
I caught the thief in the village, and when I rushed into the house, I saw a girl dressed, and she became my daughter-in-law

author:Entertainment sign

[This content is an adaptation of a long fictional short story, please watch it rationally, do not sit in the opposite seat]

Looking back on my first encounter with my daughter-in-law, I can only describe it as embarrassing, I was originally going to seek justice, and I was almost arrested as a hooligan.

I'm known in the village as a warm-hearted person, and whenever someone needs help, I'll help when I have time, so the neighbors have a good impression of me.

Although I am still inferior to some people in the village who have gone to school, there are still many people who are willing to marry their daughters to me.

Later, he said that this thing has to depend on fate, and it must be bad to force it, and they haven't mentioned the blind date to me.

I'm the only boy in my family, so my parents have held me in the palm of my hand since I was a child, and even if I was pampered and grew up, my personality is still very kind.

This became the most precious point for me, and later I worked in a factory not far from my home, so that I could go home to spend time with my parents every day, and my daily life was simple and fulfilling.

But it all happened one night, when it was just summer, and the weather was not so hot, and the villagers would do their way to the door after eating.

My family had just finished eating and was sitting at the door to enjoy the coolness, when I suddenly heard someone shouting not far away: "Come and catch the thief!" ”

When we arrived, I saw an aunt pointing out the door and saying, "I saw him running to the other side and disappearing, he must have been hiding." ”

A few of us took the matter and searched door to door in the direction pointed out by the aunt, and even if it didn't, we reminded them to pay attention to safety.

At that moment I saw a man walking as if he was sneaking forward, and I shouted from behind, and the man in front of me was so frightened that he ran away, and I followed closely behind.

Seeing the man run into a house, I rushed in without thinking, but when I got in, I was dumbfounded, and I didn't expect to see a girl dressing.

Apparently the girl was also taken aback by my movements, and shouted, "What are you doing! Suddenly breaking into my house at night, is it a hooligan! ”

Her shout caused all the villagers around to gather around, and I turned around as soon as I rushed in, but I still inevitably saw some.

I caught the thief in the village, and when I rushed into the house, I saw a girl dressed, and she became my daughter-in-law

So in the face of the girl's accusations, I didn't refute it, but I still have to defend myself: "I'm sorry girl, I was in a hurry to catch the thief and accidentally rushed in." ”

But apparently the girl didn't believe what I said at all, so she walked up to me and pointed at me and began to scold, which also caused the girl's parents to quarrel.

When they learned that their girl had been looked at, they were even more angry and were about to beat me with a stick, when the neighbors who were watching the play reacted and hurriedly came up to stop the fight.

After finally persuading them, I waited until they were all calmer before I began to explain, at that time, I watched the thief enter here, and I was really eager to catch the thief, so I rushed in without thinking about it.

That's why this happened, but the girl didn't listen to my explanation, insisting that it was an excuse, and didn't believe that I was trying to catch the thief.

Although she had heard someone shouting for the thief, it was clear that the thief hadn't shown up, so it was probably all made up by me.

After hearing her say this, the villagers who watched the excitement also began to whisper, as if they believed such a statement, and also began to doubt my character.

Some people even think that all my previous actions were pretended, and now I can't tell if I have a mouth, unless I catch the thief, I can return my innocence.

I caught the thief in the village, and when I rushed into the house, I saw a girl dressed, and she became my daughter-in-law

Obviously, none of us caught the thieves that night, and I was even inexplicably infamy.

Even my parents thought that I was just ill-intentioned, and I didn't bother to defend myself, and the priority was to catch the thief.

I thought of a lot of ways, but now the thief will definitely not commit the crime again, because the interval is too short, and I can only find a way to lure people out.

For the sake of my reputation, I had to do this, I called my good brother over and told him that I had just withdrawn 500 yuan from the bank, and I put it under my bed, this is my private money, but I dare not let my parents know.

His eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said that he must let me treat him to a big meal, and I smiled and patted him and said that he would definitely be able to.

That night, instead of going to the door to cool off like everyone else, I lay in ambush in the cabinet in my room and waited for the thief to come to the door.

