
Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

author:The taro is small

Two superstars join hands to ignite the lights of the Paris Olympics

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

In the vast starry sky, there are always a few bright stars, whose light not only illuminates their own path, but also lights up every corner of the world. And today, we are fortunate to witness a historic moment - the famous host of CCTV Kang Hui and the new generation of actress Zhao Lusi of internal entertainment, two superstars who seem to have nothing to do with each other, actually joined hands in the Olympic arena in Paris to win glory for the country and serve as the torchbearer of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. This news is like a spring breeze, exciting, and the whole network is boiling, saying that the arrival of this day is what everyone is looking forward to.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

1. Kang Hui: The benchmark of CCTV and the pride of the country

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

Kang Hui, this name is not new to many Chinese. As a famous host of CCTV, he has won the love and respect of the audience with his rigorous attitude, professional quality and cordial image. However, this time he stood on the Olympic stage in Paris, which made people see another side of him that was different from the past.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

Kang Hui has always been a benchmark figure of CCTV, and his every action and every sentence represents the image and dignity of the country. This time, he took on a heavy responsibility and went to Paris to serve as an Olympic torchbearer. This is not only an affirmation of his personal ability, but also a recognition of his contributions to the country over the years.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

During his days in Paris, Kang Hui showed his professionalism and calm temperament as a CCTV host. He not only performed well at the torch relay ceremony, but also actively promoted Chinese culture on various occasions, so that more people could understand and understand China. His words and deeds showed the demeanor and self-confidence of a citizen of a big country.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

2. Zhao Lusi: A small flower of domestic entertainment, blooming across borders

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

Compared with Kang Hui, Zhao Lusi's name may not be as well-known. However, her popularity and influence in the domestic entertainment industry should not be underestimated. As a new-generation actress, she has won the love and support of many fans with her sweet appearance, excellent acting skills, and affectionate personality.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

However, this time, Zhao Lusi crossed over to the Olympic arena to serve as a torchbearer. This is undoubtedly a great challenge and opportunity for her. But she succeeded in this task with her own hard work and talent. At the torch relay ceremony, she showed a confident, calm and determined image, allowing people to see a different side of her.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

In addition to serving as a torchbearer, Zhao Lusi also actively participated in various public welfare activities and cultural exchange activities, making positive contributions to the promotion of Chinese culture. Her actions not only won the love and support of the audience, but also made her a well-respected cultural ambassador.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

3. Cross-border cooperation: Break boundaries and build glory together

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

The cross-border cooperation between Kang Hui and Zhao Lusi is undoubtedly a historic moment. This not only breaks down the boundaries between traditional industries, but also shows that collaboration between different fields can generate tremendous energy and impact.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

Their collaboration not only showcases the talent and charm of the two men, but also shows the culture and spirit of China. Their actions not only let people see the demeanor and strength of Chinese youth, but also let people see the charm and influence of Chinese culture.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

4. Olympic Spirit: Convey faith and inspire strength

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

The status of an Olympic torchbearer is not only an honor, but also a responsibility and mission. They need to convey the Olympic spirit, arouse people's enthusiasm and strength, and contribute to the prosperity and strength of the country and the nation.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

Kang Hui and Zhao Lusi, as Olympic torchbearers, not only represent themselves, but also represent the country and the nation. Their actions not only convey the Olympic spirit, but also convey the spirit of unity, hard work and struggle of the Chinese people. Their actions not only inspired people's enthusiasm and strength, but also made people see the responsibility and deeds of Chinese youth.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

5. Cultural Exchange: Promote integration and pass on friendship

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

The Paris Olympic Torch Relay is not only a sporting event, but also an important opportunity for cultural exchange. Torchbearers from different countries and regions gathered here to carry messages of friendship, peace and progress.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

Kang Hui and Zhao Lusi, as representatives of China, actively promoted Chinese culture here, and had friendly exchanges with torchbearers from all over the world, promoting the integration and exchange between different cultures. Their actions not only show the charm and influence of Chinese culture, but also convey the friendship and warmth of the Chinese people.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

6. Looking to the future: hand in hand to create brilliance

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

With the Paris Olympics approaching, we look forward to more Chinese athletes winning glory for the country and creating more brilliant achievements on the field. At the same time, we also hope that more Chinese young people will be brave enough to go out of their own fields to try, challenge and create more possibilities like Kang Hui and Zhao Lusi.

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

We believe that in the future, more outstanding young talents will emerge in China, and they will use their talents and efforts to write a glorious chapter belonging to China. Let's move forward hand in hand to create a better future!

Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day
Kang Hui Zhao Lusi suddenly made an official announcement! The two ushered in a new identity, congratulations to the whole network, and finally waited for this day

The cross-border cooperation between Kang Hui and Zhao Lusi not only shows us that cooperation between different fields can generate great energy and influence, but also shows us the responsibility and action of Chinese youth. Their actions not only convey the Olympic spirit, but also convey the charm and influence of Chinese culture. Let's applaud them and applaud their courage and talent! At the same time, we also look forward to more Chinese young people being able to bravely step out of their own fields like them, create more possibilities, and contribute to the prosperity of the country and the nation!

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