
Watching "Autumn Garden" again on Mother's Day, the greatest maternal love in the world burst into tears


May 12 is Mother's Day again.

On this day, many people will send warm wishes to their mothers, or carefully choose gifts for their mothers.

There is an old man named Yang Benfen who also gave his mother a special and precious gift.

After her mother's death, she realized: "If no one writes down something, the traces of my mother in this world will be erased, like a thin layer of dust blown away by the years." ”

In memory of her mother, she began writing in her 60s, having never done writing work.

She wrote for two years, accumulated a full eight catties of manuscript paper, and finally created the autobiographical novel "Autumn Garden" that touched countless readers.

In the book, the mother Qiuyuan lost her father, was widowed twice, and lost her son twice, and saw the joys and sorrows of the world.

In this long and difficult life, she never fell, and fed her children with her own blood and tears.

Some people say that thousands of mothers in the world may have such a hard life.

When they chose the identity of mother, they had to fade away from their youth and ignorance, and struggled to grow into brave men in life.

After reading the story of "Autumn Garden", we can understand the deep and great maternal love.


The mother was born weak, but she grew armor for her child

In the book, the old man Yang Benfen assumes the name of Zhihua and tells the story of his mother Qiuyuan.

Qiu Yuan is the daughter of a pharmacy owner and has lived a well-to-do and carefree life since she was a child.

But when she was 12 years old, her father fell ill and died, and her eldest brother became infected with cigarettes, and the family was also in decline.

Just turned eighteen years old, and with the consent of her mother, she hurriedly married Yang Renshou, an officer who was eight years older than herself.

After marriage, the ignorant Qiu Yuan regarded Renshou as a father and a brother, relying on him wholeheartedly, and obeying his arrangements in everything.

Renshou said that she would give up her job and return to her hometown to take care of her father and buy a house to settle down, but she did not express her opinion.

As a result, Ren was deceived and bought a fake title deed, leaving the house empty.

Later, after being recommended, Ren Shou had a public position in his hometown, and finally earned a small income, but he used it all to help the poor.

At that time, Qiu Yuan had already given birth to a son and two daughters, and Zhihua was the second.

In Zhihua's impression, Qiuyuan broke a penny in half and even sold her dowry and jewelry to buy rice.

Until one year, Renshou didn't take money from home for half a year, and the mother and son could only be hungry and full.

Seeing the children starving and their eyes turned blue, Qiu Yuan, who had always been weak and docile, had to force herself to grow up quickly.

She no longer relied on her husband, took the initiative to go out of the house to find odd jobs, and also learned to farm, grow vegetables, raise chickens and ducks.

After a few years in the school, she was hired by an elementary school to become a teacher.

She was able to support herself, and for the first time, she made her own opinion, asking Renshou to resign and go home and become a teacher too.

The identity of "mother" has turned Qiuyuan from a weak little woman to the pillar of the family, leading the family to get on the right track in the predicament.

I remembered a line from "Please Answer 1988": "I heard that God can't be everywhere, so I created Mom." ”

In most people's subconscious, mothers seem to be born omnipotent:

When you're feeling down, your mother will always cook a good meal to soothe your body and mind.

When you encounter a problem, your mother will often listen patiently to you and rack her brains to help you solve it.

When you are in danger, your mother will also rush to the front as soon as possible to protect you from harm......

Gradually, you seem to forget that your mother was originally just a helpless woman.

Before she became a mother, she had never dealt with the world, she would be at a loss, and she would want to rely on others.

But after having a child, she will burst out with great energy, ready to fight against the dangers of life.

As the writer Victor Hugo said: women are certainly fragile, but mothers are strong.

Once put on the cloak of "mother", no matter how weak a woman is, she will become fearless and desperately live as a haven for her children.

Watching "Autumn Garden" again on Mother's Day, the greatest maternal love in the world burst into tears


Mothers are afraid of suffering, but they are even more afraid of their children's suffering

After going through a lot of displacement, Qiuyuan's family finally lived a stable life.

But Qiuyuan soon realized that the difficulty of fate had just begun.

One year during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Qiuyuan bought mooncakes for Zhihua and her little daughter, and the sisters were very happy to eat.

