
A book that explores the correlation between behavioral decisions and marketing methods, and it's good

author:Yuchen's growth notes

Memories change, and when people's mood and state change, and then recall a certain experience in the past, their perceptions, feelings, and interpretations will be very different from before.

This is because our perception of an event changes with our current behavior, decision-making, cognition, and thinking.

A book that explores the correlation between behavioral decisions and marketing methods, and it's good

People will subconsciously make plausible explanations for situations that persist repeatedly but do not yield results; Obviously I don't like a person or a thing, but I will say some high-sounding reasons, but I avoid the most important one.

To put it bluntly, there are conventions of right and wrong in people's minds, and there are some categories that they think others are relatively acceptable, etc., so that these seemingly contradictory actions appear.

The above behaviors are actually automatic inertial behaviors, which can be subconsciously reacted without thinking.

The same is true for the brain, which prefers to choose the only specific memory that can convince itself, rather than the objective facts, and thinks that its memory is accurate, but in fact, this memory has been rewritten by its own habitual thinking and preferences.

The same content is mentioned in many books related to brain science. I have read "Thinking is Flat" before, which also mentioned that our thinking will instinctively seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and will portray, reason, and express according to the appearance we want.

What if this delicate part is used as a basis for commercial means? For users, what is in line with their wishes and preferences? What is the most hassle-free decision? What is the part that is overlooked due to their lack of patience? How to optimize the entry from order to payment to effectively increase conversion rate? What are the default settings and terms in a software that users are unlikely to spend time setting or are more realistic? What rights and interests are not aware of the need to be taken seriously and maintained?

Popular behavioral decision-making will contribute to the operation of various products, but if we can also understand a little common sense in related fields, wouldn't it be more beneficial to understand the working rhythm of our brain, improve cognition and thinking, etc.?

The essence is to reduce the behavior decisions made without thinking, so that the behavior can stand up to scrutiny, rather than rationalizing the behavior that does not stand up to scrutiny and making it seem reasonable.

Nowadays, our daily lives are closely connected to mobile phones, and the impact of behavioral decisions on ourselves will quickly penetrate, and even affect every bit of our lives, including our next behavioral decisions.

Therefore, understanding the working mechanism of the brain, the formation of memory, and how to change the thinking pattern are all topics worthy of in-depth study. However, it may be more interesting if you can look at these issues from the perspective of business development.

On the one hand, people hope that their lives and work will not go too wrong, but on the other hand, they are indeed looking forward to some exciting and happy new things.

It is precisely because people are afraid of missing out on these constantly refreshing new things, afraid of missing promotional activities, afraid that they will not be able to keep up to date with the latest information and not get the same information as the people around them, etc.

In short, happiness is not predetermined in advance, but occurs randomly. Random happiness fills people with anticipation, and in order to meet that expectation, they continue to spend more time doing certain things.

Because of this, it seems that people have time to swipe their mobile phones and get new and interesting information anytime and anywhere, but they can't find time to do more important things.

If people don't play mobile phones, then the online platform can't play any tricks, but it is just to provide tools and products for everyone, and go when they run out. But as people become more reliant on their phones, rather than just using them as tools, people's behavioral decisions become data models that can help with the daily discussions of various online products.

Through the analysis of behavioral decisions and data, we can continue to get more addictive business strategies and marketing plans, more diversified advertising methods, and more effective business logic.

Product design, operating rules, data analysis, business models, and a series of other commercialization behaviors need to take into account the needs and behavioral decisions of different groups, and this is the most interesting and worthwhile part of this book.

When people are obsessed with the pursuit of happiness but cannot reach it in the real and stable state of life, the act of exploring happiness will become an important factor in satisfying people's psychological needs for integrity.

On the one hand, people can get this kind of "happiness" anytime and anywhere on the Internet and mobile phones, and on the other hand, people have also realized the sense of control over what kind of videos can be swiped on their mobile phones and what kind of information they can get according to their own preferences.

That is to say, swiping your mobile phone, as well as what type of content appears in your mobile phone, these are all accurately pushed by big data according to personal preferences, which can really please users.

So if you're looking to feel in control of the online world, swiping your phone is the way to go. But is this really wise choice?

The book makes it clear that "as more people around the world use social media platforms, the price of attention will only go up and platforms will become better at hijacking our attention." ”

The longer you spend on that type of content or software, the more likely they are to make more articles and get more benefits during the period of hijacking your attention, after all, the user's attention is the reason for advertisers to deliver accurately.

Also, why are people attracted to so-called advertising? This includes live broadcasts of bloggers, videos of grass planting, links to various articles, and of course, the most common TV commercials.

The form of advertising is becoming richer and richer, and the content is becoming more and more life-like, all because people will still be attracted to these things, and the more they are exposed, the more good they will be, which is the "exposure effect"

For example, if you first buy a product, you may not like it so much, but because you know in your heart that you will not return or exchange it, the product will continue to be used.

Slowly, you will find that you will gradually feel that this product seems to be good, and the more you use it, the more comfortable it becomes, and you will even recommend this product to others.

The brands that people often see in advertisements, or specific products, or items and brands commonly used by bloggers you follow (or friends you trust), because you are often exposed to this kind of information in your daily life, when you need to make a choice among similar products one day, you will first think of these products that you have a little impression of.

This situation often exists in products that you at least didn't dislike when you first came into contact with them, and if you change to something that you hated in the first place, then multiple contacts may not make you feel good.

In addition, people naturally like to listen to stories, if a brand or a certain product can tell a story vividly and interestingly through advertisements and videos, or can make us empathize, resonate, or associate with some of our own experiences,

Then people are really likely to pay for this product, or think that this product has more value and significance than other products.

At this time, the value of the product itself is no longer important, what matters is what kind of information it conveys to people, and what people will associate with it at first time.

The book "The Secret of Addiction" is actually co-authored by a doctor of psychology and a marketing expert, so it not only interprets the psychology of public cognition and behavioral decision-making, but also comprehensively explains the relationship between behavioral decision-making and marketing methods.

It can be said that whether you are in the position of a consumer or a platform, or even a simple bystander, reading this book will be rewarding, which is quite interesting.

In fact, the relationship between online platforms and individual users is not antagonistic, and users' behavior decisions are also worth taking seriously as a consideration factor for the future development of the platform.

Therefore, even individual users can pay attention to the trends of the platform and how they design products while spending and killing time. As a consumer, a participant, and a product user, it's okay to be clear about what information, products, and services you're dealing with all day.

Finally, if you're also interested in the correlation between behavioral decisions and marketing methods, this book is really a good choice.


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