
Xiangcheng's "Awakening"

author:Hometown Xuchang
Xiangcheng's "Awakening"

[Lao Jia Jet Konger's 258th Spray Tang Yuying in Xiangcheng County (2)]

Text‖ Jia Fengxiang Picture‖ Internet

[To enjoy the wonderful content of "Tang Yuying in Xiangcheng County (1)", please click the following link: The eastern end of Xiangcheng's famous Chinese mountain, a shout pierced the clouds and cracked the stone more than 70 years ago]

Even critics who think that Tang Xianzu uses rhyme arbitrarily and does not pay attention to the rhythm of the song almost all praise "The Peony Pavilion". For example, Shen Defu, who was more than 20 years later than Tang Xianzu, said: "Tang Yi is still dreaming of "The Peony Pavilion", and the family recites it, which makes the price of "West Chamber" reduced. He also said that he was "self-sufficient and immortal." Lu Tiancheng, an opera artist who was at the same time as Shen Defu, praised Tang Xianzu as a "peerless genius" and "a wordsmith of a thousand autumns". Wang Jide even said that Tang Xianzu "has no author before, and there is no one who comes later, and in the past two hundred years, there is only one person".

The ideological tendency of personality emancipation in "The Peony Pavilion" has a more far-reaching influence, which can be seen from "Dream of Red Mansions".

In 1946, Zhao Jingshen's "Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare" mentioned five similarities between the two: (Want to see what Lao Jia is doing last time?) Welcome to click the following link to enjoy: Legendary Yuzhou: Why are the people made by Nuwa tall, short, handsome and ugly? )

Xiangcheng's "Awakening"

The first is that the years of birth and death are almost the same (the former is 1550-1616, and the latter is 1564-1616), the second is that they both occupy the highest position in the opera world, the third is that the content of the creation is good at drawing on the works of others, the fourth is that they do not abide by the rules and precepts of drama creation, and the fifth is that the drama is the most complaining and moving.

In 1959, Tian Han went to Linchuan, Jiangxi Province to visit the "Tangjia Jade Tea Hall Monument" and composed a poem: "Du Li is like Juliet, and her deep love has really reached Megan." He dang Liju locked the pool pavilion and did not let Shakespeare in his hometown. It means that Tang Xianzu is on par with Shakespeare, and Du Liniang is on par with Juliet.

In 1964, Xu Shuofang's "Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare" pointed out that Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare were the same era, but the specific drama creation tradition was different. From 1986 to 1987, Xu Shuofang studied Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare twice, linking the relationship between the playwright and the development of Chinese and Western history and culture, and pointed out that the feudal society of the Ming Dynasty in which Tang Xianzu lived was much more closed and backward than Shakespeare's Elizabethan era.

Xiangcheng's "Awakening"

On April 4, 2015, the mainland issued stamps of "Ancient Chinese Writers", the first of which was Tang Xianzu.

This baby girl is a descendant of Tang Xianzu.

The baby girl is the youngest child in the family. The eldest brother is new, the second brother is getting together (after joining the army, he took the name Jinshan), the sister is Zhenni, and the third brother is coming. The elder sister is fourteen years older than her, and the third brother is twelve years older than her.

The father and mother named the youngest child "Awake". Perhaps, they are looking forward to the awakening of the sleeping earth.

When I was young, I often listened to my brother and sister tell stories.

According to this, there is a Yuan Zhuang in Baofeng County, a hundred miles away, and there is a family surnamed Liu in Yuanzhuang, and there is a beautiful girl named Fengxian in the family surnamed Liu. A beautiful girl has an unfortunate life. When Fengxian was young, her mother unfortunately died, leaving her and her younger brother to live together.

Dad continued the strings, and the stepmother treated her badly, and scolded every day. Fengxian has to do heavy work since she was a child, and children do adult work, and they are always too tired to stand it. The stepmother didn't dress her up at all.

The stepmother wrapped her little feet, she didn't accept it, wrapped it during the day, untied it at night and threw it away, and then wrapped it around her and threw it again, so that it became a half-big foot. Her feet were larger than those of other old ladies, and she could wear three or six shoes, but all eight of her toes, except for the big toe, were under the footboards.

Xiangcheng's "Awakening"

When she was a teenager, her stepmother found her a disabled person whose family was very rich. She disagreed, and ran away at night. Don't dare to take the main road, for fear of being overtaken, run along the small road. After running all night and day long, I ran to Shanghuang Village at dusk, and fainted from exhaustion and hunger.

