
Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

author:Mirror Wen said
Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

Recently, a storm in the entertainment industry has caused an uproar, and actor Gao Yalin has been involved in a series of disputes with many women, which has aroused widespread social attention and discussion.

The initiator of the incident was Wei Jia, who broke the news of Gao Yalin's misconduct on Weibo, including domestic violence, infidelity and other scandals, which shocked the public.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

Faced with this matter, Gao Yalin did not evade responsibility, but actively took action, trying to calm Wei Jia's emotions and show determination to solve the problem.

He even publicly responded to the incident through the media, a response that did not calm public opinion, but instead provoked more controversy.

In the face of Wei Jia's revelations, netizens showed a variety of attitudes and opinions, and their evaluations of her were mixed.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

Some netizens praised Wei Jia's bravery and frankness, believing that her coming forward to expose Gao Yalin's misconduct was a sign of justice.

They believe that Wei Jia is speaking up for herself and other victims, and defending the dignity and rights of women.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

A netizen left a message on social media: "Wei Jia is so brave, she is not afraid of the oppression of power, she is not afraid of the pressure of public opinion, she stands up for the truth, we should give her support and respect." ”

There are also some netizens who are skeptical and skeptical about Wei Jia's behavior.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

They believe that Wei Jia's revelations may have personal grudges or other ulterior motives, and it cannot be ruled out that he is using this turmoil to gain attention and hype himself.

A netizen said in the comment area: "After so many years, why did she just jump out to speak now? Isn't it for hype? Don't think everyone is stupid. ”

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

In the comments of netizens, some people questioned Wei Jia's revelations.

They believe that what Wei Jia uncovered lacks evidence and may contain elements of exaggeration and fiction.

A netizen left a message: "Wei Jia just made accusations out of thin air and did not provide any evidence, this kind of behavior is too irresponsible!" Can she ruin a person's image just by her words? ”

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

In this turmoil, Xu Zijun's appearance added more waves to the whole incident.

In her post, she explained the incident from her own point of view, denied having an inappropriate relationship with Gao Yalin, and publicly accused Gao Yalin of insulting her and asked him to apologize.

Xu Zijun's post immediately attracted the attention and heated discussions of netizens.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

Some netizens supported her statement, believing that she bravely stood up to protect her rights and interests, and expressed their support and encouragement to her.

A netizen commented: "Xu Zijun is an independent woman, she has the right to defend her dignity and rights, and supports her courageous statement." ”

There are also some netizens who are skeptical of Xu Zijun's post, thinking that she may be using this turmoil to hype herself.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

A netizen left a message: "After so many years, why did you just jump out and speak now? Is it to be fashionable? Other people's daughters are quiet, why is she still so troublesome? ”

As the incident fermented, some netizens began to look through Xu Zijun's past words and deeds.

They posted some old chat records and photos on social media, trying to find out the relationship between Xu Zijun and Gao Yalin.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

A netizen commented: "Look, this is the chat record between Xu Zijun and Gao Yalin, there is obviously a problem!" It's useless for her to say anything now. ”

As more details were exposed, Xu Zijun's image was questioned and attacked among netizens.

Some netizens began to speak ill of her, and even made personal attacks.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

They left a lot of negative comments and abuse on social media in an attempt to suppress Xu Zijun to the bottom.

A netizen wrote: "Xu Zijun, this woman is so shameless, she is obviously a third party, and she is embarrassed to come out and speak, it is really shameless!" ”

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

The impact of the development of the whole incident on Gao Yalin and Xu Zijun cannot be underestimated, their image has been seriously damaged, and they have also fallen into the siege of netizens, and it is difficult to get rid of the trouble of public opinion.

For Gao Yalin, this turmoil completely broke the good image he had created in the public mind for many years and pushed him to the forefront of public opinion.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

As a high-profile star, he once showed a warm and sunny image, which was loved by fans.

As the incident came to light, the public began to see another side of him, those unknown ugliness and misdeeds.

His image went from glamorous overnight to a symbol of chaos and chaos, prompting a wave of verbal criticism.

In this turmoil, Gao Yalin bore the brunt of the storm.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

He tried to respond to the incident through the media and express his attitude and explanation, but this response failed to calm the controversy, but further intensified the contradictions of public opinion.

Nothing he did seemed to be able to change the public's negative impression of him, leaving him devastated and distressed.

For Xu Zijun, she also fell into the whirlpool of public opinion and became the "third party" in the mouth of netizens.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

Although she tried to clarify her position by posting, this response failed to be recognized by netizens, and was instead met with more accusations and abuse.

Her image has been seriously questioned and attacked in the eyes of the public, and she has been labeled with various negative labels, making her feel that there is nowhere to run.

Facing the siege of public opinion, Gao Yalin and Xu Zijun are in a deep predicament.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

They may have thought that they would be able to go all the way smoothly, but the reality brutally shattered their beautiful illusions.

They feel isolated, misunderstood, troubled, and unable to find a way out.

For Gao Yalin, this turmoil is not only a blow to his personal image, but also a heavy blow to his career and life.

The accusations and criticism he has received have come not only from the outside world, but also from his own family, friends and fans.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

He felt very lost and hesitant, did not know how to deal with this dilemma, and his heart was extremely heavy.

For Xu Zijun, this turmoil is also a huge challenge and test.

She may have just wanted to defend her rights and innocence, but she didn't want to be the target of public bombardment.

She felt that she had been wronged and misunderstood, and her heart was full of grievances and helplessness, but she couldn't change the outside world's opinion of her.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

This incident has triggered a deep reflection on the image of stars in the entertainment industry.

Many celebrities may have hidden sides behind their glamorous appearances, and those who can keep themselves clean are even more precious.

This turmoil is not only a personal review of Gao Yalin, but also a wake-up call to the entire entertainment industry, making people begin to re-examine the true face behind the behavior and words of celebrities.

Xu Zijun posted a response: Received money! Took the resources, but did not accept his feelings

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