
A man who is afraid of losing you will behave: 2 words

author:Marriage counselor Liu Jie

Text: Marriage counselor Liu Jie

In love, we often fall into a cycle of searching and proven, and verify each other's intentions through various ways.

It seems that only by seeing and hearing those touching vows and promises with our own eyes and ears can we feel at ease and be sure that we are deeply loved.

But many times, true love is not publicized, it is silent, but it can be detected in every subtlety of life.

When a man is afraid of losing you, he may not express his worries in words, but his every move and every look reveals a deep "nervousness".

This kind of nervousness is not fear, but a kind of cherishment, a deep attachment to you.

Every time he is "nervous", he cares about you and is reluctant to give up on you.


"Care" about your feelings

If a man is really afraid of losing you, then he will definitely care about your feelings.

He will always keep an eye on your emotions, even if he says something wrong, or if he behaves to upset you.

This kind of care is not deliberately to please you, but sincerely hopes that you can be happy every day.

For example, the pair of Da Li and Fangfang, Da Li is really affectionate to Fangfang.

A man who is afraid of losing you will behave: 2 words

He is always very careful about what he says and does, for fear of accidentally making Fangfang unhappy. If Fangfang frowned, Da Li would immediately think, did I do something wrong?

This kind of extreme concern for the other party's emotions, to put it bluntly, Da Li is too afraid of losing Fangfang.

We all know that when two people are together, they need to be considerate and understand each other.

Da Li did this because he cared about his relationship with Fangfang and wanted her to be happy every day.


"Cherish" the time spent with you

If a man is afraid of losing you, he will especially cherish every minute and second with you.

He will feel that the time he spends with you is very precious, and he doesn't want to miss any time that he can spend with you.

Just like Po and his girlfriend, the two of them are in a long-distance relationship, and every time they can be together, it is actually very short.

But Po cherishes the time with his girlfriend very much, and every time they meet, he will find ways to arrange various activities, just so that the two can leave more good memories.

Even if he is about to separate, Po will do some small ceremonies to make his girlfriend feel his reluctance and look forward to the next meeting.

Therefore, if a man cherishes the time with you, then he must care about you very much, and he must be very afraid of losing you.

These performances are actually what he wants you to know that he really loves you and hopes that the relationship between you will last a long time.


"Guard" your safety

If a man is really afraid of losing you, then he will be especially concerned about your safety. Not only the safety of your body, but also your mood and thoughts, he will be very concerned.

A man who is afraid of losing you will behave: 2 words

Take Zhijun and his girlfriend, for example, the two of them are in love.

Zhijun is really concerned about his girlfriend, especially her safety. Every time his girlfriend had to work overtime or go out at night, Zhijun would repeatedly tell her to be careful.

Moreover, if his girlfriend encounters something difficult or feels scared, Zhijun will definitely stand up to help her as soon as possible.

He is the strong "backing" of his girlfriend, letting her know that there is someone to protect her at all times.

So, if there is a man who cares so much about your safety, then he really cares about you and is afraid of losing you.

Because he understands that only if you are safe and secure, your relationship can always be happy.


"Respect" your choice

Respect is a word that is really important in love. If a man is afraid of losing you, then he will respect your choices, even if they are different from his ideas.

Let's say two people are together, and you want to go to a field to study for two years. He doesn't want you to leave, but he will give you the most basic respect and support your decision.

He will not tie your hands and feet, he hopes that you can become a better version of yourself, and he will be willing to wait for you all the time.

This respect is not only in major matters, but also in everyday life. When encountering problems, he will always come to ask your opinion, respect your habits, and will not force you to change.

A man who is afraid of losing you will behave: 2 words

So, if a man is willing to respect your choice, then he not only cares about you, but is also afraid of losing you.

He wants you to do what you want to do and live the life you want. He did this because he wanted to go on with you.

In fact, a man's fear of losing your performance can be boiled down to two words: "nervous".

As Isakovsky said: "Love, it is not one heart beating the other, but the spark of two hearts hitting together." ”

When a man is afraid of losing you, he will treat you with all his heart. His every subtle gesture is the deepest love for you.