A young man named Tang Fufu in the village got up early to pick up dung, and when he met Fengxian, the young man was moved by compassion and rescued her home.

Tang Fu is more than 1.8 meters tall, with a straight waist, and is a handsome guy. But "rich" is only the wish of the elders, but there is no half of the tiles in the home, no ridges of land, only a broken thatched hut. He was an orphan whose father and mother died early due to illness and lack of money for medical treatment. Rich buried his father and mother softly in the old grave of Tangzhuang, and lived a life of being alone.

Feng Xian saw that she was loyal and kind, and gradually fell in love, and offered to marry him. Rich didn't agree, he felt that he was too poor, and he was afraid that Fengxian would suffer with him. Fengxian is not afraid of poverty, and is determined to accompany him for the rest of his life.

The two got married.

Rich and donkey-driven, equivalent to driving a taxi now.

Impatiens runs a mill at home. The people in the village take the grain to grind, and the phoenix helps the people to wash the wheat and dry it, push and grind the Luo noodles, and it is a day to dry. People will leave the bran.

Xiangcheng's "Awakening"

The days are poor, but they are sweet.

There are unpredictable circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck. Once, Fu Fu sent someone off and rode back on a donkey, but the donkey didn't know why he fell to the ground and injured his foot. Because his family was poor and had no money to treat, he was disabled, and he had to walk on crutches.

The heavier burden of the family falls on the shoulders of the phoenix.

In order to support her family, Fengxian went to Huaiyang to do business. She was motion sick and could only walk. She had her feet entangled, she had difficulty walking, she was in great pain, but she never complained.

The house leak was even rainy and rainy, and the boat was broken and the head wind was blown. Drought and locust soup followed, and the Great Famine of 1942!

Fengxian led the children to escape the famine and went to a relative's house in Lushan. This family is a rich family, and my mother wants him to give him some food. The relative was more stingy and only dug up a bowl of bran. Feng Xian poured the bowl of bran into the ground, led the child to turn around and leave, and never came to his door again.

Because her family is poor and can't afford to raise so many children, when she was a child, Fu Ni wanted to find her an in-law as soon as possible and be a child daughter-in-law for others. Fengxian knew that it was pushing her daughter into the fire pit, and she was resolutely against it.

This is the story of my father and mother before I was born.

Seven months after his birth, on December 12, 1947, the People's Liberation Army came, and Xiangcheng County really woke up.

Xiangcheng's "Awakening"

Chapter 2 - Mei Aono

The poet Qingjing is in the New Year, and the green willows are only yellow and half uneven.

——Tang Yang Juyuan, "Early Spring in the East of the City"

My mother often told her children: "If it weren't for the Communist Party, our whole family might have turned into bones." We have to thank the Communist Party for its kindness, listen to the Communist Party, follow the Communist Party, and live a better life in the future. It will use electricity, the electric light can be turned on, and the needle can be seen and found when it falls on the ground, unlike the current kerosene lamp and sesame oil lamp. In the future, I will live upstairs, upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones, moving and moving, and a small sleeping car. Then to heaven. ”

The mother supported the fifteen-year-old Jenny to go out to engage in activities and publicity. At that time, it had just been liberated, and people had not yet gotten rid of the old ideas and old consciousness, thinking that big girls could not go out and run around. The eldest brother couldn't get used to it, and said, "What is the little Nier's family going out to run around all day?" You are not allowed to go out and run again, and you will be interrupted by running errands again. But the mother said: "She runs and tells her to run, you don't care." When my mother said this, the eldest brother didn't dare to say anything, and named Zhenni a big name Xiuying. Xiuying became an activist, was rated as a model, wore a big red flower, and became the deputy head of Shantoudian District.

[To be finished, please continue to enjoy the wonderful content of "Tang Yuying in Xiangcheng County (3)" next week]

Xiangcheng's "Awakening"

Jia Fengxiang was the first in the province in the Chinese language and literature major for graduation from colleges and universities in Henan Province, graduated from Central China Normal University, and is now a literature teacher at Xuchang Veteran Cadre University. He has published works or won awards at the national and provincial levels in the fields of novels, essays, dramas, film and television, folk arts, poetry, literary criticism, historical research, calligraphy, music, photography, speeches, and performances. He has published more than 30 books. He is a member of the Chinese Dramatists Association, a member of the Chinese Essayists Association, a member of the Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, a member of the Henan Writers Association, and a member of the Henan Quyi Artists Association. It is listed in the "Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Writers and Artists". The blog was rated as one of the top ten emerging talents in the world by Sina headquarters.

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