
The best way for retired seniors to live: mouth, back, and taste

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

What kind of life is good when you are retired?

As the saying goes: "Take a step back and open the sky; Be more positive. ”

No matter what age you are, life will be better if you move forward and fall freely.

If a person retires and retreats from everything, he will go to a cramped corner; If you keep moving forward, you will not be able to do what you can.

It is recommended that retired seniors deeply interpret the three words "mouth, return, and product", live a simple life, and be spiritually uplifted.

The best way for retired seniors to live: mouth, back, and taste


Mouth: Silence and don't cause trouble.

In the Book of Changes, it is said: "Redeem for Ze, exchange for mouth." ”

It means that people should not engage in a war of words, and opening their mouths is a dispute between right and wrong. Even if you are talking about the topic, you should also judge yourself according to the specific situation.

Retired elderly people should always pay attention to their own self-cultivation, and attacking others with words will lose their self-cultivation and stimulate contradictions; Taking other people's words too seriously can lead to resentment in yourself.

When you are old, you will be hurt if you have a conflict with anyone. People are afraid of impulsiveness, and their anger rises up.

On the "Beiqing Net", there is a message: At Qishan Road Station of Metro Line 2 in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, a white-haired old man, after getting a seat, scolded the man next to him angrily: "I am not educated at home, but I am educated in society, do you know this word?" Don't know me teach you this is the ...... of the old seat."

Fortunately, things passed quickly and did not cause a lot of conflict.

After an objective analysis, we will find that many public places do have seats and passages to take care of the elderly, but in the absence of the elderly, it is understandable for young people to use them.

No one's life is easy, and if we tolerate each other, the society will be more harmonious.

After retirement, you still have to pay attention to your own image, don't cause trouble to the society, and don't resent.

In the circle of relatives and friends, you have to control your mouth even more.

Scandals in the family, rights and wrongs around you, emotional troubles, children's opinions, and your own emotions...... Restraint is required.

What you say, after being described by acquaintances, will come back to your ears and be heard by other acquaintances.

"An unintentional word offends someone with a heart", say a few words, and be silent at a critical time, this is what it should be.

When you speak, you have something to say; Something to say to your face. Ugly thing, go home and say. It's self-discipline and less trouble.

The best way for retired seniors to live: mouth, back, and taste


Return: Walk back to the home and see the warmth.

There is a saying in "Shuowen": "Return, turn also." ”

Judging from the glyph, if you turn around, you will return to the original point.

In this life, the biggest "return" is to enter the workplace when you are young, work hard for thirty or forty years, and then walk out of the workplace.

Wherever you come from, you go where you go, this is the law of life. The same is true of what we usually call "falling leaves return to their roots", that is, when people get old, they return to the place where they were born.

The first day of retirement is the beginning of returning to the family.

Walking back, this is a spiritual understanding, not as simple as walking a distance.

If you like to drink tea, then behind the bitterness, there will be a "sweetness".

Life is like tea, the first half is bitter, and the most bitter in middle age. But after retirement, there will be a sweet taste slowly.

If you don't want to go back to your family, you are seventy or eighty, and you still think about the workplace, then you will always be very miserable, and you will not understand it.

He Zhizhang, a minister of the Tang Dynasty, had been in the workplace for decades, and when he was in his eighties, he took the initiative to ask to return to his hometown.

After running away for most of his life, he returned to his hometown of Yongxing, Yuezhou, and his heart was at peace.

The poem says: "I have been away from my hometown for a long time, and I have been half-worn out recently; Only the mirror lake in front of the door, the spring breeze does not change the old waves. ”

Wang Anshi, the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, after retiring, lived in the countryside and mingled with the residents, with a courtyard at home, but no walls. Anyone can come and visit.

There is no official frame, focusing on reading and traveling. Therefore, Wang Anshi wrote a lot of poems and essays, reflecting the comfort of life.

"The stream flows silently around the bamboo, and the flowers and plants in the west of the bamboo make the spring soft."

As for people, when they reach old age, what they really leave to themselves is their family.

Nowadays, we don't have the talent of poets, but we can help with our grandchildren, travel with our wives, and help our neighbors. Go to your hometown and listen to the wind of your hometown, it's a different taste.

The best way for retired seniors to live: mouth, back, and taste


Product: Taste life, fireworks.

For the elderly, a good life is nothing more than "two people in one room, three meals and four seasons".

If you taste three meals a day, you will feel happy.

Don't be like middle-aged people, eat roughly, or mix up the meal and drink crookedly.

A meal takes a lot of time and a lot of good dishes, but if you get drunk or even vomit, then the taste of the meal is completely gone.

Old husbands and wives, make the meals more delicate and clean up the family.

Every holiday, invite your children to have a reunion dinner. Be patient, ask your grandson what he wants to eat, remember his son's favorite tastes, and understand his daughter-in-law's preferences.

As long as you are healthy, flexible in your hands and feet, and work more, this is a blessing. Don't sit back and wait for the younger generations to serve as soon as you retire, and think of yourself as an old man.

Grandma Liu, who lives upstairs in my house, can make tofu into dozens of flavors.

She hollowed out the fried tofu, put in the leek minced meat, passed the oil pot again, steamed it in the rice cooker, and added some chili oil, the taste was particularly beautiful.

The children are vying to take away the food made by Grandma Liu, which makes Grandma Liu find the joy of life and the value of her old age.

A good day needs to be tasted slowly, and the family tastes it together. Don't swallow everything.

The best way for retired seniors to live: mouth, back, and taste


The Qing Dynasty literati Gao Yi said: "If you have three mouths, the water will become wine." Mouth, mouth, mouth, persuade you to drink a glass of wine. ”

No matter what the word, when it comes to the literati, it becomes poetic.

When people are old, they don't necessarily have to be literati, but they must have the elegance of literati.

Retired, life is not only reluctant, but also poetry and distance.

Of course, poetry and distance are not lofty things, not to spend a lot of money, but to make the daily elegant and the time long.

For the rest of your life, every minute is your own, you have to use it well, don't waste it.

Learn the wisdom of "mouth, return, and taste", and you will be able to be merciful, go home to enjoy happiness, and taste all kinds of flavors.

Finally, may you smile during the day and sleep well at night.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.