
The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

author:Xiaoqi loves to talk

The awakening of the "core" force in the United States: the chip bill promotes the restructuring of global production capacity

The U.S. government is well aware of the importance of the chip industry to national security and economic development, and in order to regain its strength and regain its "core" power, the U.S. government has sacrificed the blockbuster policy of the chip bill.

This bill is like a shot in the arm, injecting new vitality into the U.S. chip industry. The huge subsidy of 39 billion US dollars will attract more chip manufacturers to build factories in the United States and accelerate the expansion of chip production capacity in the United States.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

With the support of the CHIPS Act, the United States is expected to significantly increase its share of global chip production capacity in the next decade. It is predicted that by 2032, the United States will account for 14% of the world's total chip production capacity, a significant increase from the current 10%.

What's more remarkable is that in the field of advanced process chips below 10nm, the production capacity of the United States will reach 28%, which means that nearly three-thirds of the world's advanced chips will be born in the United States.

The United States is gradually getting rid of its dependence on chip supply in Asia and reshaping the global chip industry pattern.

The charm of the CHIPS Act lies not only in the financial subsidies, but also in its impact on the investment decisions of chip giants.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

Industry leaders such as TSMC and Samsung are eyeing the U.S. market, and the CHIPS Act undoubtedly makes the U.S. market more attractive.

TSMC originally planned to only produce 3nm chips in US fabs, but after receiving a $6.6 billion grant, it changed its mind and decided to produce 2nm chips in the US in the future.

Not to be outdone, Samsung spent $6.4 billion to build a factory in Texas and plans to mass-produce 2nm chips. The United States is becoming the preferred place for these chip giants to deploy advanced manufacturing processes.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

The introduction of the U.S. Chips Act is not only a shot in the arm for the U.S. chip industry, but also a reconstruction of the global chip industry pattern. It will accelerate the "self-reliance" of the United States in the field of chips and enhance its voice in the global chip market.

The "dangerous road" of China's chip industry: the difficulty of advanced manufacturing processes

When the U.S. Chips Act released a strong signal, China's chip industry seemed to be mired in the quagmire of "advanced processes". On the global map of chip manufacturing, the color of Chinese mainland appears to be somewhat "thin".

According to industry forecasts, by 2032, the global share of advanced chips that can be produced in Chinese mainland will be only 2%, compared with 28% in the United States, this figure is really a bit "cold". The shortcomings of China's chip industry in advanced manufacturing processes have become an unavoidable reality.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

There are many reasons for this, but the core problem lies in technology and equipment. The production of advanced process chips has extremely high requirements for technology and equipment.

At present, only Huawei in Chinese mainland has adopted domestic 7nm chips, but the manufacturing equipment still relies on ASML's DUV lithography machine. In contrast, giants such as TSMC and Samsung have begun mass production of 5nm, 3nm and even 2nm chips.

On the track of advanced manufacturing processes, China's chip industry is still in the stage of "catching up", while the United States, South Korea, Taiwan and other regions have entered the "leading" mode.

Even trickier is the equipment issue. The EUV lithography machine is known as a "sharp tool" for the production of advanced process chips, but this "sharp weapon" is in the hands of ASML in the Netherlands.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

Subject to US export controls, Chinese mainland has so far found it difficult to obtain EUV lithography machines. Without this "sharp knife", the breakthrough road of China's chip industry in the advanced process is undoubtedly full of thorns.

Some industry insiders bluntly said that if China's chip industry cannot make a breakthrough in advanced manufacturing processes before 2025, it may face a "life and death" in the future.

"Advanced manufacturing process" has become a "roadblock" restricting the development of China's chip industry, but the crisis is also pregnant with a turning point. Stimulated by the U.S. Chips Act, the global chip industry pattern is being reconstructed, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for China's chip industry.

The key is to find out our own positioning, cultivate new opportunities in the crisis, and open a new situation in the changing situation.

The global chip map is rising again: the U.S.-China wrestling is intensifying

The introduction of the U.S. Chips Act has undoubtedly set off a "storm" in the global chip industry. This "storm" is not only a competition at the industrial level, but also a game at the national level.

The United States is trying to pass the CHIPS Act to reshape the global chip industry order and consolidate its leadership position in this field. This move has had a profound impact on the global chip industry pattern.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

Enterprises that were already in the "leading" position, such as TSMC and Samsung, have further increased their investment in the United States under the "solicitation" of the United States. And those companies that already have a layout in the United States, such as Intel, have strengthened their determination to expand investment in the United States.

