
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has renewed his call for an end to the war in Gaza

author:Global Village Observations
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has renewed his call for an end to the war in Gaza

UN Secretary-General António Guterres addresses reporters in Nairobi, Kenya.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who is attending a UN civil society conference in Nairobi, Kenya, warned today that the fate of the Palestinians and the entire region hangs in the balance. He reiterated his call on the leaders of Israel and Hamas to show political courage and spare no effort to reach an agreement to end the war in Gaza and release all hostages.

As Israeli military operations in Gaza continue, more than a million Palestinians are crammed into Rafah province in southern Gaza. Over the past few days, Israel's military operations in Rafah, Gaza's southernmost city, have continued to escalate, with some 110,000 people fleeing Rafah for their lives. "A large-scale ground assault in Rafah would lead to a huge humanitarian catastrophe and undo our efforts to support people when famine is imminent," Guterres said. ”

The United Nations has actively mediated the good offices

The United Nations is actively engaging with the parties to resume the delivery of life-saving assistance, including much-needed fuel, to Gaza through the Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings.

At the same time, the main medical facilities in Rafah may soon be inoperable, including the only dialysis unit in Gaza that is still functioning. And the humanitarian teams in southern Gaza have run out of tents or food stocks.

He stressed that international humanitarian law clearly states that civilians must be protected, especially vulnerable groups who cannot escape the fighting, such as pregnant women, children, the wounded, the sick, the elderly and the disabled.

The West Bank has far-reaching implications

Guterres noted that the attacks in Gaza have had a profound impact on the occupied West Bank. The spike in settler violence, excessive use of force by the Israel Defense Forces, forced evictions and evictions is deeply disturbing.

"All of this points to the need for the international community to unanimously call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, and a massive increase in life-saving assistance," he said. ”

Solidarity with Kenya

Guterres made the remarks to reporters at the end of a United Nations civil society conference in the Kenyan capital.

At the same time, he expressed solidarity with the people of Kenya and expressed his deepest condolences to those affected by the floods in the country and other parts of East Africa.

He said the United Nations would continue to support the Kenyan government's relief efforts.

Follow the situation in the Sudan

Guterres also spoke about conflict situations in other parts of Africa. These conflicts are taking a toll, destabilizing lives and dividing communities.

He expressed particular concern about the ongoing war in Sudan, where 9 million people had fled their homes and the imminent famine in Darfur.

He said the violence in El Fasher has hampered the delivery of aid and that an attack on the city would be devastating to civilians.

Guterres also expressed deep concern over reports of escalating violence in North Kordofan, South Kordofan and Gezira states.

He urges all parties to respect international humanitarian law, protect civilians and facilitate full and unfettered humanitarian access.

"At the end of the day, we know that there is no military solution to this conflict," Guterres said. We need an urgent, coordinated international effort to provide a political process that will put the Sudan back on track. ”

In that regard, he welcomed the measures taken by the parties to end the conflict, including the efforts of the Intergovernmental Organization on Development in East Africa, the African Union, the League of Arab States and through the talks held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Salute to civil society

Guterres participated in the two-day UN civil society conference, which attracted about 1,500 participants.

In his closing remarks, he thanked the delegates for their work and noted that he had witnessed the tremendous impact of civil society around the world.

He noted that many of them carry out their work at great personal risk. "Climate activists are convicted and persecuted; threats against human rights defenders; Humanitarian workers have been killed. ”

Reform of the call

Guterres urged civil society to continue to work with the United Nations to address ongoing crises such as conflict and climate change, promote sustainable development and work to build a better world.

He said that while these challenges require collective solutions, the current international system "is not up to the task." He stressed the need for reform, including the "ineffective and unjust" international financial system. "We need to reform and reinvigorate multilateralism so that it reflects today's realities and is able to meet the challenges of tomorrow," he said. ”

Summit of the Future

Guterres said the future summit to be held at UN headquarters in September is "a pivotal moment to advance our vision of a new multilateralism."

The summit's goals include accelerating sustainable development, mobilizing finance for climate action and development, and advancing progress on reforming the international financial system.

Other areas of action include taking into account the interests of future generations in today's decision-making, bridging the digital divide, prioritizing conflict prevention, and working towards a nuclear-free world.

"The Summit of the Future is an opportunity to move forward on issues that matter to you and me," Guterres said. Let's seize this opportunity together and make the Summit of the Future really work. ”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has renewed his call for an end to the war in Gaza
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has renewed his call for an end to the war in Gaza