
Reminder: These pain symptoms or warning signs of the body, it is not advisable to "endure and pass".

author:Tomato health

Pain, as a natural response of our body, is a problem that we often encounter. In addition, in addition to blood pressure, breathing, pulse, and body temperature, pain is the "fifth most important sign of human life."

Reminder: These pain symptoms or warning signs of the body, it is not advisable to "endure and pass".

In addition, pain is also a warning sign from our body when faced with a stimulus or illness that we should take seriously rather than ignore. However, even so, many people have a misconception about pain symptoms, thinking that "just endure it and it will pass", and always feel that the pain will relieve itself, especially if it is mild. However, painful stimuli can put our body in a state of imbalance, leading to complications such as increased blood pressure, myocardial ischemia, and slowed gastrointestinal peristalsis.

Reminder: These pain symptoms or warning signs of the body, it is not advisable to "endure and pass".

Especially for those with chronic pain, the etiology of the pain is complex, making treatment more complicated over time and potentially more protracted and painful. Therefore, it is very necessary to get medical care and treatment as soon as possible after the occurrence of abnormal pain problems.

Reminder: These pain symptoms or warning signs of the body, it is not advisable to "endure and pass".

Reminder: When the body has these abnormal pain symptoms, or the body is alarming, please pay attention in time

1. Chest pain

Chest pain can be a sign of heart disease, lung disease, gastritis, and more. Especially for heart disease, if left untreated, it can lead to very serious consequences and even endanger our lives. Therefore, as soon as symptoms of chest pain appear, you should seek medical attention immediately and receive professional examination and treatment.

In addition, in addition to heart disease, gastritis is also one of the common diseases that cause chest pain. Manifestations of gastritis include stomach upset, bloating, stomach pain, etc. If left untreated for a long time, it may also lead to indigestion, anemia, decreased appetite, weight loss, etc. Therefore, when we often feel chest pain, please stop ignoring it and should seek medical attention as soon as possible and receive standardized diagnosis and treatment.

Reminder: These pain symptoms or warning signs of the body, it is not advisable to "endure and pass".

2. Leg pain

Discomfort in different parts of the body can be a sign that something is going on in the body, such as a noticeable pain in the inner left leg, which can be caused by liver problems.

This is because the liver is the detoxification organ of our body, and if there is a problem with the detoxification system, it will affect the blood circulation in the inner side of our left leg, which will eventually lead to the appearance of painful symptoms. Of course, if it's just swelling and pain in the calf, which looks like it's being baked from the inside out over a slow fire, it may not be a liver problem, but a deep vein thrombosis problem.

Reminder: These pain symptoms or warning signs of the body, it is not advisable to "endure and pass".

3. Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain is also a symptom that cannot be ignored. Depending on the location and nature of the pain, it can be associated with various diseases such as dyspepsia, gastritis, cholecystitis, appendicitis, etc.

If abdominal pain is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea and jaundice, you should also seek medical attention as soon as possible. In addition, severe and persistent abdominal pain problems can be caused by diseases such as inflammation of the abdominal organs, stones, and tumors, and early diagnosis and treatment are essential to improve these problems.

Reminder: These pain symptoms or warning signs of the body, it is not advisable to "endure and pass".

4. Headache

There are many causes of headaches nowadays, such as lack of sleep, fatigue, etc. Headaches caused by these problems are mostly intermittent pain that will be relieved after a period of time and have little impact. However, if there is persistent and noticeable pain in the head, extra attention should be taken.

This is because persistent headaches are related to a variety of factors, and of course it cannot be ruled out that they are caused by vascular disease or brain tumors. As we age, many of us may experience factors such as cerebral vascular disease, impaired brain function, and the inability to provide oxygen and blood needed by local tissues in a timely manner, leading to headaches.

And under the stimulation of some brain tumors, there may also be frequent and obvious headaches. Therefore, if you have a long-term dull or persistent pain in your head, please do not put it aside and go to the hospital for medical treatment as it may be a sign of certain diseases.

Reminder: These pain symptoms or warning signs of the body, it is not advisable to "endure and pass".

5. Joint pain

Joint pain is a common type of pain that manifests as swollen, painful, and limited movement of the joints. Joint pain is most likely a symptom of conditions such as arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout, and if left untreated, can lead to problems such as joint deformities and loss of function.

Therefore, once the symptoms of joint pain appear, we should also seek medical attention as soon as possible for detailed examination and treatment.

Reminder: These pain symptoms or warning signs of the body, it is not advisable to "endure and pass".

In short, we can't ignore these small discomforts in our body in our daily life, otherwise, long-term pain symptoms may have a serious impact on our physical health. Therefore, when there is abnormal pain phenomenon, we should also take it seriously and go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible to reduce the impact of pain on physical health.

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