
When people reach middle age, the skills of long-term love between men and women are these two words

When people reach middle age, the skills of long-term love between men and women are these two words

Chapter 01

As we all know, adults are not as innocent and innocent about love as they were when they were younger, and even more so for middle-aged people.

In this era of the supremacy of interests, love that can be trusted by middle-aged people is usually based on practical needs or means to achieve a certain goal.

Some people may think that if you see love too much as a benefit, you will lose its own beauty.

It is worth mentioning that when people enter middle age, they usually know exactly what they want.

Getting along well, understanding and understanding each other are the keys to the long-term love between middle-aged men and women. This also applies to love, and only in this way can long-lasting feelings be cultivated.

In fact, the so-called harmony and tacit understanding ultimately stem from the attitude of "appreciation".

When people reach middle age, the skills of long-term love between men and women are these two words

Chapter 02

Appreciating love is like being based on a house. Only a solid foundation will not be destroyed by wind and rain.

The best technique for making middle-aged men and women fall in love over time is to appreciate each other.

Sister Li and her husband Ma Ge have been married for more than 15 years, and their marriage is currently in the stage of the seven-year itch.

We can see that Sister Li and Brother Ma have done a very good job in this regard.

Generally speaking, couples in their age may quarrel frequently because they don't trust each other, or they may go to divorce because they lose interest in each other. In contrast, they are united by trust and passion.

They don't keep saying that they already know each other very well, because they are always able to discover more interesting aspects of each other.

When people reach middle age, the skills of long-term love between men and women are these two words

Chapter 03

Indeed, if we spend a long time together, but we can't discover good things together, even if the relationship is good, it will be overshadowed by time. We need to look at each other with open, sensitive and beautiful eyes in order to achieve a long-lasting and harmonious relationship.

They say their relationship experience has not been smooth sailing. Like other couples, they have experienced stages of mutual boredom.

However, they are often fortunate to find that at this time, they are always quick to discover the qualities in each other that are worth admiring.

For example, in Brother Ma's view, Sister Li is not only a good wife and mother who is good at housework, but also an elegant lady who knows how to enjoy life. Sometimes, she can also take on the role of her own life coach, providing positive encouragement and guidance to Ma Ge.

In Sister Li's view, Brother Ma is not only a responsible husband and father, but also a big boy who will always dot on her. Sometimes, he can show a gentlemanly demeanor, gentle and elegant, and impress.

When people reach middle age, the skills of long-term love between men and women are these two words

Chapter 04

In general, no matter when and where, in the eyes of each other, each other is always an irreplaceable life partner.

Some people are curious to ask a loving couple their secrets and watch them get along day after day. Their answer is to appreciate each other more every day. It's a simple yet effective way to keep them in a long-lasting happy relationship.

What they are looking for is to develop emotions slowly, not for momentary passions. It is precisely because of this that they never make rash judgments based on each other's points.

Of course, the passion will eventually fade, and it will bring blandness. If you want to make the relationship new for a long time, you must know how to discover the beauty around you at any time in the daily chores.

When people reach middle age, the skills of long-term love between men and women are these two words

Chapter 05

As the famous animation director Hayao Miyazaki said, there are many kinds of waiting in the world, but the most beautiful one is a hopeful future.

There is no time limit for love, but the most important thing is to have a reason to love each other.

In fact, the love between Sister Li and Brother Ma is not as perfect as the outside world thinks. They are just good at using their time, working together, and understanding each other to make their feelings more progressive.

As the saying goes, a man dies for his confidant, and a woman is for a person who pleases himself. Regardless of age, people like to be appreciated and recognized. We favor those who see our unique beauty.

When middle-aged men and women want to be together, they need to learn to appreciate each other. I believe that no matter the strengths or weaknesses of the other party, the degree of beauty or ugliness, there is something worth appreciating. This will help facilitate the process of long-lasting affection.

When people reach middle age, the skills of long-term love between men and women are these two words

Chapter 06

As the old saying goes, the lover's eye is shih hiff. Only you can see what makes the other person different, and it's only a matter of time before emotions develop slowly.

In the past era, the arrangement of parents' orders and matchmakers' words was common, but there were still many loving couples who set an example. Although these couples are arranged by their parents, they are able to respect, trust, support and love each other.

The reason why this is so is because they appreciate each other and constantly deepen their tacit understanding and fit with each other.

In those days, divorce was seen as an undesirable option. Unless there is no other way, couples will try to get along with each other.

Perhaps, we didn't fall in love with someone at first sight. However, over time, we can find more reasons to get to know each other and love each other.

When people reach middle age, the skills of long-term love between men and women are these two words

Chapter 07

Everyone has a sparkling quality that you just have to dig to discover. Even if age makes you feel that you no longer believe in love, you can still find beauty in it.

This is also the belief that Sister Li and Brother Ma have always adhered to. As long as we dare to discover it, our feelings for our loved ones will not disappear easily.

Even as we get older, we can still believe in love. Although everyone has their own people and things they love, as long as we are willing to discover, believing in love can still make our hearts move.

The love of middle-aged people is like a half-brewed wine. Although I am reluctant to throw it away, I always feel that the mellow taste is missing.

If you want to taste a good wine, you have to be patient and wait for it to go through the time and the brewing process. This requires constant fermentation and repeated brewing to achieve the best taste.

Love knows no age. As long as you believe it, it will always sprout and grow. Be willing to discover its beauty and let it thrive day in and day out.