
The 2024 mobilization meeting for the temporary training of outstanding young cadres of the "Zhuopu" plan was held

author:Released in Wuxi
The 2024 mobilization meeting for the temporary training of outstanding young cadres of the "Zhuopu" plan was held
The 2024 mobilization meeting for the temporary training of outstanding young cadres of the "Zhuopu" plan was held

On May 10, the mobilization meeting for the temporary training of outstanding young cadres of the 2024 "Zhuopu" plan was held.

The 2024 mobilization meeting for the temporary training of outstanding young cadres of the "Zhuopu" plan was held

Du Xiaogang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, sent a message to the majority of young cadres to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the healthy growth of young cadres, keep in mind the entrustment, work hard, take the right path of growth and success, display their talents and make contributions in the new era and new journey, and strive to be the pioneer of promoting the new practice of Chinese-style modernization in Wuxi.

Dong Shi, editor-in-chief of China Youth Daily, and Xu Liang, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of China Development Bank Jiangsu Branch, delivered speeches.

Gao Fei, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, presided over the meeting, and municipal leaders Feng Xiaochun, Zhang Zhen, Wu Jianyuan, and Qian Bin, President of the Municipal Court, attended the meeting at the main venue or branch venues.

In his speech, Du Xiaogang pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has focused on the far-reaching considerations of the party's cause and the long-term stability of the country, made a series of important expositions on how to cultivate and create a team of high-quality young cadres, and put forward a series of new ideas and new arguments, which pointed out the direction and provided fundamental guidance for strengthening the construction of the young cadre team in the new era. At the provincial organizational work conference, Nobunaga Xing, secretary of the provincial party committee, put forward specific requirements for doing a good job in the work of young cadres.

The Municipal Party Committee attaches great importance to the strategic training and reserve of young cadres, and in recent years, it has fully implemented the "Zhuopu" plan, comprehensively promoted the selection and cultivation of young cadres, and promoted the institutionalization, standardization and normalization of the work of young cadres.

Strengthening the building of the contingent of young cadres is a major political task that has a bearing on the overall situation and a major strategic project that brooks no delay.

Party organizations at all levels should more consciously consider the training and selection of outstanding young cadres in the most important politics of promoting Chinese-style modernization, establish the mind and vision of "talented people from all generations", devote themselves to the fire of "trying the jade to be burned in three days", and strive to forge a contingent of young cadres who are worthy of the important tasks of the times.

Du Xiaogang emphasized

The temporary training of the "Zhuopu" plan was systematically considered, fully investigated, and carefully organized by the municipal party committee, and the opportunity was precious and the time was limited.

All young cadres should seize the opportunity, correct their attitude, study hard, work hard to practice, make achievements in their temporary posts, make steady progress on the road of doing things, and strive to be the pioneers of the new era and new journey.

First, it is necessary to cultivate the lifelong task of ideals and beliefs. Unremittingly strengthen theoretical study, firmly support the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", always bear in mind the "great man of the country", consciously integrate personal ideals and struggles into the cause of the party and the people, take "going ahead, being an example, and making more contributions" as the positioning of all work, serve the development of "a game of chess" with personal "one move", and consciously be a person with lofty ideals and firm beliefs.

Second, we must broaden the vision pattern of moving towards the new. Maintain a strong thirst for knowledge, extensively dabble in various fields of knowledge, especially aiming at the development needs of new quality productive forces, update the knowledge system in a timely manner, optimize the knowledge structure, establish a global vision and strategic vision, actively learn the concepts and ideas of advanced regions, strengthen scientific and technological thinking, industrial thinking, innovative thinking, and market thinking, enhance the initiative, foresight and creativity of work, and update thinking in keeping the overall situation in mind, rejuvenate the ability in keeping close to the frontier, and innovate methods in changing concepts.

Third, we must temper the character of forging ahead. Adhere to the "to the vast and subtle", maintain the focus and perseverance in the pursuit of excellence, take out the responsibility of "dare to do, dare to break through, dare to do, dare to be the first", enhance the sense of responsibility and action for the cause and for the development of urgency, strengthen the penetrating research of the work, take the initiative to take the initiative to undertake urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy tasks, and strive to be the vanguard in the development of empowerment and cohesion.