Who knows, in the evening, the youngest daughter suddenly fell ill and died before she could see a doctor.

The family has not yet recovered from the pain of losing their daughter, and Renshou has been revealed to be an officer in the past.

For this reason, they were ostracized by the villagers, and their belongings were emptied, and they soon became destitute.

In desperation, Qiu Yuan had no choice but to take Zhihua to beg for food from house to house during the day, and do needlework in front of the oil lamp at night.

Fortunately, in those years, Qiu Yuan gave birth to a third son and a fourth son one after another, and the family became lively again.

But soon, the famine came, and Renshou was starved to death, leaving Qiuyuan alone to pull the four children.

Qiu Yuan didn't care about being sad, let his eldest son find a good job in the county, and sent Zhihua to study in other places.

And herself, first took her third and fourth sons to her brother, and after being kicked out of the door by her sister-in-law, she came to Hubei with her fellow villagers.

At that time, outsiders were being checked everywhere, and Qiu Yuan and his two sons were also targeted by the staff.

In order to settle in the local area, Qiuyuan married the widowed village secretary Wang Chengen with the help of the villagers.

Fortunately, Wang Chengen is kind-hearted and gentle, and gets along well with the children of Qiuyuan.

Qiu Yuan also became a tailor with good skills, looking forward to making more money, raising the children well, and reuniting the family one day.

However, the ruthless fate once again frustrated her wish.

The fourth son was excellent in character and learning, smart and sensible, but on the day he graduated from middle school, he accidentally fell into the water and died.

The loss of his beloved son again made Qiu Yuan feel so painful that he decided to hang himself on the beam of the house with a rope.

But before she could put on the rope, she suddenly came to her senses and thought, "I have a son who died, and I have three children." I want to think about them and never cause them pain. I want to live. ”

So, she ordered herself to be strong, work hard to take care of the housework, and repay Wang Chengen for helping her in times of difficulty.

She also took the time to continue to help people make clothes and save money desperately, so as not to drag down her three children to support herself.

Suffering came at her again and again, destroying her world into ruins.

But as a mother, even if she is tortured by fate and bruised all over her body, she must grit her teeth and hold on.

You can never imagine how careful and strong and resilient a woman will be when she becomes a mother.

They dare not get sick, dare not grow old, and dare not die, just to be able to accompany their children for a longer time and take care of them more.

In the face of the roaring torrent of fate, no one will inevitably be afraid, and even want to disarm and surrender.

But for mothers, what they are more afraid of is that they will not be able to respond to their children's requests for help and protect their children's future.

No matter how hard the days are, they will do their best to straighten their backs and support their children.

Watching "Autumn Garden" again on Mother's Day, the greatest maternal love in the world burst into tears


Mothers give life to their children and teach them to be human beings

US President George Washington said:

I owe everything to my mother, and all my achievements in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her.

The same is true in Zhihua's eyes, his mother Qiu Yuan not only gave him life, but also taught him how to be a man.

In the face of suffering, people are like grass mustard, and the identity of Qiuyuan is constantly changing.

From a young lady who is ignorant of the world, to an officer's wife who lives a stable life, to a poor peasant who is poor and white, she is constantly dragged down by fate.

But the only thing that remains constant is her tenacity and tenacity.

In order to get a bite to eat, she worked as a teacher, a seamstress, and even went out to beg during the most difficult famine years.

Qiu Yuan's resilience has also deeply affected her children.

After the eldest son finished junior high school, the family could no longer afford to provide him with education, so he relied on his own efforts to be admitted to the public teacher.

Zhihua is sensible and considerate, and began to help his mother share the housework at a young age, learning to do laundry and cooking, and take care of his younger brother.

In addition to her tenacity, Akien also has a passion for learning.

Originally, the reason why she agreed to marry Ren Shou was because he promised to send her to school.

Unfortunately, the turbulent times meant that she had no school to attend, so she had to attend vocational training courses for women, where she learned sewing, embroidery and weaving.

She regrets it in her heart, and after becoming a mother, she attaches great importance to the education of her children.

