
The Academic Committee of the World Young Scientists Summit was established

author:Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology

On May 7, the inaugural meeting of the Academic Committee of the World Young Scientists Summit (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Science Association) was held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province.

The Academic Committee of the World Young Scientists Summit was established

The inauguration ceremony of the Academic Committee of the Youth Science Association

As a high-end think tank of the World Young Scientists Summit, the Academic Committee is an academic support institution. The establishment of the Academic Committee of the Youth Science and Technology Society is a key step for the Youth Science and Technology Association to further enhance its youth, internationality and academic nature, and fully embodies the principle of "professional affairs should be done by professional people" and "let scientists run the conference themselves". The number of members of the academic committee is controlled within 60, and it is composed of well-known young scientists, young science and technology entrepreneurs and heads of young science and technology organizations at home and abroad, and has established a cooperative operation mechanism with the executive committee of the Youth Science Association. The first batch of academic committees has 1 chairman, 4 vice chairmen, 16 standing committee members and 1 secretary general. Lu Chaoyang, chair professor of the University of Science and Technology of China and executive dean of the Shanghai Research Institute of the University of Science and Technology of China, served as the chairman. The conference awarded the certificate of member of the Academic Committee of the Youth Science Association to Lu Chaoyang and other young scientist representatives.

The Academic Committee of the World Young Scientists Summit was established

▲The unveiling ceremony of the "Banyan Homeland" community

In order to make better use of the world-class talent exchange platform of the Youth Science and Technology Association, and accelerate the construction of a talent base that supports the development of new quality productivity, the Wenzhou Executive Committee of the Youth Science and Technology Association has formulated and implemented the "Banyan Homeland" action plan to comprehensively improve the service ability and level of talents in Wenzhou. At the conference site, the "Banyan Homeland", a common community for young scientists, was unveiled, and the offline "Banyan Homeland" community was officially completed in the home of Academician Ouyue in Lucheng Qidu.

The 2024 action plan of "Banyan Homeland" takes the unveiling of the "Banyan Homeland" of Qidu as the core, builds a physical space of "one core, two auxiliaries and multiple centers", builds an online community of "Banyan Homeland", and builds a wide range of social networks for young scientists. At the same time, for the winners of previous awards such as the China Youth Science and Technology Award, the Young Female Scientist Award, and the Sustainable Development Young Scientist Award, ten talent gift packages such as a 24-hour exclusive hotline and one-to-one specialist assistance are provided. Launched a series of activities of "Banyan Homeland", encouraged young scientists to apply for academic exchanges and social cultural and sports activities spontaneously, and subsidized no more than 100,000 yuan for each phase of activities to promote cross-border exchanges of young scientific and technological talents.

The Academic Committee of the World Young Scientists Summit was established

▲The signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation between the Executive Committee of the Youth Science Association and Springer Nature Group

At the event, the Executive Committee of the Youth Science Society signed a letter of intent with Springer Nature, an international academic publishing organization, to discuss a series of cooperation projects to support the Youth Science Society in Wenzhou, help young scientists grow, enhance the brand influence and reputation of the Youth Science Society, attract world-class talents, and promote international academic exchanges and scientific and technological innovation in Wenzhou and even Zhejiang Province.

Over the past five years, the World Young Scientists Summit jointly organized by the China Association for Science and Technology and the Zhejiang Provincial Government has adhered to the theme of talents, science and technology as the main line, youth as the protagonist, and Wenzhou as the main field, and has established exchanges and contacts with more than 100 countries, regions, international science and technology organizations and more than 200 foreign universities, and has invited more than 30 Nobel Prize, Turing Award winners and other world top scientists, more than 400 Chinese and foreign academicians and more than 5,600 representatives of scientists, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists to participate in the conference. Youth voice, Chinese style.

Source: China Association for Science and Technology

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