
Homemade popcorn at home, remember these points, 2 minutes out of the pot, 3 yuan cost to make a big pot

author:Vegetarian dishes

Today, I'm going to take you to unlock the ultimate temptation of a family version of popcorn! No need to go out, no need to queue, as long as you remember these tips, you can easily make a large pot of fragrant and crispy popcorn in 2 minutes, at a cost of less than 3 yuan. This is not only a feast for taste buds, but also a collision of creativity and craftsmanship. You ready? Let's create our own "cinema time" at home together!

Homemade popcorn at home, remember these points, 2 minutes out of the pot, 3 yuan cost to make a big pot

Prepare the ingredients:

Corn oil, sugar, small corn kernels

Here's how:

Homemade popcorn at home, remember these points, 2 minutes out of the pot, 3 yuan cost to make a big pot

1. Today I will share with you the practice of homemade popcorn, the raw materials are simple, and it is more assured to make it yourself. First of all, we prepare 50 ml of corn oil, it will be more delicious if there is butter, 30 grams of sugar, the amount of sugar can be increased or decreased according to personal taste, 100 grams of small corn kernels for popcorn, and the ratio of oil to corn is 1 to 2.

Homemade popcorn at home, remember these points, 2 minutes out of the pot, 3 yuan cost to make a big pot

2. Next, we first clean the small corn kernels and try to control the moisture.

Homemade popcorn at home, remember these points, 2 minutes out of the pot, 3 yuan cost to make a big pot

3. Then we first preheat the pot, burn on high heat for about 1 to 2 minutes, the pot is evenly heated, the popcorn will burst evenly, after the pot is heated, pour the oil, sugar and corn kernels into the pot together, and keep stir-frying on high heat throughout the whole process to make it evenly heated, we should not have too much amount when we pop the corn kernels, just enough to cover the bottom of the pot, if too much, it will not be uniform when it erupts.

Homemade popcorn at home, remember these points, 2 minutes out of the pot, 3 yuan cost to make a big pot

4. Stir-fry until the first corn kernels bloom, we immediately cover the lid, turn to medium heat, and keep shaking the pot to heat it evenly.

Homemade popcorn at home, remember these points, 2 minutes out of the pot, 3 yuan cost to make a big pot

5. Our practice today is to put sugar first, you can also pop the popcorn after the pot is boiled, and then sprinkle the sugar while it is hot, both methods can be operated, I personally think that the oil and sugar are stir-fried together, and the popcorn that comes out of this way has a caramel taste, which will be more delicious.

Homemade popcorn at home, remember these points, 2 minutes out of the pot, 3 yuan cost to make a big pot

6. After all the rice is bursting, we can get out of the pot, and the sweet and crispy ones we make ourselves are lower in cost, so try it at home if you like it.