
What doesn't belong to you, don't fight; Don't hold an umbrella that doesn't belong to you!

author:Good luck in the Year of the Rat

Life is like a colorful picture, and each of us is a painter on the scroll, drawing our own chapters with our own experiences and emotions. But in this picture, there are always some colors that don't belong to us, and some umbrellas that don't fit us to hold up. We are often plagued by external temptations, always trying to grasp those things that do not really belong to us, but often ignore the people and things around us that are truly worth cherishing.

What doesn't belong to you, don't fight; Don't hold an umbrella that doesn't belong to you!

What doesn't belong to you, don't fight. There are thousands of things in this world, but not all of them are suitable for us. Sometimes, in order to get something, we will pay a huge price, even sacrificing our dignity and principles. But in the end, we find that these so-called "gets" do not bring us real happiness and satisfaction. Instead, we have more to lose in the scramble. Because what really belongs to us doesn't need to be fought for. They will appear in our lives at the right time and in the most appropriate way.

What doesn't belong to you, don't fight; Don't hold an umbrella that doesn't belong to you!

Don't hold an umbrella that doesn't belong to you. Everyone's life has its own rhythm and color, and we can't force others to live according to our wishes, nor can we change ourselves in order to cater to others. It's like an ill-fitting umbrella, even if we force it open, it can't shield it from the wind and rain. So, we have to learn to let go of those things that don't belong to us and make our lives easier and more comfortable.

What doesn't belong to you, don't fight; Don't hold an umbrella that doesn't belong to you!

Everything in life has its own certainty. Forcing it will only exhaust you. Sometimes, we get so attached to something that we lose sight of other good things in life. When we let go of those obsessions and feel the bits and pieces of life with our hearts, we will find that there are so many people and things in life that are worthy of our cherishment and gratitude.

What doesn't belong to you, don't fight; Don't hold an umbrella that doesn't belong to you!

The one who doesn't care about you, don't wait. Time is the most precious asset, and we can't waste it on people who don't care about us. Waiting is a beautiful emotion, but waiting also has a bottom line. If that person really doesn't care about you, then your wait will only make yourself more miserable and disappointed. Therefore, we must learn to stop losses in time and spend our time and energy on more worthy people and things.

What doesn't belong to you, don't fight; Don't hold an umbrella that doesn't belong to you!

What you want, do your best. Everyone's dreams and pursuits are different, but whatever we want, we have to put in the effort to strive for it. But at the same time, we also need to understand that not all hard work pays off. Sometimes, we give a lot and the result is not what we wanted. At this time, we need to learn to accept reality and learn from it.

What doesn't belong to you, don't fight; Don't hold an umbrella that doesn't belong to you!

In addition to being able to have affection for a long time, you can also see people's hearts. Under the baptism of time, those who treat each other sincerely will become closer and closer, while those who are hypocritical will gradually show their feet. Therefore, we must learn to feel the people and things around us with our hearts, and cherish those who are really good to us.

What doesn't belong to you, don't fight; Don't hold an umbrella that doesn't belong to you!

Kindness must have a bottom line, and tolerance must have a limit. In the process of getting along with others, we must maintain a kind heart, but at the same time, we must also have our own principles and bottom line. For those who are ungrateful and gain inches, we must learn to say "no" and use our kindness and tolerance to influence them, rather than condone their wrong behavior.

What doesn't belong to you, don't fight; Don't hold an umbrella that doesn't belong to you!

Life is a practice. In this practice, we have to learn to let go of what doesn't belong to us and cherish what belongs to us. Treat the world with kindness and tolerance, but also protect yourself and don't let your sincerity be let down. Only in this way can we find true joy and fulfillment in life.

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