
The "grievances" of MSG are revealed: from misunderstanding to truth, an article to clarify MSG's "past life and present life"

author:Ah San Food

In the world of food, MSG seems to be a controversial spice of its own, and its reputation is sometimes like a delicacy in the morning mist, and sometimes it is like a mystery on the table. Today, let's clear the clouds together, walk into the "past life" and "present life" of MSG, use the light of science to dispel the rumors surrounding it for many years, and restore the true appearance of MSG.

The "grievances" of MSG are revealed: from misunderstanding to truth, an article to clarify MSG's "past life and present life"

The delicacy of MSG

Many home chefs and food lovers smile when it comes to MSG, a low-key magician who can instantly awaken the flavor of dishes and bring out the brilliance of ordinary ingredients. The history of MSG began in Japan in 1908, when chemistry professor Kikunae Ikeda accidentally discovered the secret of "umami" in a bowl of seemingly ordinary kombu cucumber soup. This discovery not only opened up the industrial production of monosodium glutamate, but also made "fresh" as an independent taste, alongside sour, sweet, bitter and salty, enriching the taste bud experience of human beings.

The "grievances" of MSG are revealed: from misunderstanding to truth, an article to clarify MSG's "past life and present life"

A storm of rumors

However, MSG's journey has not been all smooth sailing. In 1968, an article about "Chinese restaurant syndrome" pushed MSG to the forefront, and for a time, "MSG is harmful" was very popular, such as "MSG is toxic", "MSG can cause cancer" and other remarks were everywhere, which made the star of the seasoning industry unjust. Behind people's worries is the misunderstanding and fear of monosodium glutamate, the ingredient of monosodium glutamate.

The "grievances" of MSG are revealed: from misunderstanding to truth, an article to clarify MSG's "past life and present life"

The defense of science

What are the facts? Let's measure it with a scientific ruler. Glutamate, the building block of protein, is widely found in nature, including in numerous everyday foods. When it is present in monosodium glutamate in the form of a sodium salt, its safety is supported by extensive scientific research. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made it clear that moderate consumption of MSG is not harmful to healthy adults.

The "grievances" of MSG are revealed: from misunderstanding to truth, an article to clarify MSG's "past life and present life"

And those legends about MSG causing hair loss, spermicidal and even carcinogenic lack scientific basis. For example, heating MSG may produce sodium pyroglutamate, but this is not meant to be carcinogenic, and this change only occurs at extreme heat, which is rarely achieved in everyday cooking. As for hair loss, it is more related to genetics, stress and other factors, and has nothing to do with MSG.

The "grievances" of MSG are revealed: from misunderstanding to truth, an article to clarify MSG's "past life and present life"

The rebirth of MSG

With the transparency of information and the popularization of scientific knowledge, MSG has gradually shed the negative label of the past. People are beginning to realize that MSG, as a pure grain fermentation product, is no different from sugar and salt. Even, with the emergence of new condiments such as essence of chicken, MSG continues to be active in the kitchen in another form, and with its unique umami, it continues to add color to people's tables.

The "grievances" of MSG are revealed: from misunderstanding to truth, an article to clarify MSG's "past life and present life"

MSG and essence of chicken

When it comes to the modern evolution of MSG, we have to mention its "relative" - chicken essence. The emergence of chicken essence is an innovative expansion of the concept of monosodium glutamate. It not only contains about 40% MSG, but also adds natural flavor-enhancing ingredients such as salt, starch, sugar, and chicken meal, adding a touch of mellow and natural chicken flavor to the umami taste. The deliciousness of chicken essence is actually the result of the synergistic effect of monosodium glutamate in monosodium glutamate and chicken extract and other ingredients. Therefore, those who are worried about the health of chicken essence can rest assured that it also adheres to food safety standards and is another indispensable seasoning art in the kitchen.

The "grievances" of MSG are revealed: from misunderstanding to truth, an article to clarify MSG's "past life and present life"

Rumors stop at the wise

The story of MSG is a journey from misunderstanding to understanding, which teaches us that while enjoying food, we must also learn to analyze rationally and not be swayed by unverified statements. Next time, when you pick up that small bottle of MSG again, you might as well bring a new understanding and feel the pure deliciousness from nature. Remember, true deliciousness is often hidden in a deep understanding and scientific understanding of ingredients. Let our table return to pure taste enjoyment, and let rumors stop beyond the threshold of science.

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