Fourth, we must cultivate a down-to-earth work style. Establish and practice the correct outlook on political performance, set up a down-to-earth and down-to-earth style ruler, always take hard work as the motto, carry out extensive and in-depth investigation and research, actively think about and study innovative strategies to promote the work of the region and the department, put yourself in the position of the masses to solve practical problems, persevere and persistently grasp the implementation, pragmatically recruit in the spirit of seeking truth from facts, do practical things with the feeling of bowing down to the people, and really grasp the momentum of always grasping and seeking practical results.

Fifth, we must firmly grasp the discipline and precept of strict self-discipline. Buckle the "first button" of honest politics, always have a heart of awe, self-discipline, and gratitude, always maintain the prudence of walking as expected, build a strong ideological line of defense of honesty and self-discipline, consciously engrave the discipline rules in the heart, cultivate the righteousness of "born to the sun", always maintain a sunny and open-minded attitude, often introspect and self-police, and establish a good image of Wuxi cadres.

Du Xiaogang asked

Party organizations at all levels in the city should do a good job in the training and selection of young cadres, as a strategic project focusing on career development, a basic project for the construction of the cadre team, and a "first-hand" project personally grasped by the main responsible comrades, open their horizons and strengthen planning, follow the training rules, optimize the training path, and build a platform for young cadres to train and become talents, provide a stage for displaying their talents, and select and send out the best young cadres; Strict management, strict daily management, accurate tracking and efficiency, and strengthened the use of results, so as to encourage more outstanding young cadres to stand out; Caring for love, motivating and responsible, making every effort to do a good job in relevant service guarantees, caring more in thought, work and life, helping temporary cadres to solve practical difficulties, and wholeheartedly seeking development in their new positions, and doing their careers without distractions; On the basis of completing the "prescribed actions" with high quality, we will explore and innovate the "optional actions" for the training and training of young cadres, and strive to build a vanguard iron army that forges ahead on a new journey.

The 2024 mobilization meeting for the temporary training of outstanding young cadres of the "Zhuopu" plan was held

At the meeting, young entrepreneurs and young cadres were paired to award licenses, the third batch of workshops were unveiled, and the Zhuopu Development Foundation released the 2024 "Zhuopu" research project and the "Zhuopu into jade, training and empowerment" activities.

The 2024 mobilization meeting for the temporary training of outstanding young cadres of the "Zhuopu" plan was held

The main responsible comrades of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Binhu District Party Committee, representatives of outstanding cadres in the past, representatives of cadres on temporary duty in 2024, representatives of financial institutions, and representatives of young entrepreneurs delivered speeches.

The meeting was held in the form of video, and the main responsible comrades of various regions, the main responsible comrades of the municipal ministries and commissions, people's organizations, and directly affiliated units, the main responsible comrades of relevant units in Xixi, the cadres of financial institutions who came to Xixi, representatives of outstanding private enterprises and cutting-edge enterprises in Xixi, and some temporary cadres attended the meeting at the main venue.

This year, the city continued to optimize the "Zhuopu" plan for temporary training, on the basis of selecting young cadres to the three front-line training of higher-level organs, advanced regions and cities, it also focused on the development of new quality productivity and the promotion of high-quality development to build a temporary training platform, so as to cultivate new forces for shaping and developing new momentum and new advantages.

The 200 young cadres will be divided into nine routes and rushed to their respective temporary posts.

A group of young cadres will go deep into well-known domestic universities and national innovation platforms to follow the experience, and a group of key special classes such as integrated circuits, biomedicine, and low-altitude economy in our city will be responsible for tackling tough problems; A group of outstanding young entrepreneurs have been paired with first-class enterprises, cutting-edge enterprises and relevant financial institutions in Xi to carry out "specialization" and upgrading.

In order to improve the effectiveness of temporary training, the city organized all temporary cadres to hold pre-job training to help them adapt to new roles and integrate into new positions.

Source: Wuxi Daily

The 2024 mobilization meeting for the temporary training of outstanding young cadres of the "Zhuopu" plan was held