
Zhao Lusi France as an Olympic torchbearer! It's also too cute to shout before the run! Interviewed in English!

author:Bobo said entertainment

Zhao Lusi France as an Olympic torchbearer: the light of youth across borders

At the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, we welcomed a special torchbearer – Zhao Lusi, a new generation of Chinese actors. When she received the Olympic flame in the French province of Gers, her smile and enthusiasm seemed to light up the entire arena, and also let us see the vitality and demeanor of Chinese youth.

Zhao Lusi France as an Olympic torchbearer! It's also too cute to shout before the run! Interviewed in English!

Zhao Lusi's shouting before the start was full of her cuteness and sincerity. Waving the torch in her hand, she shouted "China" loudly to the audience and fans, and at this moment, her voice crossed the national border and made the voice of China heard by the world. Her actions not only show the self-confidence and pride of Chinese youth, but also show us the unity and friendship in the Olympic spirit.

Zhao Lusi France as an Olympic torchbearer! It's also too cute to shout before the run! Interviewed in English!

In the interview, Zhao Lusi was interviewed in English, and her fluent and confident spoken language was amazing. She said that being a torchbearer for the Paris Olympics was one of the most honouring things in her life. She is very excited and happy because she has the opportunity to represent her country and show the world the demeanor of Chinese youth.

Zhao Lusi France as an Olympic torchbearer! It's also too cute to shout before the run! Interviewed in English!

Zhao Lusi's trip to the Olympic torchbearer not only made her proud, but also showed us the power of Chinese youth. Her participation not only adds more color and vitality to the Olympic Games, but also makes us look forward to the performance of the new generation of Chinese actors in the future.

Zhao Lusi France as an Olympic torchbearer! It's also too cute to shout before the run! Interviewed in English!

Zhao Lusi's journey as an Olympic torchbearer is not only a participation in a sports event, but also a feast of cultural exchanges. Her appearance shows us the self-confidence and openness of Chinese youth, and also makes us more convinced that the new generation of Chinese actors will show a more outstanding demeanor on the international stage in the future.

Zhao Lusi France as an Olympic torchbearer! It's also too cute to shout before the run! Interviewed in English!

In short, Zhao Lusi's trip to the Olympic torchbearer was an unforgettable experience and an unforgettable display. Her cuteness, sincerity and self-confidence make us look forward to her performance in the future, and also make us look forward to the wonderful bloom of the new generation of Chinese actors on the international stage.

Zhao Lusi France as an Olympic torchbearer! It's also too cute to shout before the run! Interviewed in English!

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