
Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

author:Happy rendition

The premiere of "Singer 2024" detonated heated discussions on the Internet

On the evening of May 10, the first live broadcast of "Singer 2024" attracted widespread attention on the whole network. Although the show was debuted, it immediately topped the hot search list and attracted the attention of a large number of viewers. In particular, the nervous performance of veteran singer Na Ying, and the unique style of the rock band Second-hand Rose, have become the focus of heated discussions. Although many people predicted that Na Ying would occupy the top spot, the actual result of the show surprised everyone.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

International singers made a stunning appearance

Canadian singer Faouzia, as the first foreign contestant to take the stage, immediately grabbed everyone's attention with her powerful singing voice. Her fluent singing and superb technique touched everyone present, even if the lyrics were unfamiliar to some audiences due to language differences. In order to shorten the distance with the Chinese audience, Faouzia not only adopted the affectionate nickname "Yaya", but also specially created a video of the whole family tasting Chinese tea together, showing her respect and love for Chinese culture.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

The collision of youth and experience

The young Wang Sulong has undoubtedly become one of the focal points. Faced with the dissuasion of the directorial team, he chose an unusual path - to sing a brand new song. Wang Sulong said firmly: "Since you are here, you have to do something different." What am I doing here if I don't take the risk? This fearless spirit not only showed his unique insights as a new generation of singers, but also made the atmosphere of the scene reach a boiling point.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

The Challenge of Youth: The Risks and Opportunities of New Songs

The freshness of the new song did attract the attention of the audience, but at the same time, it also faced a significant problem: the lack of resonance with the live audience. Since the song is not yet widely known, the opportunity for the audience to sing together is lost, which poses a certain obstacle to the emotional transmission of the scene. Wang Sulong's nervousness in the performance was not fully released, especially in the climax part, the voice seemed a little depressed, and the treble part was not surging enough, which affected the overall expressiveness.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

Skills and Growth: The Future Possibilities of Wang Sulong

Although the debut performance was not perfect, from a professional point of view, Wang Sulong's new song shows a high level of creative talent, both in terms of melody and lyrics. As long as there is more stage practice, I believe that he will be able to control the atmosphere of this large-scale scene better and better. In the future, if this song can be repeated on major music platforms and accumulate a sufficient audience base, it is entirely possible that it will become a hit on the pop music charts.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

The beliefs and controversies of the new generation

Wang Sulong's attempt is not only a challenge to his own ability, but also a subversion of the traditional song selection strategy. In his view, the beauty of music lies in innovation and individuality, even if it can be risky and controversial. This spirit of young singers who dare to break through the routine and try new things is worth learning from each of us. However, this choice is bound to lead to some controversy: should music programs pay more attention to the popularity of the work, or should it encourage the artist's original spirit and personality?

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom
Wang Sulong's performance not only added a topic to "Singer 2024", but also provided the audience with a starting point for thinking: how should we find the right balance between tradition and innovation? While appreciating freshness and originality, how do we ensure that the music resonates universally and conveys the depth of emotion? This will be an important consideration for the future development of music programming.

Facing the pressure: Na Ying's challenge

In the first live broadcast of this season, Na Ying's performance failed to meet the expectations of many fans. Although her quality and experience are unquestionable, it is clear that the over-tension on the court has affected her performance. This nervousness is not only reflected in her voice, but also in her body language, which does not hide her uneasiness: the helplessness of her singing and the frequent adjustment of her posture reveal her inner anxiety. Despite this, Na Ying's musical talent is still impossible to ignore, but under such pressure, even the most experienced singers can be out of order.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

The challenge of multiple roles

In the past two years, the pace of Na Ying's life has accelerated significantly. In addition to her music career, she is also frequently involved in the recording of various TV variety shows, and at the same time, as a mother of two children, she also takes on a lot of responsibilities in family life. This switch of multiple roles has undoubtedly increased the pressure on her life, and at the same time, it has also cut the time she devotes to music composition and practice. For an artist, continuous creation and practice is the key to maintaining artistic status, and the lack of these will inevitably affect the stage performance.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

