
In November 1861, Cixi came to the Zongren Mansion to see Su Shun, the last face of the great enemy, and Su Shun did not understand why Cixi had to kill herself, knowing that her talent was above Prince Gong. In this


In November 1861, Cixi came to the Zongren Mansion to see Su Shun, the last face of the great enemy, and Su Shun did not understand why Cixi had to kill herself, knowing that her talent was above Prince Gong. In this game of thrones, Su Shun never understood why Cixi hated him so much? What kind of secrets and grievances are hidden in this life-and-death struggle?

During Su Shun's days in the Zongren Mansion, every day was a deep fear of life. He saw that Zaiyuan and Duanhua's family kept sending daily necessities, but he had nothing, and he began to understand that his status in Cixi's heart was already low to dust. He began to reflect on his life, and the deeds that once made him proud now seemed so pale and powerless.

He began to look forward to Zeng Guofan and Hu Linyi being able to save him, and looking forward to people of insight in the court being able to look at his past exploits and give him a chance to be a new man. However, these expectations eventually came to naught. Until the appearance of Zai Ling, it gave him a glimmer of hope. Zailing's visit gave him a glimmer of life, but he still didn't know what his future would be.

Zai Ling's visit may have been a last-ditch effort by Sushun's supporters in the imperial court, or it could have been a ploy by the Sushun family. However, all this, Su Shun could not be sure. He could only wait in this endless wait, hoping that his fate would change.

However, just when he thought that his fate would take a turn for the better, the so-called "grace" gave him a bolt from the blue. At that moment, he finally understood that his position in Cixi's heart could not be changed. He finally understood that his image in Cixi's heart was irretrievable.

In this game of thrones, Su Shun lost, lost completely. He lost to Cixi's hatred, to his own innocence, to this cruel world. However, he does not regret it, because he knows that he has worked hard, struggled, and left his mark in this world.

In this world, everyone has their own destiny and their own path to follow. Although the road of Sushun was bumpy and tortuous, he still walked firmly. Because he knows that only in this way can he find his own worth and meaning.

In this game of thrones, Cixi won, and won very thoroughly. She has earned power, she has earned status, she has won glory. However, she lost her heart, her emotions, and her soul. Because she knew that she had hurt someone, a person who treated herself sincerely.

In this world, everyone has their own choices and their own decisions. Cixi's choice, although cruel and ruthless, still walked firmly. Because she knows that only in this way can she protect her power and position.

However, in this world, there is another force called the human heart. People's hearts cannot be conquered by power and status. Cixi won power, but lost the hearts and minds of the people. And Su Shun, although he lost his life, won the hearts of the people. In this game of thrones, who exactly wins and loses, perhaps only history can give an answer.

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In November 1861, Cixi came to the Zongren Mansion to see Su Shun, the last face of the great enemy, and Su Shun did not understand why Cixi had to kill herself, knowing that her talent was above Prince Gong. In this
In November 1861, Cixi came to the Zongren Mansion to see Su Shun, the last face of the great enemy, and Su Shun did not understand why Cixi had to kill herself, knowing that her talent was above Prince Gong. In this
In November 1861, Cixi came to the Zongren Mansion to see Su Shun, the last face of the great enemy, and Su Shun did not understand why Cixi had to kill herself, knowing that her talent was above Prince Gong. In this

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