
French beauty: See you for a long time, China raises chickens in the desert, and actually "greens" the desert

author:Small_ Tao 🍫

The world is full of wonders, so we often see a lot of amazing and interesting things, and everyone looks at problems from a different perspective, some problems are very difficult for some people to solve, but they are easy for others.

As we all know, desertification is a huge problem faced by the world, and every country needs to find the most suitable way to solve it, but because the geological conditions of deserts are too harsh, it is not so simple for countries to solve them.

French beauty: See you for a long time, China raises chickens in the desert, and actually "greens" the desert

Desert management is a long process, which not only requires a lot of investment and energy, but also consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, which is a huge consumption for all countries. Previously, a French beauty said frankly: See you for a long time, China raises chickens in the desert, and actually "greens" the desert! What's going on here?

French beauty: See you for a long time, China raises chickens in the desert, and actually "greens" the desert

It turned out that the French beauty saw a report about China on the Internet, about a man in Gansu Province, China, who wanted to open a chicken farm, so he planted 100 acres of licorice in the desert, and for three years, the man has been sprinkling grass seeds on the sannong, and finally, the Gansu guy actually succeeded in completely greening the 500 acres of desert, which not only improved the geological environment of the desert, but also built a good home for the chickens.

French beauty: See you for a long time, China raises chickens in the desert, and actually "greens" the desert

For this Gansu guy's feat, the French beauty felt very incredible, she never expected that the problem of desertification control, which was a headache for all countries in the world, was solved so easily, I have to say that the wisdom of the Chinese is too high, this guy is really very talented.

French beauty: See you for a long time, China raises chickens in the desert, and actually "greens" the desert

Everyone must be very curious, can this method used by the Gansu guy be promoted? In fact, this needs to be adapted to local conditions, it is understood that the reason why the Gansu guy can plant green plants in the desert is mainly because the local climate is humid, and often rainfall, which is of great help to plant green plants, to put it bluntly, the land planted by the Gansu guy is man-made desertification, and can not be regarded as real desert governance, so this method may not work in other areas.

French beauty: See you for a long time, China raises chickens in the desert, and actually "greens" the desert

Of course, since ancient times, our China is a nation full of wisdom, although the desert management method of the Gansu guy may not be promoted, but the mainland can use the "grass grid sand control method" to carry out desert governance, you know, the method invented by the mainland is called "Chinese Rubik's Cube", and has been recognized by the world, and now there are many successful desert management in China are inseparable from this method, it is enough to see that Chinese culture is indeed broad and profound.

French beauty: See you for a long time, China raises chickens in the desert, and actually "greens" the desert

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