Sure enough, after a while, I saw a figure sneaking in, I grabbed the stick in my hand, and saw that he was turning things over on the bed, and I knocked on it at once.

He was screamed at the knock, and he ran away despite the pain in his head, and I followed closely and shouted, "Come and catch the thief!" ”

This time the thief was not so lucky, the young and strong young men in the village came to help, surrounded from several places, and after a while, they were caught, it turned out to be Lao Zhang, who lived in the easternmost part of the village.

I looked at Lao Zhang who was pressed to the ground, but I was relieved, and I was finally able to return my innocence, I immediately stepped forward and asked him where he stole last time?

Lao Zhang kept shaking his head and said that he didn't know, he didn't look at it at the time, he just remembered running into someone's house and then climbing out of the back wall, but he couldn't prove my innocence when he said this.

I pressed her to the girl's house last time, and when he came in, he immediately said, "This is it, I climbed out of the back wall and then went home." ”

This can be regarded as a proof of my innocence, and then everyone realized that I was wrongly blamed, and the girl at that time also came to apologize to me, saying that she should not accuse me on the spur of the moment.

I caught the thief in the village, and when I rushed into the house, I saw a girl dressed, and she became my daughter-in-law

At this time, I knew that the girl in front of me was Jiao Xiaojing, and at that time, she also heard that someone was catching a thief outside, so she wanted to get up and see what was going on, who knew that I was getting dressed, and I suddenly rushed in.

Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, she also offered to let me stay for dinner, which was regarded as an apology to me, and I didn't agree at first, I just thought that the matter would be resolved.

But she insisted that I stay for dinner, so I had to agree, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw that Xiaojing's father's face was not very good, and I knew that he was still misunderstanding me.

As soon as I wanted to explain, Xiao Jing took the first step to speak, and then they realized that they had misunderstood me, and their attitude became much more relaxed.

The more I talked with her father during this meal, the more I fell in love, and I almost wanted to worship my son as a brother, so I quickly stopped it, after all, this is a check of seniority.

But he still patted his chest and said that as long as there was anything he needed help in the future, just look for him, and I agreed with a smile.

As he spoke, he began to worry about Xiao Jing's marriage, in fact, before this incident, Xiao Jing had a boyfriend, but he was not serious about Xiao Jing, and just took advantage of this incident to dump Xiao Jing directly.

During that time, Xiao Jing was sad for a long time, and then she thought about it clearly, and there was nothing to do, but seeing that Xiao Jing was not young, it was time to find a stable person to start a family.

I just took a sip of wine and didn't say anything, I don't know why, he suddenly patted me and said, "I think you're pretty good, do you want to try it with Xiaojing?" ”

After hearing this, I was very shocked, I didn't expect my uncle to say such a thing, but I still said that the matter of marriage still depends on the wishes of the two people, and there is no fate to force it, and Xiao Jing will not feel happy after that.

After saying that, my uncle nodded and smiled, and did not continue to answer, and the two of us drank like this until midnight, and then I returned home in a daze.

When I woke up the next day, it was already noon, and as soon as I got up, I heard my mother arguing: "What time is it, and I haven't gotten up yet, this thief has nothing to do if he catches it?" ”

When I heard this, I quickly sat up from the bed, got dressed, and went out, took the broom from my mother's hand and began to sweep the floor.

Every morning when I woke up with these few words, my ears were calloused, but she still kept repeating them, and I responded perfunctorily, saying that there was no suitable one.

I caught the thief in the village, and when I rushed into the house, I saw a girl dressed, and she became my daughter-in-law

At this time, the mother was reluctant: "Why is there no suitable one, I see that you went to Xiaojing's house yesterday, she is not bad, the girl is good-looking, and she is honest." ”

As soon as I heard this, I hurriedly interrupted, and found that since I caught the thief, it seemed that I had been bound to Xiao Jing, and not only some people in the family, but even the neighbors began to inquire.

Even my good brothers began to ask me when I would marry Xiao Jing home, which made me a little overwhelmed, and I wondered where they got the news?

