
Gathering community governance talents Caiyun community has a good way

author:Chenggong release

Recently, Caiyun Community, Oolong Street, held the sixth phase of the Cloud Proposal Project Competition Review Meeting and the Unveiling Ceremony of the "Qingyun Tour Society" of "Attracting Governance Talents to 'Storage' and Stimulating Red Power 'Continuation'", aiming to further stimulate the vitality of residents to participate in community governance and promote the formation of a grassroots governance community where everyone is responsible, everyone is responsible, and everyone enjoys.

Gathering community governance talents Caiyun community has a good way

At the review meeting, 22 project applicants from community self-organizations, social enterprises, enthusiastic residents, and college students reported on the declared projects in turn, focusing on the four aspects of project implementation subject, project significance, project objectives, and project capital budget. The project adopts the form of scoring by the expert jury and voting by the public jury to comprehensively score the declared projects. According to the results of the project review, 15 different categories of community governance talents with different characteristics, such as healthy life, service for the elderly, skill improvement, and building management, have been assembled in Caiyun Community, which will further enrich the "Qingyun Tour" project.

Gathering community governance talents Caiyun community has a good way

Caiyun Community "Qingyun Tour Society" takes the Chenggong District Xincheng Meeting Room with convenient transportation and good software and hardware infrastructure as the basic support, and takes the colorful Yunnan Yicheng business district with large youth flow and mature conditions as the position to open the "1+N" Chinese New Year's Eve School. Adhering to the principle of combining "young people get off work, night schools are open" and "public welfare and inclusiveness", combined with the content of the community cloud proposal project, we set up public welfare experience classes, colorful lecture halls, special classes, special classes, etc., to help young people find their own "charging stations", better improve their personal quality after work, feel beauty, or relax and make friends.

In the project exploration activities, the Caiyun community realized that in order to satisfy the masses and do things well, it is necessary to change the "government serving dishes" to "the masses ordering dishes", and the residents' proposal contest is an exploration of the Caiyun community to change the "one-man show" of governance into a "chorus". In six consecutive years, the proposal competition has incubated and cultivated more than 80 community public service projects, serving 20,000 residents in the jurisdiction.

Gathering community governance talents Caiyun community has a good way

In the next step, Caiyun Community will rely on the implementation of the "Qingyun Tour Society" project to carry out cultural and sports activities, community skills training and other activities, continuously enrich the lives of residents, actively explore the working mechanism of community governance talents, realize the improvement of community governance talent governance ability, and effectively connect the needs of residents with the supply of volunteer services, so as to better provide warm, intimate and comfortable services for the groups in the jurisdiction.


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