The balance between art and life

For Na Ying, how to find a balance between art and family in her busy life is a big challenge she is currently facing. The life of an artist often requires a certain amount of segregated personal time for artistic creation and psychological adjustment, but family responsibilities often complicate this ideal state. Na Ying's situation is a reflection of the dilemma of many working women, how to find a reasonable balance between career development and family responsibilities.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

A collision of culture and experience

On the stage of "Singer 2024", Na Ying's comparison with other international singers also provides a perspective on the exchange of culture and experience. Although she is slightly older than the American singer Chanté Moore, she is not the same in terms of performance. Chanté Moore showcased her extensive experience on the international stage and her composure in the face of the big stages, not only as a showcase of her own talent, but also as a result of years of experience on stage. Although Na Ying is also experienced, her nervousness may have been affected by multiple life pressures in this competition.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

Prospects and expectations for the future

For Na Ying, although the result of this competition was somewhat surprising, it also provided an opportunity for reflection and adjustment. She can use this experience to re-examine her career and personal life. There is undoubtedly still a lot of room for her to develop in the future, and she can better cope with similar large-scale stage challenges by adjusting her time management and mental strategies. And we, as the audience, should also give more understanding and support, after all, the growth of artists is also a process that has gone through ups and downs.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

Rock and experimental collide

The performance of Second-Hand Rose completely subverts the traditional concert format. Their rock style and experimental approach to performance have created an extreme reaction from the audience. Some people are completely attracted by their performances, while others think their performances are subpar. But in any case, their performances undoubtedly add to the highlights of the show and give people a new understanding of rock music.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

The difficulty of transformation and self-breakthrough

In the world of music and performing arts, the constant self-renewal and transformation is an unavoidable topic for artists. Na Ying's experience, although it exposed her vulnerability under great pressure, also provided an opportunity for reflection and growth. She is faced not only with how to adjust her technique or improve her performance, but also with how to rediscover the audience's empathy while maintaining artistic authenticity. This is not only a technical challenge, but also a psychological and emotional exploration.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

The association between age and stage performance

On stage, age is often seen as a sensitive topic. For Na Ying, although she is the same age as Chanté Moore, she shows a different stage effect because of the difference in pressure management and experience application. This reminds us that stage performance is not only about age, but also about the artist's state of mind, readiness and ability to handle stress. Excellent artists are able to use their mature processing methods to transform their personal life experience into artistic expression on the stage, and such a transformation process is a kind of art in itself.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

The psychological endurance of the artist

Mental endurance plays a crucial role in an artist's career. For Na Ying, how to find a balance between intense public attention and the pressure of personal life is a problem she must face. Behind this poor performance may be a temporary imbalance in her psychological adjustment. Improving her psychological endurance will not only help her better cope with future stage challenges, but also enable her to go further and more steadily on the road of art.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

The interaction between art and life

The living conditions of artists have a direct impact on their artistic creation. Na Ying's multiple roles in recent years have enriched her life experience, but they have also distracted her from focusing on art. In the future, she may need to re-examine the balance between the two and find ways to enrich her personal life without sacrificing artistic creativity. By adjusting the rhythm of daily life and work, Na Ying is fully capable of transforming these life experiences into profound expressions on stage.

Singer 2024 upset - foreign singers are firmly in the first and second place, Na Ying ranks third, and Hailai Amu is at the bottom

Looking to the future: reinventing brilliance

Although Na Ying failed to achieve the expected results in this competition, it does not mean that her artistic career will stop there. An artist's career is always full of ups and downs, and every low point can become a new springboard. For Na Ying, how to learn from this experience, adjust her state, and present a more mature and moving performance on stage in the future will be her new challenge. At the same time, her experience has also provided valuable inspiration for other artists - how to persevere in the wind and rain and continue to move forward.

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