
Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

author:Crazy little Wang

Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

Recently, an anecdote about Alibaba's founder Jack Ma's meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has attracted widespread attention. During the talks, the Israeli prime minister asked a seemingly joking question: "Can Taobao buy missiles?" "Fun fun joke about Jack Ma. And Jack Ma's subsequent witty response not only cleverly avoided sensitive topics, but also won the applause of the audience, showing his excellent wisdom and emotional intelligence.

Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

1. Background and Context

Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

At an international conference in 2017, Jack Ma had an in-depth exchange with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. As two outstanding representatives in their respective fields, their dialogue naturally attracted a lot of attention. The Israeli Prime Minister's question, although it was a joke, also reflected curiosity about the types of goods and the scope of transactions on the e-commerce platform.

Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

2. Jack Ma's witty response

Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

In the face of the Israeli Prime Minister's question, Jack Ma did not directly answer "can" or "can't", but skillfully avoided sensitive topics, while demonstrating Taobao's legal business principles and rigorous attitude. He replied: "Taobao is a legal enterprise, and the merchants in Taobao also operate legally, and Chinese law strictly prohibits anyone or merchant from buying or selling arms." Therefore, you can't buy missiles on Taobao, but you can find related parts. ”

Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

This answer is not only wise, but also subtly demonstrates Taobao's principle of operating in accordance with the law and its adherence to commercial legitimacy. At the same time, it also demonstrated the diversity of Taobao's product categories and the openness and inclusiveness of Taobao as a global e-commerce platform.

Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

3. Deeper Meaning and Enlightenment

Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

Jack Ma's answer is not only a witty response, but also a transmission of the legal and compliant business philosophy of China's e-commerce industry. In today's globalized world, e-commerce platforms have become a bridge connecting consumers and merchants around the world. Legal and compliant operation is not only the cornerstone of the development of e-commerce platforms themselves, but also an important guarantee for safeguarding the rights and interests of consumers and promoting the healthy development of international trade.

Israeli Prime Minister ridiculed Ma Yun: Can Taobao buy missiles? Jack Ma's answer won the applause of the audience!

In addition, Jack Ma's answer also sends us a message: although technology is changing with each passing day, the bottom line of the law cannot be crossed. Whether in a traditional industry or an emerging field, abiding by the law and respecting the rules is always a principle that every practitioner must adhere to.

IV. Conclusion

The Israeli Prime Minister's ridicule and Jack Ma's witty response not only brought us a great conversation, but also gave us a deeper understanding and reflection on technology, business and law. In the future, we look forward to seeing more entrepreneurs like Jack Ma lead the industry forward with wisdom and courage, while also sticking to the bottom line of the law and contributing to the prosperity and development of society.

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