
This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

author:I don't like to talk about history

1. Who would have thought of it? The famous "Thousand-faced Actor" Leung Ka-fai was reduced to selling vegetables in the night market to make a living in his early years! In a recent variety show, we saw that the 65-year-old was gathered together with many young popular actors to participate in the local traditional "dragon boat rafting" activity.

I saw him holding a drumstick in his hand, devoting himself to the passionate rhythm, full of green muscles, guiding the direction of the dragon boat and leading the team to move forward bravely.

The spectacle of the scene is breathtakingHowever, what is surprising is that from beginning to end, there is always a staff member who follows closely, carefully guarding the elderly man from falling into the water due to a moment of negligence Sure enough, after the event, Leung Ka-fai looked exhausted, gasping for breath, as if he was a different person, and when he left, his wrinkled and flabby face made it almost impossible to recognize the style of the former "actor", and netizens were concerned about his health However,

This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

What few people know is that the highly respected "actor with a thousand faces", experienced hardships in his youth, and even fell into a low point in his life for a time In 1983, the 26-year-old Leung Ka-fai became famous in one fell swoop with his outstanding performance in the movie "Listening to Politics", and won the title of the youngest actor, attracting everyone's attention However, the good times did not last long, because his role in the film angered Taiwanese investors, resulting in his first important work being blocked.

This made him a lone figure in the entire Hong Kong film and television industry, there was no drama to play the once beautiful actor, and he fell into confusion in an instant, and could only rely on setting up stalls in the night market to make a living.

Second, the peerless road of the actor actually originated from an unintentional opportunity. In 1983, 26-year-old Leung Jiahui played the role of Emperor Xianfeng in the movie "Listening to Politics", and won warm applause from the audience with his superb acting skills.

In the film, he is dressed in gorgeous costumes and has a gloomy face, vividly portraying the image of this mediocre and brutal emperor, Leung Jiahui at that time was quite satisfied with his performance, thinking that his career was about to usher in a new peak.

This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

Unexpectedly, at that moment of crisis, his development path suddenly encountered unprecedented obstacles. Because Taiwanese investors were dissatisfied with Liang Jiahui's film production on the mainland, they ruthlessly blocked this excellent work and solemnly demanded that he write a "letter of repentance" for deep reflection.

The bloody masculine, arrogant and unyielding Leung Ka-fai naturally couldn't accept such humiliation, but what followed was the all-round rejection and indifference of the entire Hong Kong film and television industry, which made him fall into the dilemma of no one for several years, and the ambition of the actor who should have a bright future and glory was ruthlessly shattered in an instant, he never foresaw that his brilliant acting career that attracted worldwide attention with a movie would be interrupted so suddenly, Leung Ka-fai knew that this life-and-death fierce battle was about to start in the future.

3. A kind woman's insight can turn things around and change her life! Just when Leung Ka-fai's future was bleak and he was almost in despair, fate miraculously opened a new door for him, like the dawn illuminating his path of hope for rebirth.

This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

Time back to a late night in 1986, Jiang Jianian finished his busy work, strolling in the bustling night market on the way home, inadvertently, she saw a familiar figure from a distance was busy setting up stalls in the streets and alleys - that is the once dazzling, peerless film star Leung Jiahui saw that this talented actor has now fallen to such a point, Jiang Jiannian's heart is full of endless regret and sympathy, Jiang Jianian replied with a frank smile: "It's okay, it's a big deal, I will quit my job" These sincere and kind words are like a warm current,

instantly warmed Liang Jiahui's cold and desperate heart, like a spring breeze, dissolving the ice in his heart As time went by, Liang Jiahui was deeply moved by Jiang Jiannian's kindness and courage, this woman regarded him as a sincere friend, and never had any discrimination or prejudice against him because of his predicamentLiang Jiahui's heart was full of gratitude, and his good impression of Jiang Jianian gradually germinated, and soon after, he finally mustered up the courage to express his heart to Jiang Jiannian, and the two hit it off and finally tied the knot.

