
5 symptoms indicate insufficient blood supply to the brain, remind: if you don't want cerebral infarction or dementia, do 4 things

author:Tomato health

Uncle Zhang is 52 years old this year and currently holds a senior position in a company. Due to the high pressure of his work, he often needs to work overtime. Recently, he has been feeling dizzy during overtime, and at first he thought it was just due to overwork, so he didn't take it too seriously. However, as time went by, the symptoms of dizziness became more and more severe, and even a headache and tinnitus appeared, which prompted Uncle Zhang to go to the hospital for a check-up.

5 symptoms indicate insufficient blood supply to the brain, remind: if you don't want cerebral infarction or dementia, do 4 things

After the doctor learned about Uncle Zhang's symptoms, he arranged a series of tests. According to the comprehensive analysis of the examination report, the doctor found that he not only suffered from cervical spondylosis, but also had intracranial vascular stenosis. It is for this reason that the blood supply to his brain decreases, which in turn triggers a series of uncomfortable symptoms.

The brain, as the control center of the human body, directs and participates in the operation of various life activities of the body. The brain regulates various functions of the body by constantly transmitting information to keep the body functioning normally. Once the blood vessels are damaged, affecting the normal flow of blood, adverse symptoms such as insufficient blood supply to the brain may occur. Insufficient blood supply to the brain can lead to dizziness, headaches, memory loss, and even serious diseases such as stroke.

5 symptoms indicate insufficient blood supply to the brain, remind: if you don't want cerebral infarction or dementia, do 4 things

There are 5 symptoms that indicate cerebral insufficiency


This headache is usually caused by cerebral vasoconstriction and may be accompanied by dizziness and vertigo. If you experience headaches frequently, especially while doing physical or mental activity, then you may need to consult a doctor and have further tests.

Difficulty concentrating

Due to the lack of oxygen to brain cells, there may be confusion, difficulty concentrating, and memory problems. This may affect your studies, work, and daily life. If you find yourself constantly forgetting things or having trouble concentrating, it's crucial to seek medical attention promptly.

5 symptoms indicate insufficient blood supply to the brain, remind: if you don't want cerebral infarction or dementia, do 4 things

Mood swings and anxiety

Due to the lack of blood supply to your brain, you may feel emotionally unstable, irritable, or anxious. This is because brain cells cannot function properly in the absence of oxygen, leading to mood swings. If you find yourself emotionally unstable and have mood swings, it is recommended that you seek professional help.

Vision problems

Due to the lack of oxygen to your brain cells, you may experience problems such as blurred vision or double vision. This is because the lack of blood supply to the brain affects the brain's ability to process visual signals. If you notice a decrease in your vision or other abnormalities, you should seek medical attention.

5 symptoms indicate insufficient blood supply to the brain, remind: if you don't want cerebral infarction or dementia, do 4 things

Limb weakness and impaired coordination

When brain cells are starved of oxygen, you may feel weakness in your limbs, especially during physical activity. In addition, you may have coordination problems, resulting in unsteady walking or inflexibility in your hands and feet. If you find yourself feeling weak or having coordination problems often, you should consult your doctor.

Finally, coma or transient loss of consciousness is a serious symptom of cerebral insufficiency. When the blood supply to the brain is extremely insufficient, it can lead to coma or transient loss of consciousness. This is an emergency that requires immediate medical attention.

5 symptoms indicate insufficient blood supply to the brain, remind: if you don't want cerebral infarction or dementia, do 4 things

If you don't want to have a cerebral infarction or dementia, do 4 things well

Exercise in moderation

Reasonable and moderate exercise can make the body stronger and enhance immunity. The so-called life lies in sports, and it is necessary for anyone to exercise and maintain health through sports.

People with insufficient cerebral blood supply can also improve blood circulation and brain function when exercising. In particular, aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming, and tai chi are more helpful to the patient's condition.

Don't eat foods that contain alcohol

Drinking a lot of alcohol, alcohol enters the body, reduces liver function, alcohol flows through the blood, and will also accelerate vascular disease, which in turn increases the probability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, including insufficient blood supply to the brain. So usually drink less, or don't drink at all. In addition, when cooking, some people like to add some cooking wine or beer to increase the taste of the food, so it is recommended not to add too much.

5 symptoms indicate insufficient blood supply to the brain, remind: if you don't want cerebral infarction or dementia, do 4 things

Protect your cervical spine

When sleeping, we should pay attention to improving our sleeping position. A good sleeping position is to alternate between lying on your back and on your side, which relieves pressure on the cervical spine. In addition, it is very important to choose a pillow that fits the neck. A suitable pillow can provide support for the neck, keep the cervical spine in a normal bending state, and reduce the force on the cervical spine.

In addition to sleeping posture, our sitting posture in daily life also needs to be improved. Bowing your head or sticking your head forward for long periods of time can put a lot of stress on the cervical spine.

5 symptoms indicate insufficient blood supply to the brain, remind: if you don't want cerebral infarction or dementia, do 4 things

Regular physical examinations to detect problems in time

Regular physical examination is an important means to prevent cerebral insufficiency. Through regular physical examinations, potential health problems can be detected in time, including hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other diseases related to insufficient blood supply to the brain. Early detection of the problem and timely treatment measures can effectively prevent the occurrence of cerebral insufficiency.

Cerebral infarction is one of the more common diseases in middle-aged and elderly people, and this disease is very dangerous when it occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to actively treat and prevent diseases in daily life.

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