
The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips by 2032

author:Dragon's Groaning World

The "Chinese chip" was stalled, and the Japanese media once again sounded the alarm

Chips, the "heart" of technological development, have once again become a hot topic. Recently, a joint report from the semiconductor industry association and the Boston Consulting Group caused shocks - by 2032, the world's production capacity pattern of the most advanced chips below 10 nanometers will change dramatically, with the United States accounting for 14% and China accounting for only 2%.

As soon as the news came out, the foreign media continued to sing about it. The Japanese media took the opportunity to release satellites to comment on the current situation and future of China's chip industry. There is a bit of malice and prejudice mixed in it, but there is also a pertinent analysis, which is worth pondering for Chinese practitioners.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips by 2032

Splash cold water or escort?

This high-profile report is authored by an authoritative organization and has data from reliable sources. Japanese media also admitted frankly in the report that this is indeed a "head-on blow" to China's chip industry.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips by 2032

However, the attitude of the Japanese side towards this report was somewhat unexpectedly "enthusiastic." In addition to directly quoting the data of the report, it is also to judge and analyze the development status and future of China's chip industry.

Some Japanese media said that the results of the report once again confirmed such a cruel fact: there is a huge gap between China and the United States in chip manufacturing, especially in the production of chips with advanced processes.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips by 2032

Another Japanese media pointed out: "Even in 2032, China's advanced chip production capacity will only be 2% of the world's, which means that it will be extremely difficult to achieve equality with the United States in this field."

There are even media who are slightly excited to rebuke the lagging development of China's chip industry, believing that this has seriously affected the stability of the global chip supply chain, and at the same time puts China at a disadvantage in the global competition for scientific and technological strength.

However, there are also a very small number of Japanese media trying to escort the development of China's chip industry. They believe that although the gap does exist, China is also increasing investment in science and technology and trying to catch up with advanced technology upstream. As long as you persist, you can finally make breakthroughs in the field of chips.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips by 2032

All kinds of comments can be described as mixed, there is a suspicion of hype, and there is no lack of objective analysis. But in general, these remarks all revolve around the same topic - what is the current state of development of China's chip industry? Where is the future headed?

Actions speak louder than words

So, is the current situation of China's chip industry really as backward as the Japanese media said? What will happen to its future development?

First of all, it is an indisputable fact that there is indeed a certain gap between China and developed countries such as the United States in terms of the production capacity of advanced process chips. But it is by no means in the predicament of "wandering" as the Japanese media said.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips by 2032

In the past few years, China has attached great importance to the development of the chip industry, and has introduced a series of encouraging policies in terms of talent training, financial support, and project support. Leading enterprises in the industry, such as SMIC and YMTC, have also spared no effort in mechanism innovation and technological research, and have made breakthroughs.

Taking SMIC, a leading enterprise, as an example, its 28nm process chip production capacity has reached the international leading level. 14nm process chips are also expected to reach mass production in the near future. What's more worth mentioning is that SMIC has made it clear that the mass production of 7nm process chips is the next goal.

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips by 2032

Although these development steps have not reached the top of the chip manufacturing industry, the progress is so large and fast that it is by no means "difficult" to describe. Do some Japanese media lack sufficient understanding of the development of China's chip industry, or are biased, so as to make biased comments?

What is the future of China's chip industry?

So, where is the future development path of China's chip industry? Some views were also given in Japanese media reports. For example, it will be extremely difficult for China to keep up with the pace of the United States in the production of advanced process chips. There is even a faint hint of pessimism about "powerlessness".

The situation is dire! Japanese media: There are reports that China will only be able to produce 2% of the most advanced chips by 2032

However, any great undertaking is commendable. Although the development of China's chip industry has ups and downs, as long as it continues to adhere to the development path of independent innovation, it will eventually be able to make a breakthrough at the top of the manufacturing industry.

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