
Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

author:Xiaoqi loves to talk


Tan Qindong, a name that is famous in the medical field, once had a bright future for him.

With his extraordinary wisdom and hard work, this master of medicine has already stood out among his peers.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

His expertise is solid and his medical skills are superb, and countless patients have been rejuvenated by his wonderful hands.

Tan Qindong, just like the dazzling star, shines brightly in the starry sky of medicine.

But who would have thought that this dazzling light would be eclipsed in an instant.

At the end of 2017, Tan Qindong was hunted down across provinces for criticizing a product called Hongmao Medicinal Liquor.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

The police stormed down his door and dragged him to prison with an iron fist.

Since then, freedom, dignity, and dreams have been ruthlessly deprived. The once invincible medical elite was reduced to a prisoner and suffered humiliation.

In the cramped and cold cell, Tan Qindong spent every minute and every second in torment.

97 days, 2,328 hours, 139,680 minutes...... Every number is a merciless assault on his body and mind.

He was once high-spirited, but now he is tortured to the bone. He stared blankly at the sky outside the iron window, but his heart was full of holes.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

Outside the door, the wife ran and called for help, but no one responded or cared about the tragic plight of the family.

Although Tan Qindong regained his freedom, his heart was full of devastation. He lost the precious benevolence of a doctor and the noble ideal of revitalizing medicine.

A social event that has attracted national attention

Tan Qindong's encounter smashed into the calm society like a boulder, splashing a huge wave of public opinion.

For a while, some people were indignant and complained about Tan Qindong; Some people watched from the sidelines, accusing him of self-inflicted suffering; There are also people who take advantage of the opportunity to make profits and fan the flames.

Supporters raised their arms and shouted, Tan Qindong was just a scholar, and his criticism was from the heart, not with malicious intentions. Opponents sneered, arguing that Tan Qindong intended to discredit traditional Chinese medicine, and that his remarks were suspected of violating the law.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

And those with ulterior motives are even more fueling the fire, sometimes pretending to sympathize with Tan Qindong, sometimes pretending to be fair and objective, but in fact secretly instigating, making the controversy more and more intense.

A national discussion around Tan Qindong swept every corner from the streets and alleys to cyberspace.

In the storm of soaring public opinion, Tan Qindong seemed so small and helpless. He fought alone, and his wife ran around, but he couldn't resist the overwhelming doubts and insults.

Finally, under tremendous pressure, this once high-spirited man lowered his arrogant head.

With trembling hands, he wrote a letter of confession, full of unwillingness and humiliation.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

He admits that his remarks are biased, he begs for forgiveness, and he begs the public to give him a chance to mend his ways.

At this moment, countless people sighed.

The former medical elite easily broke their backbones and bowed to power and money.

Tan Qindong's tragedy has come to an end in the eyes of many people. But the truth is far from that simple. One has to ask: why is the advice of a scholar so suppressed?

Why did the law enforcers turn a blind eye to the violations of Hongmao Medicinal Liquor?

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

Did Tan Qindong break the law? If so, why can't he be given an open and fair trial?

All kinds of questions remain unresolved to this day. What kind of intricate entanglement of interests is behind this? Has the balance of judicial fairness been quietly tilted?

In the carnival feast of money and power, can an individual like Tan Qindong still make his voice heard? Heavy questions, like invisible shackles, tightly grasp people's heartstrings.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

Although Tan Qindong regained his freedom, his life was turned upside down. The glory of the past is gone, and the dream of the past is shattered. He lost his beloved job, his precious reputation, and even his health deteriorated.

Regained his freedom but found himself in a desperate situation

When the prison door opened, Tan Qindong thought that the nightmare was over.

But reality hit him hard in the face like a resounding slap in the face. Freedom has become a luxury for him.

Losing his job and reputation, this once triumphant medical elite was reduced to a prisoner overnight. His family is in dire straits, his wife is in tears, and his children are bullied and ridiculed.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

Former friends avoided it, and former colleagues watched coldly. Tan Qindong felt so out of place and so isolated in this once extremely familiar world.

But the teasing of fate goes far beyond that. A serious illness shattered Tan Qindong's already fragile body like a thunderbolt from the blue. He lay on his sickbed, staring at the clock on the wall.

Day after day, the hour hand rotated round and round, and it was as if his life had been pressed on the countdown button. The doctor's words are still lingering in my ears: "Your body indicators are declining, I guess...... Time is running out. "

Tan Qindong smiled bitterly and fell down. He remembered his wife's haggard face, and remembered the child's helpless eyes. He wanted to support this family so much, but now he couldn't even keep himself.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

Tan Qindong's life is like a derailed train, falling from the peak to the bottom. Ultimately, it all started with a criticism that should have been ordinary.

He never dreamed that he would be so retaliated against for telling the truth. The difference in one thought made his life go to a completely different trajectory.

The glory of the past has become a thing of the past; The ideals of the past have been shattered. Tan Qindong looked out the window, watching people come and go, talking and laughing.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

They may have heard his story, or they may have called him aggrieved, but at this moment, no one remembers him as an "outdated Internet celebrity". He is just an ordinary tragedy among all living beings, quietly lost in the river of time.

But Tan Qindong's misfortune is by no means an isolated case. In this law of the jungle, there are thousands of weak people like him.

The tragedy of an individual among all living beings

Tan Qindong's experience is like a cruel mirror, reflecting the joys and sorrows of countless individuals.

In this complex world, who has not been wronged and who has not suffered injustice?

When the iron hooves of power are waved, when the copper stench of money is permeated, how can weak individuals be spared?

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

They may want to defend the ideals in their hearts, or they may want to adhere to the ethics in their hearts, but when the great waves of reality hit, they often collapse.

Tan Qindong's tragedy is the epitome of the silent shouts of countless ordinary people. Their ideals were crushed by power and money; Their lives were shattered by the tricks of fate.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

However, even in such a desperate situation, Tan Qindong did not give up completely. He knew that his suffering, while tragic, was by no means the end. In this world, there are thousands of people like him who are going through similar suffering.

Some of them chose to compromise, some chose to escape, but some chose to fight. Yes, fight! Even if the front is full of thorns, even if the future is dark, as long as there is a glimmer of light in the heart, there is hope to get out of the predicament and change fate.

Tan Qindong wants to tell all people like him: don't give up, don't despair, face the challenges of life bravely, and firmly defend your dignity.

The meaning of life is never about the length of life, but about how to spend it. Although Tan Qindong has little time, he wants to use his remaining life to light up the hope of more people.

He wants to use his own experience to awaken the conscience of more people. He wants to use his own misfortune to promote social progress. This is his final mission, and it is also the most shining meaning of his life.

When he walked forward without hesitation with such an awareness, it was no longer a tragedy among all living beings, but a beacon for countless lost people and a hope for countless people in suffering.

Six years ago, he criticized Hongmao Medicinal Liquor, and the medical master was hunted down across provinces, and now his life has entered the countdown

Tan Qindong's story continues, and his struggle continues. This society needs more people like him, who dare to speak the truth, dare to be responsible, and dare to defend fairness and justice.

Only when more people wake up, only when more people come together, can we truly change the injustice of this world, and can tragedies like Tan Qindong not be repeated.

Let's work together, let's move forward hand in hand, for a better tomorrow, for a world where everyone can be dignified. This is the responsibility of each of us, and it is also the hope of each of us.

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