Later, I found out that it was spread by Xiao Jing's father, and after I drank at Xiao Jing's house at night, Xiao Jing's father thought I was a good person, so he wanted Xiao Jing to marry me.

Later, he also inquired about Xiao Jing's wishes, she didn't agree, but she didn't object, which made him think that there was a drama in this matter, so he couldn't help but show off when he thought that his son-in-law was such a good person.

Now I kind of understand, although I also think Xiao Jing is very good-looking, but I can't just tie up a girl because of that one thing.

I thought about going to Xiao Jing to make it clear before the matter was fermented, and that night, I bought some food and went to Xiao Jing's house, and her father saw me coming and warmly greeted me into the house.

As soon as I sat down, I indicated my intention this time, and Xiao Jing's father was stunned when he heard it, he didn't expect me to say this, but he still said: "Actually, Xiao Jing also has a good impression of you, but he never knew what you thought." ”

I was very surprised when I heard it, I didn't expect Xiao Jing to have a good impression of me, maybe because I didn't speak, he continued to ask me how I felt.

To say that I don't like Xiao Jing at all must be false, but after hearing this, my heart began to waver, and in the end I still didn't refuse ruthlessly, and promised to try to date first.

In this way, Xiao Jing and I were together under the mediation of her father, and then I realized that Xiao Jing was really special, she always seemed to like some strange things, and there were always some funny ideas in her head.

I caught the thief in the village, and when I rushed into the house, I saw a girl dressed, and she became my daughter-in-law

In short, with her, I don't get bored at all, and I even find some things that I can't usually find.

Gradually, I became more and more fond of Xiaojing, and even decided that she wanted to marry her.

But I never brought it up, in case Xiaojing didn't want to get married so early, I was so anxious to scare people away.

But this incident was when Xiao Jing went to my house, my mother saw that Xiao Jingle's mouth couldn't close, and even asked directly when the marriage would be finalized.

I thought Xiao Jing would find a reason to refuse, but who knew that she said shyly: "I'm ready, it depends on what he thinks." ”

Such an answer really surprised me, I really didn't expect her to be willing to get married so early, since Xiao Jing has no opinion, I will not have an opinion.

After discussing it, the two families decided to have a meal together, and the marriage was decided, and Xiao Jing and I were very happy on the day we met.

With the blessing of our family and friends, we walked to the other side of happiness together.

After getting married, Xiao Jing also lived in my house, but I didn't restrict her movements, if she wanted to go home to accompany her parents, I was also willing, and sometimes I would go back with her, and accompany this father-in-law to eat and drink together.

Later, I was successfully promoted in the factory, and my salary rose a lot, and it didn't take long for me to buy a house in the county, and Xiaojing and I moved in first, and my plan was to take both parents over when I saved up again.

I caught the thief in the village, and when I rushed into the house, I saw a girl dressed, and she became my daughter-in-law

After marriage, Xiao Jing and I also had our own children, but my family did not favor sons over daughters like other people in the village, but preferred girls, so after learning that Xiao Jing gave birth to a girl, my mother directly hugged and did not let go.

I asked her to put it down and rest, she resolutely refused to let go, she must take care of her little granddaughter herself, thinking that she would only kiss herself when she grows up, and I can't help it, so I let her go.

My life with Xiao Jing was plain and happy, if it wasn't for what happened at the time, maybe I wouldn't know Xiao Jing, and there would be no misunderstanding between us.

Fortunately, I insisted on proving my innocence and gained a daughter-in-law, the only regret is that I lost my best brother.

I also found out about this later, it turned out that Lao Zhang and my good brother were in the same group, no wonder I just told him that I had withdrawn the money, and Lao Zhang came to my house to steal things at night.

But after this time, Lao Zhang never moved again, I don't know whether he changed his ways, or went to other villages to commit crimes, these are not things I should care about.

Now I will keep Xiaojing and live our own lives, of course, I am very grateful for that unexpected encounter that brought me such a good daughter-in-law.

[This content is an adaptation of a long fictional short story, please watch it rationally, do not sit in the opposite seat]

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