
Now the "nutrient soil" is used to raise flowers, and the family planting flowers will also "hurt the roots", and learn 3 points before use

author:knowledge is infinite


When raising flowers, the common choice is nutrient soil, which can not only provide enough nutrients for plants, but also maintain a moderate moisture level of the soil, so that plants have a better growth environment.

However, the use of nutrient soil is very important, and incorrect use can easily lead to root rot, so what are the ways to use nutrient soil?

Now the "nutrient soil" is used to raise flowers, and the family planting flowers will also "hurt the roots", and learn 3 points before use
Now the "nutrient soil" is used to raise flowers, and the family planting flowers will also "hurt the roots", and learn 3 points before use

1. Correct use of nutrient soil.

Now the "nutrient soil" is used to raise flowers, and the family planting flowers will also "hurt the roots", and learn 3 points before use

# 1.Moisture reuse.

Now the "nutrient soil" is used to raise flowers, and the family planting flowers will also "hurt the roots", and learn 3 points before use

After the nutrient soil is purchased home, it is often dry, because in order to reduce the weight in the process of transportation, the soil is often dried, but in this way, the soil will be used when watered, the inside is still dry, which can easily lead to dry roots and plant wilting.

Therefore, before use, the nutrient soil must be wet, so as to ensure that the water is fully provided to the plants, and avoid excessive water loss caused by the rapid absorption of water by the soil after watering, resulting in excessive dryness of the nutrient soil, and after wetting, it should be placed for a while, so that the water in the soil can fully penetrate into every corner.

# 2. Add pellets.

It is necessary to add a certain amount of particulate matter to the nutrient soil, because this helps to increase the gap of the soil, improve ventilation, and can also avoid the problem of root rot caused by the soil being too wet, because the addition of particulate matter can make the soil have a certain air permeability, so that it is not easy to cause the soil to be too wet, and some plants do not like too wet growth environment, such as fleshy plants, such plants will be easy to cause root rot if they are in a humid environment for a long time.

So what are the common particulate matter in the home?

The common ones are perlite, river sand, etc., perlite has very good air permeability, and it is not easy to rot, so it is very suitable for use in fleshy plants, and river sand, the air permeability is also good, and it can maintain a certain degree of moisture, so when raising flowers at home, river sand is often added to the nutrient soil to ensure that the soil is not too dry.

# 3.Use a fungicide.

When the nutrient soil is used, it is easy to be polluted by the outside world, and it is easy to breed bacteria, so it is easy to cause plant infection and disease, so before use, it must be disinfected, and fungicides must be used to disinfect the soil, only in this way can we ensure that the growth environment of the plant is clean and hygienic, so that the plant can also be infected with diseases.

Now the "nutrient soil" is used to raise flowers, and the family planting flowers will also "hurt the roots", and learn 3 points before use

2. Management of nutrient soil.

# 1. Maintain ventilation.

The ventilation of nutrient soil is also very important, because if the soil is not well ventilated, it is easy to cause the soil to be too wet, which will easily cause root rot, and some plants do not like wet environments, such as cacti, if they are in a humid environment, it is easy to cause cactus root rot.

Therefore, when raising flowers at home, we must keep the soil ventilated, so as to ensure the dryness of the soil, and can effectively avoid the occurrence of mold and bacteria in the soil, so as to ensure that the plants have a dry growth environment.

# 2.Check the humidity regularly.

After watering, the surface of the soil is often dry, but the inside is still wet, which is because the air permeability of the soil is not good, so after watering, the internal water is not very easy to penetrate to the surface, so when watering, there is often a situation that it is not wet.

Therefore, when raising flowers at home, it is necessary to carefully check the moisture of the soil, and to avoid watering without wetting, and to keep the soil moderately moist, so as to ensure that the plant has a good growth environment.

# 3.Avoid overwatering.

When raising flowers at home, the amount of watering is also very important, too much watering will easily lead to root rot, and it is easy to lead to lack of oxygen in the root system of the plant, so when watering, we must control the amount of watering, and when watering, we must also keep the water flow stable, so that it is not easy to cause the deformation of the soil, affecting the ventilation of the soil.

Now the "nutrient soil" is used to raise flowers, and the family planting flowers will also "hurt the roots", and learn 3 points before use


As an important item in raising flowers, the price of nutrient soil is relatively expensive, but as long as it is used and managed correctly, it can make the life of the soil longer, and in the process of raising flowers, it can also have better results, so the use of nutrient soil is very worth the investment.

When raising flowers at home, it is necessary not only to manage the soil, but also to manage factors such as light, temperature, and fertilization, so that the plants can have a better growth environment and maintain the healthy growth of plants.

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