The family's financial constraints and Zhihua's schooling was delayed, so she asked Ren to teach Zhihua to read and read poetry.

After Renshou died, she encouraged Zhihua to take the entrance examination, and tried her best to make money to send her third and fourth sons to the school.

Later, the third son was admitted to the Teachers College and became a teacher like the eldest brother.

Although Zhihua delayed his studies due to the closure of the school and the decentralization to the countryside, he became an accountant and a staff member of a transportation company through self-study.

Zheng Yuanjie, the king of fairy tales, said: "The meaning of mother is influence." ”

On the shoulders of mothers, it is not only their own lives, but also the future of their children.

Many qualities in people are often inherited in the same vein.

If the mother does not stop growing, the child will redouble his efforts; The mother's heart is bright, and the child can also be positive.

A woman who has become a mother always lives a person as a team and tries her best to do her best in all aspects.

They lead by example day after day, giving life to children and giving them the best guidance.

Watching "Autumn Garden" again on Mother's Day, the greatest maternal love in the world burst into tears


Mother's love is everyone's eternal spiritual home

In his later years, Qiuyuan, after seeing off his second husband Wang Chengen, finally returned to his hometown after a 20-year absence.

Seeing Qiuyuan live back in the familiar old house, the three children suddenly felt very down-to-earth.

Over the years, the two sons have been busy making a living, and Zhihua has also married and had children in other places, and they are all drifting in the years like duckweed.

Now, the return of Qiuyuan has given them a support behind them and a support in their hearts, so they no longer have to bear pain and confusion alone.

As soon as Qiuyuan came back, he took care of the old house and planted two acres of land, so that he could be self-sufficient in grain and vegetables.

On weekdays, she will also do regular laundry and cleaning, go out to buy things or do errands by herself, and don't let her children worry about her.

On weekends, the eldest and third sons take turns to come back to visit the Autumn Garden.

No matter when they get home, Autumn Garden will always hurry to make hot tea and chat with them or sit quietly in the courtyard.

It is rare for Zhihua to come back, and Qiu Yuan began to prepare her favorite meals a few days in advance, still loving her like a little girl.

Life is hard, everyone is moving forward with a burden, but as long as there is a mother, you will always have a way out.

I saw a very heart-wrenching sentence on the Internet: Mom never remembers Mother's Day, and the day you go home is the festival.

No matter how old you are, you will always be a child in the eyes of your mother; No matter how far you go, your mother will always remember you.

When you are far away, she worries that you are too busy at work, work too much overtime, and do not eat and sleep on time;

When you come home from vacation, she puts everything else aside and prepares your favorite meals;

You are not married, and she is afraid that you will be alone in the future; You're married, and she's afraid you're not happy......

Maybe in the vast sea of people, you and I are just insignificant dust, at the mercy of the winds set off by fate.

But in my mother's heart, you are her everything, a treasure that she does her best to protect.

Sanmao said:

"The one who truly understands life is the mother; The one who has really walked that long way is the mother; The person who has really experienced so many vicissitudes and responds to her children with a lifetime of love is also a mother. ”

Mother's love is everyone's spiritual home, and it is the sky that we can never fly out.

Under this sky, all your tiredness, stress and thoughts can be properly placed.

There is a particularly moving sentence in the afterword of "Autumn Garden":

Grandmothers and mothers, who were banished to the bottom of society, seemed so small and powerless in the face of fate, as if they would be crushed at any time. However, people are more flexible than they think, and they will never be completely destroyed.

In fact, mothers all over the world are the same, they have suffered a lot of hardships, suffered a lot of sins, and raised their children with hard work.

With their weakest bodies, the toughest will and the deepest love, they have given us a lifetime of reliance and longing.

The years pass in a hurry, and my mother is getting older day by day, don't wait until you have money and time, and then honor our parents.

Starting this Mother's Day, go home more often to accompany your mother, help her with housework, chat with her, and take her to see the scenery outside.

When your mother is here, your home is there, your happiness is there, and your life will have the warmest way home.

Give it a thumbs up, I would like to dedicate this article to the greatest mother's love in the world, and wish all mothers good health and all the best.

Author: Insight Xu Chaodu