
The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

author:Kittens talk about the world

1. A certain dynasty invaded the Japanese invaders, and the heroes of the martial arts resisted bravely

On the Liaodong Peninsula in a certain historical period, a group of brutal and unscrupulous pirates swept across the border like locusts, disturbing the order and stability of the entire northeast region in an instant.

Driven by a sense of mission to defend the homeland and defend the dignity of the country, the righteous people in the martial arts world have stepped forward and launched a thrilling battle against the Japanese.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

Among them, Ximen Changhai, a martial arts rookie created by Zhao Benshan, is a bright star in this anti-Japanese war. He had witnessed the hideous face of the Japanese and experienced their atrocities firsthand, so he strengthened his determination to devote himself to the cause of resisting the Japanese.

However, due to various reasons, Ximen Changhai was unable to directly participate in this battle. In order to cover up his whereabouts, he implored his twin brother Ximen Changzai (also played by Zhao Benshan) to pretend to be himself and be stationed at Quedaomen for a period of time instead of him.

At first, the timid and cowardly Changzai resolutely refused his brother's request. But in the face of Changhai's bitter pleading, he couldn't bear to go against his brotherhood after all, so he could only reluctantly agree. So, after some twists and turns, he began his difficult journey as the "master" of the Magpie Knife Gate.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

Second, he is embarrassed to be in charge

When he was just appointed as the head of the Quedao Gate, he felt powerless. He originally imagined that the Quedaomen should be a city and a powerful city, but he didn't expect his younger brother to hide the truth from him.

In addition to him, the "head", there are only three young disciples and one senior sister in the entire sect, and it is obvious that the sect has decayed and withered, almost to the point of existing in name only.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

What's even more ironic is that the younger brother also told him another big lie, claiming to match him with a partner. As a lonely old man who longs for love, he has been waiting for this marriage with great anticipation, but in the end he finds that it is just an empty joy.

Looking at the dilapidated Quedao Gate in front of him, Chang Zai couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, and decided to pack his bags and find another way out. However, just as he was about to leave, several men in black sent by his younger brother Changhai surrounded him and resolutely prevented him from leaving.

As a last resort, he could only stay in Quedaomen and continue to serve as this embarrassing "head" position.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

In order to conceal his true identity, Chang Zai had to make up the nonsense that "retreat and cultivation led to madness" to deal with the inquiries of the master and his brothers. However, the disciples witnessed his mad behavior, and although they were full of doubts, they still had to choose to believe blindly.

Despite this, the long-term hope for a good marriage has not given up his efforts. Finally, the apprentices actually introduced him to an old woman who was over the age of sixteen as a blind date. Chang was ecstatic, mistakenly thinking that this was his destined marriage.

Unexpectedly, this old woman turned out to be the cauliflower mother-in-law of the Phoenix faction, who came to ask for a ransom.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

The result is an intriguing and dramatic conversation between the two, which both find inexplicable, which ultimately makes things even more confusing. Fortunately, at this critical moment, the man in black sent by his younger brother arrived in time, and Granny Cauliflower told the truth.

It turned out that she was hunted down and killed to protect the son of a general, and it was Ximen Changhai who came to her rescue and saved her life. It turned out that all this was just a coincidence and a misunderstanding.

3. Zhao Dezhu fell into a trap

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

In the Quedao Gate, Zhao Dezhu (played by Yuexian) is the second senior brother of Ximen Changhai, with unique skills and an open-minded personality, showing the heroic temperament of the Northeast man. However, he is such a chivalrous hero, but he can't escape the trap set by Tianchi Gang Xiaoliu.

Xiao Liu is the brother-in-law of the leader of the Tianchi Gang, and he was ordered to lurk in the Quedao Gate, intending to frame the master in the door. He first imitated Zhao Dezhu's voice, and invited his junior brother Yulang to meet late at night in Dezhu's tone.

After learning of this, Zhao Dezhu was furious and went straight to Yulang's residence in a menacing manner.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

Pushing open the door, I saw Yulang looking panicked, and Zhao Dezhu shouted and asked, "Even if you dare to have a relationship with Rourou?" As soon as the words fell, he swung his fist and slammed it, beating Yulang beyond the power to parry.

Yulang didn't know anything about this matter, and only thought that his senior brother hated because of love and was insane.

Just when Zhao Dezhu was furious, Xiao Liu once again insulted in the tone of Yulang: "Just because you, a poor monk, also want to spend the rest of your life with a beauty like Rourou?" Zhao Dezhu was completely enraged, and drew his sword and pointed directly at Yulang.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

Fortunately, at this time, the senior sister Ye Siniang (played by Ge Shanshan) appeared in time to stop this dispute. She saw through Xiao Liu's trick at a glance and severely rebuked him.

