by the Guangxi Fire and Rescue Corps for more than 20 times, and has been awarded 2 second-class merits and 1 third-class merit.

For more than 20 years, Zhang Min has participated in more than 1,100 firefighting and rescue missions in dangerous environments such as smoke, fire, explosion, poison, and cliffs, and has carried out major rescue missions many times, rescued more than 240 people, and made outstanding contributions to promoting the construction of "safe Guangxi" and protecting the safety of people's lives and property.

Good news! "Ping An Star" Zhang Min was once again awarded the honor of "Advanced Worker of the Autonomous Region".

Millions of tons of hazardous chemicals are on the verge of threat, and they are on the verge of life and death

In the early morning of August 4, 2020, a naphtha leak occurred in the pump compartment of a 3,000-ton oil tanker "Zhongyun 7" loaded with 880 tons of naphtha at Guangming Wharf in Qinzhou Bonded Port Area, resulting in a large amount of naphtha vapor inside the pump room and engine room, which was in danger of explosion at any time, seriously threatening the safety of 8.7 million tons of hazardous chemicals in the nearby area.

Zhang Min discussed solutions with experts from various departments

In order to dismantle this "bomb" floating on the sea, Comrade Zhang Min led the "death squad" to board the ship for "zero-distance" disposal, and every one hour, he led the team to go deep into the cabin to test the concentration of nitrogen oxygen and combustible gas, and he was hovering on the edge of life and death at every step. After 12 consecutive days of forgetting to sleep and food, fighting on the front line, he overcame the problem of seasickness and vomiting, boarded the ship into the cabin, and tested more than 30 times, from the test demonstration to the nitrogen injection operation on the board, from the berthing of the ship, the transfer of oil products to the clearance treatment until the danger was lifted.

Check the equipment on board

Boarding inspection

Good news! "Ping An Star" Zhang Min was once again awarded the honor of "Advanced Worker of the Autonomous Region".

The responsibility of preventing and resolving risks is as heavy as a mountain, and you can study and solve problems

Qinzhou Port Area is a national key petrochemical industry concentration area, all kinds of hazardous chemicals are concentrated, Comrade Zhang Min went deep into every chemical enterprise, wharf to investigate and feel, footprints all over every device and storage tank.

In accordance with the "one factory, one book" and "one sentiment, one book" for the chemical enterprises to "tailor-made" fire fighting and rescue plans, and took the lead in the formation of Qinzhou heavy chemical fire fighting and rescue formation and other 6 professional teams, research and formulate various chemical equipment, storage tanks and hazardous chemicals transportation accidents and other emergency disposal operations 23 items, innovation and improvement of synthetic operations 11 items, the preparation of chemical fire fighting and rescue training courses 2 volumes, every year to organize vehicle equipment testing and actual combat drills, effectively ensure that the fire safety situation in the petrochemical industry concentration area is highly stable.

Practice the spirit of the precept and take the initiative to take responsibility

Good news! "Ping An Star" Zhang Min was once again awarded the honor of "Advanced Worker of the Autonomous Region".

Whenever a dangerous task comes, Comrade Zhang Min always responds positively and charges ahead. For more than 20 years, Comrade Zhang Min has participated in more than 1,100 firefighting and rescue missions in dangerous environments such as smoke, fire, explosion, poison, and cliffs, and has carried out major rescue missions many times, rescued and evacuated more than 840 people, and rescued and protected more than 200 million yuan of property.

In particular, in the "4.4" Yuchai petrochemical fire, the "8.4" Zhongyun 7-round naphtha leakage and deflagration danger, the "6.21" Lanhai high-speed hydrofluoric acid tanker leakage danger, the "8.22" and "Shengyou 229" accident in Qinzhou Port, and the "12.25" Luyang Market fire in Luwu Town, Lingshan County, he was not afraid of life and death, and made outstanding contributions to the successful elimination of danger and the protection of people's lives and property.

Source丨Qinzhou Fire Protection

Editor丨Proofreading by Wu Denghan丨Reviewed by Yan Xing丨Luo Libin (produced by Qinzhou and not reproduced without authorization)

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