
A "universal acupoint" for healing! Always press here to stay away from stroke cerebral infarction!

author:Medical Food Reference

Massaging the Hegu acupoint on the palm of your hand once a day in the morning and evening for 5 minutes each time can effectively prevent stroke, cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage, and protect your health for life.

A "universal acupoint" for healing! Always press here to stay away from stroke cerebral infarction!

Hegu acupoint, also known as "Tiger's Mouth", is known as the first acupuncture point in the world and is the most widely treated acupuncture point among hundreds of acupuncture points in the body.

Hegu acupoint has the effect of systemic treatment, which can be said to be a universal acupuncture point, just like a large medicine box to carry with you, escorting your health.

What are the effects of Hegu Acupoint?

1. Prevention of stroke and high blood pressure

Frequent massage of Hegu acupoint can keep the lungs and large intestine smooth, prevent the generation of liver fire, and thus prevent symptoms such as stroke, convulsions, crooked mouth and eyes, dizziness, and vertigo. At the same time, massaging the Hegu acupoint also helps to prevent and treat high blood pressure.

2. First aid acupoint

Hegu acupoint can be used for first aid, when there is heat stroke, stroke, prostration, etc., which causes syncope, pressing Hegu acupoint for a few minutes can relieve the symptoms of syncope. At the same time, combined with the pressure of the human acupoint can better restore consciousness.

3. Pain relief acupoint

The Qi of the Hegu acupoint is vigorous and has a good pain-relieving effect, which can be used to relieve all kinds of pain. Almost all pain symptoms can be relieved by moxibustion or pressing on the Hegu acupoint.

Toothache: Hegu acupoint can relieve toothache, especially neuropathic toothache and swollen gums. In the treatment, the cross-treatment method is used, that is, massaging the Hegu acupoint of the left hand when the right toothache is painful, and massaging the Hegu acupoint of the right hand when the left toothache is painful, which is helpful for the treatment of toothache.

Headache: Hegu acupoint has a good effect on symptoms such as neuropathic headache, insomnia headache and neck pain. Massaging the Hegu acupoint can relieve these pains and improve related problems such as insomnia, forgetfulness, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating.

Tonsillitis and dysmenorrhea: Massaging the Hegu acupoint can promote qi and blood, and effectively treat tonsillitis and dysmenorrhea. The large intestine passes through the hands, arms, shoulders, neck to the head and face, and massaging the Hegu acupoints can relieve pain and discomfort in these areas.

4. The magical cave of the ENT department

According to the "Song of the Four General Acupoints" of Chinese medicine acupuncture, it is mentioned that "the abdomen and abdomen are three miles away, the waist and back are entrusted, the head is missing, and the face and mouth are closed".

"Facial and Mouth Harvesting" refers to diseases of the head and face, such as headache, toothache, fever, dry mouth, nosebleeds, neck pain, sore throat and other ENT diseases. Especially in the treatment of facial paralysis, Hegu acupoint is a must-choose.

Regular massage of the Hegu acupoint can also help relieve the symptoms of nose allergies. All in all, the Hegu acupoint is regarded as a miraculous acupuncture for dealing with ENT diseases.

Hegu acupoint is also suitable for the treatment of facial facial features, such as facial paralysis, facial muscle spasm, melasma, acne, rosacea, skin allergies and other diseases, and has achieved good results.

In the treatment of freckles and facial skin problems, massage the Hegu acupoint of both hands about 30~50 times a day, resulting in a feeling of soreness transmitted to the upper limbs, and long-term persistence can significantly improve the beauty and beauty effect.

A "universal acupoint" for healing! Always press here to stay away from stroke cerebral infarction!

5. The magic of gastrointestinal health

The Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian and the Zu Yang Ming Stomach Meridian are related to each other because they have the same name, so stimulating the Hegu acupoint can regulate the meridian qi, which has significant efficacy in the treatment of stomach and intestine-related diseases, such as stomach pain, vomiting, constipation, acid reflux, diarrhea, etc.