It turned out that everything was a conspiracy carefully planned by Xiao Liu! The spy of the Tianchi gang was finally forced to withdraw from the dispute after the operation failed.

Fourth, the beginning and end of the three apprentices being ruthlessly packaged by capital

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

The Quedaomen showed its amazing strength at the Changbai Mountain Sword Conference and became the new overlord in the rivers and lakes. This feat aroused a lot of interest among entertainment capitalists, who quickly launched a move to try to make a fortune in the entertainment industry by packaging the three disciples of the Magpie Daomen.

The capitalists did not hesitate to throw out the so-called "sky-high price" in an attempt to pocket the three apprentices with millions of dollars. They vowed that as long as they had sufficient funds, even if the three apprentices did not master the real martial arts, they were confident that they would be in the top three in the upcoming talent show "Heroes, Please Be in Place".

Although the Quedaomen family was poor, in the face of such tempting conditions, the masters and apprentices could not resist the temptation after all. As a result, the eldest brother Hao Meng (played by Zhao Liang) was portrayed as a "spoiled wife and crazy demon", the second senior brother Zhao Dezhu was made into an "inspirational model", and the little apprentice Yulang (played by Yan Guangli) was portrayed as a "descendant of Yang Guo", carrying out all-round idol packaging.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

At first, the three of them were ecstatic at the sudden fame and fortune, thinking that they had picked up a big bargain. However, as time passed, they gradually fell into trouble, and eventually one by one their reputations were discredited.

Hao Meng was exposed to the "cheating" scandal, and his "favorite wife" collapsed instantly; In order to create a topic to attract attention, Zhao Dezhu accepted an interview without authorization, but was accidentally misunderstood by the media as "taking drugs", causing his reputation to plummet; And what happened to Yulang was even more tragic, he was worshiped as a "king" by his fanatical fans, and he almost suffered a catastrophe.

In the end, under the double attack of fanatical fans and black fans, the three were fired by the capitalists one after another, and since then they have lost their personalities, lost their reputations, and become the object of ridicule by everyone.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

Fifth, the tacit connection between brothers

The increasing status of the Magpie Sword Sect in the martial arts has aroused the jealousy and challenge of another powerful force, the Tianchi Gang. Although the traitor Xiaoliu has been subdued, the masters of the Tianchi Gang are still eyeing the Quedaomen and are determined to destroy this sect in one fell swoop.

In the face of the enemy's fierce attack, the Quedaomen retreated one after another, and it was on the verge of collapse. At the time of life and death, Ximen Changhai had to resort to the last killer weapon - the art of clone.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

He succeeded in creating a clone of extraordinary strength and fought alongside his brother. These two brothers showed an impeccable tacit cooperation, using a variety of peerless martial arts, and defeated many masters of the Tianchi Gang strongly, making them unable to resist and retreating step by step.

This shocking "doppelganger" performance not only completely frustrated the arrogance of the Tianchi Gang, but also revitalized the leadership position of the leader of the Quedaomen Martial Arts Alliance, making it a veritable martial arts leader with great momentum.

The fact that the brothers were able to work together in a life-or-death situation is another testament to their deep friendship and unrivalled team spirit.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

They were preoccupied, and their only goal was to protect the peace of the Magpie Knife Gate with all their might.

6. Summary at the end: A unique comedy masterpiece

As one of the few sitcom masterpieces in recent years, "The Legend of Magpie Knife Gate" is undoubtedly a unique work that has brought refreshing surprises to people. This drama skillfully integrates multiple elements such as martial arts, comedy, and suspense to build a world that is both familiar and novel.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

The passionate passion of martial arts runs through the whole plot, and the tense atmosphere of swords and swords, and Huashan on swords is coming, which makes people's blood boil. The ingenious design of the suspense plot makes the audience endlessly curious about the identity and motivation of the characters, which makes people want to stop.

In addition, the unique charm of Zhao's comedy is also a highlight of the show. The brothers' Northeast flickering skills, coupled with the authentic Northeast dialect, can be called the top masters in the comedy industry.

They cooperated tacitly, fooled the master and apprentices, deceived foreign enemies, and kept laughing, making the audience laugh.

The costume version of country love, the twin brother of Rakshasa Haishi, really depends on Zhao Benshan to watch a comedy

At the same time, the show did not shy away from ridiculing and criticizing the entertainment industry. Issues such as draft packaging, character marketing, and shady industrial chains are all vividly displayed in the play, with strong irony.

In terms of character creation, the play fully demonstrates the character characteristics of the people of Northeast China, bold and spicy, outspoken, and this distinctive regional characteristic is also unforgettable.

To sum up, "The Legend of Magpie Knife Gate" is known as the most outstanding comedy masterpiece in recent years with its unique style and impeccable quality, giving the sitcom a new brilliance.

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