
State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

author:All the way to Shenghua 668 likes

State-owned enterprises, the foundation of the country, the pride of millions of people, have now fallen into such a field? Don't let people live! According to the news, 220 of the 600 leadership positions in the headquarters of a state-owned enterprise are occupied by the spouses of leaders, forming a ruling pattern of husband and wife. What the? The state-owned enterprises are opened by their families?

State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

The situation below is even more outrageous, in the 240 high-level positions of the subordinate companies, the children of the leaders are rampant, treating the enterprise as their own back garden, and they can enter and promote as much as they want, and the state-owned enterprises have become their "private territory". Where is there still a little bit of state-owned enterprises? It's clearly a family business!

State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

This uproarious "nepotism storm" has torn open the fig leaf of the personnel of state-owned enterprises and exposed it bloodily in front of the eyes of the world. In this kind of "family world" state-owned enterprises, ability and morality seem to have become superfluous things, and whether there is a background and whether there is a relationship is the decisive factor for promotion.

State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

Is the co-authoring of state-owned enterprises used for "inbreeding"? This kind of unfortunate employment system has not only buried many talented people, but has also fueled a kind of unhealthy trend of declining world style and profit-seeking.

State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

The harm of such "inbreeding" is not as simple as talent selection. The family in power only uses their own people to control the decision-making of the enterprise, and they pat their heads to decide things, can they still be expected to put the interests of the country and the people at heart?

State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

State-owned enterprises are used by them as their own cash cows, but they damage the interests of all the people! What's even more terrifying is that state-owned enterprises, as the country's important weapon, once there is a problem in decision-making, the consequences are unimaginable.

State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

Watching state-owned enterprises gradually become a world of related households, the central media finally couldn't sit still. Wave after wave of bitter criticism pointed to the fact that state-owned enterprises, the pillar of the country's economy, have been hollowed out by "inbreeding". In order to protect the lifeline of the country's economy, the central media called for strict investigation and punishment, stopping this trend of failure, and returning state-owned enterprises to a clear mind.

State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

In the face of the accusations on the screen, netizens were also angry: What does it mean to reduce staff and increase efficiency? The real work is gone, and there is a bunch of management left, it seems that this is the "efficiency" in their eyes? Under the banner of becoming bigger, stronger and better state-owned enterprises, they are unscrupulously engaged in inbreeding, which really blinds the eyes of many people!

State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

What the? You say it's human nature? Are the leaders looking for their own interests? This is the crux of the problem: if the leadership of state-owned enterprises only cares about their own selfish interests, how can state-owned enterprises shoulder the heavy responsibility of serving the country and the people? There is a saying that "self-cultivation and family rule the country and level the world", and if the leadership of state-owned enterprises is not correct, how can you expect state-owned enterprises to act right?

State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

This "nepotism storm" is like a hammer, sounding the alarm bell for the reform of state-owned enterprises. We call on the relevant departments to strictly investigate "inbreeding", cut off the chain of interests of Fu defeat, and return state-owned enterprises to a clear mind. Of course, this can not only rely on external supervision, but also requires the top management of state-owned enterprises to get rid of bad habits from the depths of their thoughts, focus on the country, take the people as the foundation, and employ people on the basis of merit, so that state-owned enterprises can truly become the pillars of the country and the pride of the people!

State-owned enterprises into "family businesses"? Of the 600 cadres, 220 are spouses, and 240 are children

We can't let state-owned enterprises become the "self-reserved land" of a few powerful people, this is no longer an internal matter of the enterprise, but a matter of social justice for you and me, and about the long-term peace and stability of the country! As an ordinary person, what do you think about the reform of state-owned enterprises? Leaders of state-owned enterprises, it is time for you to reflect and reflect, what do you regard state-owned enterprises as?

(Reference information: "State-owned enterprises, an institution that carries the important mission of national economic development, are now being questioned about its essence"--WeChat public account "Iron Shoulder Morality")