
In 1979, in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Wang Guangmei came to the construction site to visit her son Liu Yuan and left a precious group photo

author:Chen Yue's Historical Records

In 1979, an era full of change and hope, the construction site of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River was a busy scene with roaring machines and loud voices. In this hot land, there are not only countless builders sweating, but also leaving a touching family picture. Among them, the precious footage and rare picture of Wang Guangmei visiting her son at the Three Gorges construction site have become an eternal memory.

In 1979, in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Wang Guangmei came to the construction site to visit her son Liu Yuan and left a precious group photo

Wang Guangmei, a woman of wisdom and tenacity in the long river of history, decided to embark on a journey to the Three Gorges construction site one day in 1979. Her son, as one of the many builders of the Three Gorges, is fighting day and night on this hot land, contributing his youth and strength to the cause of national construction. Wang Guangmei is well aware of her son's hard work and dedication, and hopes to be able to cheer him on the scene in person and send his mother's care and warmth.

After a long journey, Wang Guangmei finally came to the Three Gorges construction site. When she saw her son's tired but determined eyes, all the worries in her heart turned into relief and pride. The mother and son hugged each other tightly, and the warmth and happiness at that moment seemed to be frozen in the long river of time.

Accompanied by her son, Wang Guangmei visited the Three Gorges construction site. She saw towering cranes, busy construction sites, and sweaty workers. She was touched by the builders on this land and had a deeper understanding of her son's responsibilities and missions.

In 1979, in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Wang Guangmei came to the construction site to visit her son Liu Yuan and left a precious group photo

At the construction site, Wang Guangmei also met the families of some other builders. They also come from all over the world and come here resolutely to support their families' careers. These family members encouraged and supported each other to get through the difficult times together. Wang Guangmei was infected by their tenacity and courage, and strengthened her determination to support her son.

At the Three Gorges construction site, a photographer captured precious footage of Wang Guangmei reuniting with her son. In the photo, the mother and son hugged each other tightly, with happy smiles on their faces. The happiness and warmth of this moment seem to be contagious to everyone who looks at the photos.

This photo not only records the happy moments and warm pictures of the mother and son, but also becomes a witness and inheritance of history. It has witnessed the changes and development of an era, and has also witnessed the great contributions made by countless builders to the country and the people.

The reunion between Wang Guangmei and her son at the Three Gorges construction site is not only a touching family story, but also a good story that has been praised through the ages. It allows us to see the greatness and selflessness of mother's love, and also allows us to see the efforts and sacrifices made by the builders for the benefit of the country and the people.

This story also tells us a truth: no matter how the times change, no matter where we are, we should cherish our relatives and friends around us, and warm their hearts with our love and care. At the same time, we should also express our high respect and gratitude to those builders who have contributed to the country and the people.

Looking back at history, it is not difficult for us to find that the Three Gorges Project is an important milestone in the history of China's modernization. It is not only an important support for the country's development, but also an important guarantee for the improvement of people's living standards. In this process, countless builders have made great efforts and sacrifices, and they have used their sweat and wisdom to build this great project.

In 1979, in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Wang Guangmei came to the construction site to visit her son Liu Yuan and left a precious group photo

Looking forward to the future, we have reason to believe that under the leadership of the state and with the joint efforts of the vast number of builders, the Three Gorges Project will continue to play an important role in the country's development and create a better life for the people. At the same time, we also hope that more people can pay attention to and support these builders, so that their efforts can be duly rewarded and respected.

In short, the reunion between Wang Guangmei and her son at the Three Gorges construction site is not only a touching family story, but also a good story that has been praised through the ages. It allows us to see the greatness and selflessness of mother's love, and also allows us to see the great contributions made by the builders for the benefit of the country and the people. Let us always remember this history and remember the heroes who contributed to the country and the people!