
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" "City Cruise" boosted a new record of 18 million reservations, and the marketing of the drama was

author:Simple entertainment

The city tour of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" sparked heated discussions, and the marketing magic behind the 18 million reservations

Wow! Guys, have you heard? "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is going to be out of the sky! This drama not only set off a craze on the Internet, but also launched a city tour, which turned fans upside down! It is said that the number of appointments has soared to 18 million, what is going on? Today, let's take a look at the marketing magic behind this!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" "City Cruise" boosted a new record of 18 million reservations, and the marketing of the drama was

1. City Cruise: A Blending of Reality and Dreams

Imagine that you are walking on a bustling street, and suddenly you are greeted by a group of handsome men and women dressed in ancient costumes, as well as the familiar characters in "Celebrating More Than Years"! This is not a dream, but a city cruise of "Celebrating More Than Years 2"! Fans flocked to get up close and personal with their idols, taking photos, shaking hands, hugging, and even participating in interactive games to win beautiful merchandise. This experience of blending reality and dreams is simply addictive!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" "City Cruise" boosted a new record of 18 million reservations, and the marketing of the drama was

2. Innovative Marketing: Play with social media

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" is not only playing well offline, but also full of firepower online! They use the short video platform to release trailers and highlights to present the wonderful moments to their fans. Not only are these videos well-made, but they also incorporate various popular elements and memes that make people want to repost them after watching them. At the same time, they also interact with fans through social media, collecting feedback and suggestions, so that fans feel that their voices are heard and valued. This innovative marketing method has made "Celebrating More Than Years 2" a craze on social media!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" "City Cruise" boosted a new record of 18 million reservations, and the marketing of the drama was

3. Quality is king: create a visual feast

Of course, the most important reason why "Celebrating More Than Years 2" can attract so many fans is its quality! This drama has put a lot of effort into the plot, actors, production, etc., so that the audience can feel an unprecedented experience of watching the drama. The exquisite pictures, compact plot, and excellent actors' performances make people can't stop watching it. This kind of high-quality production level makes "Celebrating More Than Years 2" stand out among many dramas and become a high-profile masterpiece!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" "City Cruise" boosted a new record of 18 million reservations, and the marketing of the drama was

4. Controversial topics: aroused heated discussions among netizens

However, the popularity of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" has also caused some controversial topics. Some people feel that this show is too commercial, using the fan effect for over-marketing; Some people also feel that this innovative marketing method is worth learning from. For these controversial topics, netizens have expressed their opinions and opinions. Some people believe that this is an inevitable product of market demand, while others worry that this trend will affect the quality of the series itself. But in any case, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" has successfully aroused heated discussions and attention from netizens!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" "City Cruise" boosted a new record of 18 million reservations, and the marketing of the drama was

5. Conclusion: The thinking behind the marketing magic

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has successfully attracted a large number of fans and attention through means such as city cruises, innovative marketing and quality production. But is this marketing method worth advocating? Does it affect the quality of the episodes themselves? These are all questions that deserve our in-depth consideration. After all, while pursuing commercial interests, we should also pay attention to the quality and value of the series itself. Only in this way can we truly win the love and support of the audience!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" "City Cruise" boosted a new record of 18 million reservations, and the marketing of the drama was

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