The United States is using the CHIPS Act to continuously strengthen its voice in the global chip industry chain.

In the face of the awakening of the "core" force of the United States, how should China's chip industry respond? In fact, the answer is already on the horizon: autonomy, controllability and international cooperation.

On the one hand, China needs to accelerate the construction of an independent and controllable chip industry system, especially in the field of advanced processes, to increase R&D investment, and break through the "bottleneck" problem of key technologies and equipment.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

This is a difficult road, but it is also the only way for China's chip industry to achieve "corner overtaking". On the other hand, China also needs to strengthen international cooperation, especially with Europe, Japan and other countries and regions.

The chip industry is a global industry, and it is difficult for any country to complete all the links alone. Through international cooperation, China can better integrate into the global chip industry chain and share the fruits of the development of the global chip industry.

The future of the chip industry is related to the rise and fall of the global economy. In the era of digital economy, chips have become the "cornerstone" of various industries. From smartphones to artificial intelligence, from 5G to the Internet of Things, all rely on the support of chips.

Whoever takes the lead in the field of chips has the possibility of gaining an advantage in the future economic competition.

This is also the fundamental reason why the United States, China and even countries around the world are "going all out" in the field of chips.

In the future, the competition in the global chip industry will be more intense, but at the same time, it will also bring more innovations and breakthroughs. This is undoubtedly good news for the development of the global economy.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

The introduction of the U.S. Chips Act has made the global chip map rise again, and it has also intensified the wrestling between the United States and China in the chip field. In this wrestling, whoever can better grasp the "key" of the advanced process may gain an advantage in the future competition.

China's chip industry is standing at a critical crossroads, and independent controllability and international cooperation may be a road that takes into account both "dangerous roads" and "new roads".

No matter what the future path is, it is an undeniable fact that the chip industry has become a key factor affecting the global economy, and every change in it may bring about the reconstruction of the global economic map.

In this "war" without gunpowder, every country is fighting hard, and the key to victory or defeat may lie in who can take the lead in making a breakthrough in the advanced process.

Advanced manufacturing process: the key weight of chip hegemony

In the rivers and lakes of the chip industry, the advanced process is like a "dragon slaying knife", and whoever can master it first will be able to gain an advantage in this "dragon fight".

Advanced process chips represent the highest level of chip manufacturing technology, which not only have stronger performance and lower power consumption, but also have broad application prospects in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, 5G, and the Internet of Things.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

It can be said that advanced process chips have become a key weight to determine the future economic and technological competition pattern.

In the arena of advanced manufacturing processes, the United States, China, South Korea, Taiwan and other regions are staging a fierce competition.

With the "boost" of the Chips Act, the United States is accelerating the layout of advanced manufacturing processes, and giants such as TSMC and Samsung have also increased investment in the United States.

South Korea and Taiwan, China, also regard advanced processes as the top priority, and Samsung and TSMC have become the focus of attention in the industry in the competition of advanced processes such as 3nm and 2nm.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

In contrast, Chinese mainland still has a certain gap in advanced manufacturing processes, but it is also catching up, and Huawei HiSilicon's 7nm chip is a typical example.

The competition of advanced processes is, in the final analysis, the competition of technology and equipment. With the continuous advancement of the manufacturing process, the technical difficulty of chip manufacturing is also increasing.

The problem of EUV lithography machine is only the tip of the iceberg, and the production of advanced process chips also faces a series of technical challenges such as materials, packaging, and testing.

How to break through these technical bottlenecks has become the top priority of the chip industry in various countries.

At the same time, the competition of advanced processes has also brought new opportunities, and some innovative technologies and design concepts, such as chip stacking and heterogeneous computing, are opening up new paths for the development of advanced process chips.

The U.S. CHIPS Act was a big success? Nearly 30% of advanced chips will be produced, while only 2% will be produced in China

Advanced manufacturing processes have become a key weight for global chip hegemony. In this "war" without gunpowder, technological innovation and industrial layout will become the key factors determining victory or defeat.

The United States is passing the CHIPS Act to reshape the global chip industry pattern; China is also struggling to catch up, trying to achieve breakthroughs in advanced processes; South Korea, Taiwan and other regions are also going all out in this competition.

In the future, the competition for advanced processes will be more intense, but it will also bring more innovation and opportunities.

In this "core" competition for future economic and technological dominance, whoever can take the lead in breaking through the technical barriers of advanced processes will have an advantage in the future competition. This will also have a profound impact on the global economy and technological map.

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