
Tiange Floor Jintao: Tiange's high product value and high guarantee value have won the recognition of users

author:Global Net Real Estate

Recently, Global Network Home Fnishing interviewed Jin Tao, assistant to the chairman of Tiange Flooring Co., Ltd. As an expert in floor heating solid wood flooring, Tiange Flooring has always adhered to the insight into the needs from the perspective of users, and brought high-value home life to users with high-quality products and high-standard services.

Tiange Floor Jintao: Tiange's high product value and high guarantee value have won the recognition of users

Jin Tao, assistant to the chairman of Tiange Flooring Co., Ltd

The following is a transcript of the interview:

[Global Network Home]: Tiange has never implemented a price war, but it has maintained a good market performance, especially during this year's May Day, what is the reason behind Tiange's outstanding performance?

[Jin Tao]: The main reason is that Tiange has always been full of confidence in the future of the industry and the user's pursuit of a better life.

The core reason for the price war is that enterprises can no longer create higher value for users, so they can only improve the cost performance by reducing prices. In the flooring industry, especially in the solid wood flooring industry, it is inherently costly. It is actually unrealistic to take into account both high quality and low cost.

As a multiple-choice question, users will not only choose products for low prices, but will choose products that are satisfactory with the overall value experience. The same is true for enterprises, we choose long-term development and sustainable management, we hope to establish the understanding of "Tiange = floor heating solid wood floor", rather than participating in the price war for immediate interests.

[Global Network Home]: Tiange will release new products in spring and autumn every year, how does Tiange maintain product innovation?

[Jin Tao]: In terms of product innovation, we always adhere to the user experience upgrade as the direction. In recent years, Tiange has done a lot of research, such as users want to maintain the unity of home style, and can have different products of the same color corresponding to different areas of the ground, so we launched a new product concept of "family".

In 2023, the 30th anniversary of Tiange, we will launch the landscape series, which is also a more epoch-making product launched according to the fact that users want the same product but have different personalized displays. There are also new solid wood composite series products according to the needs of users who want to use wood flooring in the whole environment of the home. These products have been loved by users and have quickly been followed up by the industry.

Therefore, to a certain extent, we have also led the iteration and upgrading of the industry, and Tiange is not only innovating at the product level, but also at the forefront of the industry at the service level.

Tiange Floor Jintao: Tiange's high product value and high guarantee value have won the recognition of users

(Tiange Landscape Series - Chunjiang)

[Global Network Home]: You mentioned that Tiange's innovation not only includes product innovation, but also service innovation, why does Tiange attach great importance to the establishment of a service system with installation as the core?

[Jin Tao]: The flooring industry is "three points of flooring, seven points of installation", because the floor is a semi-finished product, it needs to complete the installation to get a complete experience, so we will change the service goal from "delivery-centric" to "user-centric", and the brand headquarters will directly provide a professional installation team for users to carry out standardized professional installation services.

From the formal establishment of the installation service station in 2019 to the official launch of the "headquarters responsible for installation" model in 2021, Tiange has formed the current "comprehensive" service standard and the service system with "headquarters responsible for installation" as the core after years of exploration. Later, we launched five commitments, and this year we launched the three guarantees service, and the entire service system may have a deeper understanding than our peers.

Our range of services is linked to the entire life cycle of our products, which is why users identify with our services.

Tiange Floor Jintao: Tiange's high product value and high guarantee value have won the recognition of users

(Tiange installation engineer team headquarters training)

[Global Network Home]: How does Tiange accumulate a good reputation?

[Jin Tao]: Tiange always adheres to the user-centric and provides users with good products and services. We have always said that Tiange is stupid, does not understand marketing, and has only done a good job in the category of floor heating solid wood flooring for more than 30 years. What we pursue is "1 meter wide, 10,000 meters deep", and put all our energy on the improvement of product quality and service quality.

As long as users have used Tiange, they can feel our professionalism in products and services, and also feel our sincerity for this category. So they trust us so much that they come and go on their own to help us make referrals.

If resources are used for marketing, then short-term marketing benefits may be obtained, but in the long run, it may not necessarily gain a good reputation. And if you put resources on products and services, then you will definitely be able to move users.

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