Fourth, in order to marry his beloved, he had to hold a wedding in secret from his parents! When Leung Ka-fai and Jiang Jiannian had a deep relationship and decided to enter the marriage hall, Jiang Jiannian's family members were resolutely opposed to this marriage.

This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

The reason is very simple, Leung Jiahui was penniless and had no future at that time, and he could not give Jiang Jianian a decent and grand wedding.

Faced with fierce opposition from his family members, Leung Ka-fai found himself in a deep predicament. At this time, he was at the lowest ebb of his career, living in poverty and unable to even afford a romantic wedding.

However, in another corner, he fell deeply in love with the benefactor who rescued him from the abyss of despair - Jiang Jiannian.

After deep inner struggles and choices, Leung Ka-fai finally strengthened his belief and privately decided to secretly marry his long-cherished lover.

So, Leung Jiahui quietly concealed the matter from both parents, and held a simple and hidden wedding with Jiang Jiannian. In the sweet moment of the newlyweds, they hugged each other tightly and supported each other, and the doubts and criticisms from the outside world seemed to have become insignificant to them.

This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

Soon after marriage, with the full support of his friends Chow Yun-fat, Tsui Hark and many other celebrity friends, Leung Ka-fai once again embarked on the road of acting. Although the road is tortuous and difficult, with his profound acting skills, he has successfully responded to all the doubts with one excellent work after another.

From the personable aristocratic son, to the heroic and fearless warrior, to the humorous comedian, Leung Ka-fai has a unique and superb interpretation of each role, which has won high praise from industry peers and film critics.

Fifth, rising again, Leung Jiahui won the title of "Thousand Faces Actor".

With his excellent acting skills and extraordinary ability to shape characters, Leung Ka-fai quickly rose to prominence in the film industry and won the reputation of "Best Actor with a Thousand Faces".

This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

Comedy giant Stephen Chow once gave him high praise: "I am the number one master of genre films, and Leung Ka-fai is the first master of the all-round type." ”

Similarly, Chow Yun-fat also unabashedly said: "I can basically play the role that other people can do; But the role I can play, others may not be able to do.

Leung Ka-fai is the only one who can play a role that I may not be able to do."

This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

From the elegant and elegant rich children in "Lover" to the heroic heroes in "New Dragon Gate Inn"; From the lifelike comedy performance in "East Becomes West", to the majestic and cold boss in "Black Gold", to the tough and resolute manly image in "Cold War...... Every time Leung Ka-fai creates a new character, he will show a new style and amaze the audience.

In the film industry, there is hardly a role that he can't control.

Through the unique understanding and interpretation of each role, Leung Ka-fai fully proves that his reputation as the "actor with a thousand faces" is not groundless.

This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

6. "My wife is the greatest happiness of my life"

Just as Leung Ka-fai returned to the film industry domineeringly and won the supreme glory in the world film field, he always remembered and affectionately thanked his wife Jiang Jiannian for his selfless dedication.

Whether he was interviewed by the global media or stood at the center of the stage of the award ceremony, Leung Ka-fai always solemnly and sincerely expressed his deep gratitude to Jiang Jiannian.

This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

"At this crucial moment, the one I can't forget the most and need me to be honest with everyone is my wife Jiang Jiannian. She chose to spend the rest of my life with me at the lowest point, in my most desperate, in my poorest, in my most difficult period.

No matter now or in the future, no matter what honors, awards, bonuses or salaries I receive, I will not hesitate to share this joy with her".

Over the years, Kong has always been by Leung's side, taking care of the household wholeheartedly and providing him with all-round support. Although her figure has changed after giving birth, and she is often questioned and ridiculed by the outside world, Leung Ka-fai has never taken these rumors to heart.

This time, 65-year-old Leung Jiahui actually "taught a lesson" to the entertainment industry

He not only firmly defended his wife's image in public, bluntly saying, "I think my wife is the most beautiful woman", but also brought her endless security with practical actions.

For Leung Ka-fai, he once made a vow to his wife at the wedding: "I will make you happy". Now, he's doing his best to make that promise.

In this entertainment industry full of strife and noise, Leung Ka-fai perfectly interprets the deep friendship of "I only love you in my life" with his practical actions.

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