
The first time I went to my girlfriend's house to see my mother-in-law, I looked at the couplet when I left, and I decided to break up

author:Who am I 19862

Truth and Decision Behind the Door

My name is Li Hao, and I come from a small town full of books. My parents, both teachers at school, had high hopes for me to inherit their mantle and become a man of knowledge and character. However, I was so passionate about technology that I chose to work as a product manager in a start-up internet company after graduation, building the future digital world with wisdom and creativity.

In addition to the busy work, I met her - Lin Wan, a picturesque girl. Her eyes are deep and bright, as if they hide endless wisdom and stories. Our acquaintance was like fate, and every conversation made me feel extremely happy and satisfied. We were attracted to each other and gradually fell in love.

However, as the relationship deepened, I knew it was time to meet Lin Wan's family. It was a weekend evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled in the quaint courtyard of Lin Wan's house, revealing a quiet and solemn beauty. Carrying a carefully selected gift, I walked into this strange home with trepidation.

Lin Wan's mother, a woman with an elegant temperament, greeted me with a smile. Her gaze revealed a kind of scrutiny and inquiry, as if searching for my strengths and weaknesses. I tried to keep myself calm and chatted with her about family life. From work to life, from hobbies to hobbies, I try to show my authenticity and talent as much as possible.

However, just when I thought I had won her favor, my eyes inadvertently fell on the couplet by the door. It is a traditional couplet, neatly and powerfully, implying the harmony and happiness of the family. However, when I read it closely, I realized that there seemed to be some secret hidden inside.

The first time I went to my girlfriend's house to see my mother-in-law, I looked at the couplet when I left, and I decided to break up

"Like-minded, build the future together; The door is right, and it will be perfect. This couplet caused a huge ripple in my heart. It seems to imply a clash of family values and values. I began to realize that Lin Wan's mother may not be optimistic about our relationship, and she would prefer that Lin Wan can find a boyfriend who is compatible with her.

My heart instantly became heavy. I know that I am not the kind of son from a famous family, and I don't have a prominent family background and background. But I firmly believe that my talent and hard work can win the future. However, this couplet in front of me made me doubt my decision and confidence.

In the course of talking to Lin Wan's mother, I tried to impress her with sincerity and talent. I told her that my love for Lin Wan was real and strong, and that I was willing to do whatever it took to make it for our future. However, her expression remained calm and detached, as if my words had not stirred up any waves in her heart.

At night, I lay alone in my hotel bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. I began to wonder if our relationship could really cross that chasm. I began to wonder if my ability and worth could really win the recognition and support of Lin Wan's family.

At this moment, Lin Wan called me. She asked me with concern if I was okay and if I had adapted to my new environment. I told her about my confusion and uneasiness, and she was silent for a moment before whispering, "Li Hao, I know my mother's thoughts may make you feel stressed. But please believe that my love for you is sincere and unwavering. No matter what happens, I will stand by your side to support you and accompany you. ”

Hearing her words, a warm current welled up in my heart. I knew I couldn't just give up. I decided to talk to Lin Wan's mother again. I want to tell her that my love for Lin Wan is real and pure, and I am willing to do everything for our future.

The first time I went to my girlfriend's house to see my mother-in-law, I looked at the couplet when I left, and I decided to break up

However, when I came to Lin Wan's house again, I found that things were not so simple. Lin Wan's mother still adheres to her own ideas and values, and she believes that being the right person is a necessary condition to ensure the stability and happiness of the family. Her words left me disappointed and helpless, but I knew I couldn't just give up.

I began to reflect on my actions and attitudes. I realized that I might have been too impatient and impulsive before, and I didn't really understand the thoughts and concerns of Lin Wan's family. So I decided to change my strategy and communicate with them in a more gentle, rational way.

In the days that followed, I communicated with Lin Wan's mother many times and listened to her thoughts and concerns. I told her that my love for Lin Wan was real and strong, and that I was willing to do whatever it took to make it for our future. At the same time, I also expressed my views and understanding of the concept of family, and hoped to be recognized and supported by her.

After many exchanges and exchanges, Lin Wan's mother finally began to gradually understand my thoughts and determination. She saw my sincerity and dedication to Lin Wan and my firmness and dedication to the future. Eventually, she agreed to give us a chance to prove that our feelings were genuine and strong.

I was surprised and delighted by this ending. I know that I have not given up on my love and dreams, but have fought and defended them with courage and wisdom. I also cherish the relationship with Lin Wan even more, and I am willing to work hard and struggle together for our future.

Looking back now, that experience was full of challenges and difficulties, but it also made me more mature and stronger. I learned that love is not everything, but true love requires courage, wisdom and perseverance to guard and cherish. And that couplet has become an eternal reminder and warning in my heart, so that I always remember the true meaning of love and the meaning of life.

The first time I went to my girlfriend's house to see my mother-in-law, I looked at the couplet when I left, and I decided to break up

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