
Hongqiao Street: A Hotline Activates the "Nerve Endings" of Grassroots Governance

author:Shanghai Changning

Respond at the first time, take over at the first time, and resolve the demands of the masses at the first time...... Relying on the hotline of 12345, Hongqiao Street strives to resolve the "urgency, hardship and hope" of the masses, and continuously improves the sense of gain, happiness and security of residents in the jurisdiction.

Recently, the Hongqiao Street Urban Transportation Center received an emergency work order from Mr. Xia, a resident: because of the rainy days for several days, the wall skin of the distribution room of the elevator shaft on the top floor of the residential building fell off, and the ground was soaked in rainwater, and there was a situation of water seepage, which was a potential safety hazard. Mr. Xia, the "neighbor" of the power distribution room, then dialed 12345 and hoped that the relevant departments would take the lead in solving the problem.

Coincidentally, Ms. Shen, another woman in the community, also reported through 12345 that the elevators in the building often fail, there are abnormal noises during operation, and even the elevator is closed and falling rapidly, which is very dangerous.

Hongqiao Street: A Hotline Activates the "Nerve Endings" of Grassroots Governance

After receiving the work order, the street urban transportation center immediately verified the situation with the local neighborhood committee, and learned that the water leakage and elevator failure in the community did exist, but on the one hand, some houses in the community were vacant and rented, and it was relatively difficult to consult the work; In addition, during the change of the property committee, the maintenance work in the community was temporarily stranded, and the neighborhood committee came forward to coordinate many times, but with little effect.

After learning about the difficulties of the neighborhood committee, adhering to the concept of "safety is more important than Mount Tai, and it is urgent to ensure the safety of residents", the urban transportation center took the initiative to take the lead, and together with the street housing office, the third party of housing maintenance technical appraisal and the neighborhood committee of the district, visited and investigated the scene of water leakage and elevator failure, and repeatedly investigated the water leakage point on the top floor on rainy days, and dismantled and sorted out the potential safety hazards with the community business committee, the property company and the residents in the building.

In view of the "crux" of the maintenance problem - resident consultation, all parties work together to find the optimal solution and participate in the follow-up disposal. After many times of coordination and communication, under the premise of controlling the maintenance budget, the change maintenance plan of the community was finally determined, so as to solve the potential safety hazards with the highest efficiency and ensure the safety of residents to the greatest extent.

At this point, the 12345 hotline of the Street Urban Transportation Center has completed the handling of the case, but this is not the end. After the disposal of each case, the relevant departments involved in the disposal of the case will carry out the implementation of the problem "looking back", forming a whole-process documentary mechanism, keeping abreast of the progress of the case, and allowing the residents' demands to be truly resolved. It is understood that the elevator maintenance work has been completed in the community, and the repair of water leakage points has also been put on the agenda.

Hongqiao Street: A Hotline Activates the "Nerve Endings" of Grassroots Governance

In recent years, Hongqiao Street has always taken the 12345 citizen hotline as a favorable starting point and effective entry point for grassroots governance, relying on the hotline, giving full play to the linkage joint logistics working mechanism, drawing a map of the jurisdiction, and trying to open up the "nerve endings" of grassroots governance through this hotline, constantly innovating the work model, continuing to focus on people's livelihood and practical matters, and practicing the "people-centered" development concept. In the future, the street will further improve the level of refined governance, solve the problem of "urgency, difficulty and longing" of the people in multiple dimensions and measures, listen to the people's opinions, solve the people's worries, benefit the people's livelihood, warm the hearts of the people, do a good job of the people's "confidant", and build a bridge of communication between the government and the people.

Hongqiao Street: A Hotline Activates the "Nerve Endings" of Grassroots Governance
Hongqiao Street: A Hotline Activates the "Nerve Endings" of Grassroots Governance

Information provided by Hongqiao Street

Written by: Zhu Wenxuan

Editor: Chen Sha

Editor-in-charge: Gao Qin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

Hongqiao Street: A Hotline Activates the "Nerve Endings" of Grassroots Governance

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