
Are Liu Boshu's works worth collecting?

author:Grand Prize for Art
Are Liu Boshu's works worth collecting?

Liu Boshu (1935-July 19, 2022), a native of Yongxin, Jiangxi, graduated from the Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1955. Chinese painter. Liu Boshu is the former president of the Chinese Painting Academy (the predecessor of the China National Academy of Painting). As the first generation of artists cultivated in New China, he graduated from the graduate class of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1955 and successively served as the vice president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the president of the Chinese Painting Research Institute, and the vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Association. He is an important art adherent and pioneer of the older generation in the Chinese painting world, and he has deep skills in sketching, sketching, and traditional Chinese painting.

Are Liu Boshu's works worth collecting?

In 1947, the young Liu Boshu mustered up great courage to copy the horse picture made by Xu Beihong and sent it to me for advice, and received a reply from the master himself, to the effect that he did not have to deliberately copy the horse personally, but to take life as a teacher, and was willing to give personal guidance after he was admitted to the art school. In 1950, Liu Boshu participated in the entrance examination of art academies, stood out with excellent grades and solid painting skills, and was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Are Liu Boshu's works worth collecting?

If Xu Beihong's horse can remind the audience of the master's rigorous and dignified personality, Liu Boshu's horse shows a chic, unrestrained and dynamic modern spirit. Cai Chao, president of Jiangxi Painting Academy, said when commenting on Liu Boshu's horse: "He writes his heart with horses, determines his ambition with horses, endows horses with personality, is proud, active and full of self-confidence, and uses his pen in his techniques to be old and spicy, free and easy; exaggerated and loose shapes; The combination is casual, rigorous and accurate. The style of the picture is elegant, strong and powerful, full of rhythm and sense of the times. This is also the reason why Liu Boshu is unique among many contemporary painters with the theme of horses, and is highly appreciated by art lovers at home and abroad. ”

Are Liu Boshu's works worth collecting?

Mr. Liu Boshu has educated countless people in his life, and many of them have become the backbone of the Chinese art world, playing an important role in promoting the prosperity and development of Chinese art. During his tenure as Vice Chairman of the Chinese Artists Association, Mr. Bo Shu also made a lot of important work in the establishment, organization and promotion of the International Art Biennale, and organized many influential academic seminars, with remarkable achievements. Even after his retirement, Mr. Bo Shu still cared about the development of Chinese art, and did a lot of work in inheriting and restoring the tradition of Chinese painting and carrying forward the spirit of freehand, which had a profound impact on the national art world.

Are Liu Boshu's works worth collecting?

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