
Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

author:Illustrated Finance
Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

(There is a picture at the end of the article as usual)

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

Hello everyone, I'm a very handsome fox 🦊 and I'm going to talk a few words today

New energy vehicles

Mention a few risks

A few days ago (April 23), the European Commission came out and said that it had raided the offices of Chinese companies in Europe. The main reason is to investigate whether these companies have received subsidies from our government. The impact of this kind of surprise inspection is quite bad, after all, it directly affects the normal operation of the enterprise. And if it is aimed at a specific country, it has actually become a part of political play.

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?
Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

In fact, in September last year, the European Union said that it would launch a countervailing investigation on our electric vehicles, so this risk has been priced in by the market. Mainly today, I also saw another piece of news, which seems to be about Xinjiang again, which may pose another risk to Chinese car companies (Part 2 of this article). So I'm going to talk about it today.

Today I will answer these questions - is our new energy vehicle export really so fierce? Many people say that the export of new energy vehicles depends on Tesla's Shanghai factory, and local brands are not welcomed in Europe and the United States, is it true? What are the risks of this track next?

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

Part 1 咱真的很猛吗?

In the automotive industry, we are really fierce - after all, China surpassed Japan for the first time last year to become the world's largest car exporter.

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

However, this "world first" is actually a bit of luck - according to the report of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, most of the exported cars in the first three quarters were exported to Russia and Mexico (most of them are fuel vehicles).

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

This is mainly because Europe and the United States imposed sanctions on Russia, which affected the supply chain of European, American, Japanese and South Korean car companies, so Chinese car companies took over this pouring wealth.

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

Anyway, we're also a first. Although our cars are not mainly sold to Europe, after all, the automobile industry is the traditional strength of others. We are so showy, people really can't hang their face.

Of the 4.91 million vehicles exported by China last year, 1.203 million were new energy vehicles (CAAM). In the field of electric vehicles, European automakers are not even very competitive for their own turf - according to the International Energy Agency, the market share of local brand electric vehicles fell from 80% in 2015 to 60% last year. On the other hand, Chinese brands rose from 5% in 2015 to 15% last year. Many of them are the British brand MG (MG) acquired by SAIC, and the Swedish brand Volvo and its subsidiary Polestar acquired by Geely.

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

It should also be said here that there has always been a saying that our new energy vehicle exports mainly rely on Tesla's Shanghai factory. This is indeed an exaggeration, but in terms of exporting to Europe, our own brand is indeed not the main force, and it mainly relies on the factories built in China by American or European car brands. According to a report by Jiemian News, in 2022, only 40% of China's electric vehicles exported to the EU will be Chinese local brand cars.

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

However, according to a report by the European Federation for Transport and the Environment (T&E) in March, home-grown brands such as BYD are also starting to make efforts. The report predicts that the proportion of Chinese brands in China's exports of electric vehicles to the EU will increase significantly in the future.

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

Source / T&E, Translation/ Very handsome investor

However, this report is also to allow the EU to increase tariffs on our car companies (proposing to increase 25%), so let's just take a look at the forecast data.

Anyway, if the EU's countervailing investigation really finds out something, the EU will raise taxes on Chinese-made electric vehicles from July this year...

Part 2 There is also a risk!

Today, my friend Xiaoying also shared a news with me -

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?


The European Parliament has adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), which still needs to be formally approved by the European Council, but it is basically out of the question. To put it simply, large companies established in the EU (1000+ employees with global revenues of more than 450 million euros) or overseas companies with revenues of more than 450 million euros in the EU need to do due diligence on partners upstream of the supply chain to ensure that suppliers cannot do anything harmful to human rights and the environment, otherwise they will be fined no less than 5% of their global revenue.

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

As for Europe and the United States, as long as it is related to our business in Xinjiang, it will be labeled as "forced labor". The "Xinjiang cotton" incident that caused a lot of uproar before is typical - after all, the United States let the little blacks grow cotton, and it just so happens that Xinjiang is also rich in cotton, so this hat is naturally buttoned by the Western media. And they don't listen to you to prove your innocence (of course, it's more likely that you're deliberately stirring up trouble).

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?
Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

Among the new energy vehicle companies, many raw materials happen to be mined in Xinjiang. For example, aluminum (Tianshan Aluminum, Xinjiang Zhonghe), such as lithium (Zhicun Lithium invested by CATL). And it's hard to trace back to the source – because when these raw materials are mined, they are mixed with materials from other sources and then flow into the depot together.

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

For example, in 2023, Germany has already introduced a similar law ("German Supply Chain Enterprise Due Diligence Obligation Act"), and there happened to be a recent case - Mercedes-Benz (a German car company) engaged in anti-union actions in a factory in the United States, and was sued by the United Auto Workers. If the charges are confirmed, Mercedes-Benz in Germany would have to be fined billions of dollars and not be able to take government orders.

Therefore, European and American car companies will also be worried about this risk if they have factories in China.

The most directly affected are naturally upstream suppliers. This seems to be able to explain Ganfeng Lithium's strange operation in October last year-

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?
Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

In addition, according to this logic, PV may have similar risks (Xinjiang also has silicon mines).

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?
Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

Of course, there is also the biggest ghost story of new energy vehicles exported to Europe - "de-electrification".

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

After all, charging piles in Europe can't be like an infrastructure power like ours, and they will spring up everywhere in a few years. According to the data of the China Automobile Association, we have a charging pile for 2.4 vehicles, while 15 vehicles in Europe and the United States only have a charging pile. If you think about it ten years ago, this was the reason why many people didn't buy an electric car.

Recently, the ghost story has been brought up again - in early March, Mercedes-Benz announced that it would postpone its electrification target by five years due to the continued sluggish demand for electrification. In November last year, Volkswagen announced that it would not make a decision on the location of its fourth battery plant for the time being due to lower-than-expected demand for electric vehicles in the European market.

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

Of course, the above 👆 report is a bit of a headline. European car sales in March were not good, partly because of the seasonal effect, this year's Easter was in March (last year in April), so the number of new car registrations in Europe for the whole of March was down 2.8% compared to the same period last year. The other part is because some European countries have begun to cut subsidies, so European pure electric vehicle sales fell by 11% year-on-year in March. In other markets, for example, Italy may have recently introduced new subsidies, so many consumers have held on to their purchase decisions, resulting in a 34% year-on-year decline in EV sales in March.

However, there are still many car companies panicking. Tesla, for example, saw its sales fall 35% in Europe. This was mainly due to tensions in the Red Sea, which affected the delivery of upstream components, and the factory was forced to shut down. I don't know if it's because of this, Tesla has also recently laid off employees around the world-

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

According to Xiaoying's sharing, compared with other manufacturing factories, many car companies tend to be half a beat slower than external policy changes. Therefore, the object of this article is actually car companies, not investors. After all, investors are always prescient - the new energy vehicle sector has been in decline since the beginning of this year.

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?

Finally, let's summarize a picture as usual -

Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?
Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?


「Greed is good.」

All contents of "Very Handsome Investor" are for the purpose of imparting knowledge and financial education only and do not constitute any investment advice. Please refer to the latest article.

  • New Energy:
  • New Energy Vehicles:

✍🏻 Photo/ @狐狸君raphael, formerly worked in the financial institutions group of McKinsey & Company, and also worked at Google and VC. He is a columnist for Wall Street News, 36Kr, Sina Finance, Southern Weekly, Linkedin and other media outlets, and is the author of the best-selling books "Pig on the Wind" and "Cashless Era".

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Is the export of new energy vehicles really so fierce?