Hegu acupoint is the magic cave of your gastrointestinal health!

If you often feel nausea and vomiting, you can stimulate the Hegu acupoint, which can calm the qi, guide the turbid qi downward, and comprehensively regulate your gastrointestinal function.

If you have an irregular diet and often suffer from diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating, you can massage the Hegu acupoint, which can relieve pain and sedation, and promote the smooth flow of qi and blood in the body.

If you often lose your appetite and have indigestion, you can also use moxibustion or massage Hegu acupoint, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis, clean up intestinal waste, eliminate toxins from the body, and strengthen intestinal peristalsis.

6. The miraculous acupoint of reducing fever and strengthening the lungs

Moxibustion and Hegu acupoints can promote the flow of qi and blood, enhance the rise of yang qi, help balance righteous qi and dispel evil qi, and improve the body's immunity.

Moxibustion or pressing on the Hegu acupoint can open up the hair holes, promote the smooth pores, and remove heat evils, so as to enhance the heat-clearing effect of relieving surface sweating, so it has shown good results in the prevention and treatment of colds.

There are several antipyretic acupuncture points on the human body, including Dazhu, Quchi, Hegu and Waiguan, and stimulation of these acupuncture points can produce an immediate antipyretic effect. We can call them "analgin" acupuncture points on the body.

When you start to have cold symptoms, you can massage the Hegu acupoint and press 100 times on each side. Press with a little more pressure to create a tingling sensation. Drinking a glass of warm water after the massage can make the body sweat slightly and can relieve the symptoms of a cold.

Many children and middle-aged and elderly people often feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, cough and sputum, frequent sweating, sweating when sleeping, and are prone to colds, all of which are manifestations of insufficient lung function.

In order to completely restore lung function to health, it is necessary to adhere to moxibustion and Hegu acupoints.

How to use this acupuncture point correctly?

Positioning: The Hegu point is located on the dorsum of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, and at the midpoint of the radial side of the 2nd metacarpal bone.

How to take acupoints: Open your thumb and index finger, bend the fingers of the other hand with the horizontal stripes between the thumbs and fingers above the webbed edge of the tiger's mouth, and bend the fingers of the other hand.

A "universal acupoint" for healing! Always press here to stay away from stroke cerebral infarction!

There is also an easier way to take the acupoint: the thumb and index finger are closed, and the Hegu point is located at the highest point of the muscle above the tiger's mouth. Use the horizontal stripe of the first joint of the thumb of one hand to face the tiger's mouth of the other hand, bend the thumb and press, and the fingertip is the Hegu point.

Kneading method: Kneading the Gu acupoint is not limited by time, season and other conditions, whether it is a meeting, a bus or waiting for the bus, you can give yourself a healthy acupressure therapy anytime and anywhere.

When massaging the Hegu acupoint, you can use two hands alternately. Press vertically on the Hegu acupoint with your thumb flexion, and press one tight and one loose, with a compression frequency of about 30 times per minute, every 2 seconds.

Other scholars believe that when acupressure, the palm should be facing the side of the body, and the pressure should be pressed in the direction of the little finger, rather than vertically pressing the up and down direction of the back of the hand, so that the effect of the Hegu acupoint can be better exerted.

When pressing, it is necessary to exert a certain amount of force to make the feeling of soreness, numbness and swelling appear under the acupuncture points, that is, the so-called "deqi" phenomenon, so as to play the role of disease prevention and treatment.

People with less hands can use a massage stick made of wooden or horn to get the same good massage results. Each massage lasts 1~3 minutes. The frequency of massage is 3 times a day in the morning, noon and evening.

It should be noted that people with poor physique should not give too strong stimulation, and pregnant women generally should not massage the Hegu acupoint, so as not to trigger strong uterine contraction and miscarriage.