
Rilke's Selected Poems|Who is crying somewhere in the world at this moment, crying in the world for no reason

author:Read to sleep
{"info":{"title":{"content":"里尔克诗歌精选|此刻有谁在世上的某处哭,无缘无故地在世上哭","en":"Rilke's Selected Poems|Who is crying somewhere in the world at this moment, crying in the world for no reason"},"description":{"content":"赖内·马利亚·里尔克,奥地利诗人。出生于布拉格,早期代表作为《生活与诗歌》(1894)、《梦幻》(1897)、《耶稣降临...","en":"René Maria Rilke was an Austrian poet. Born in Prague, his early works include Life and Poetry (1894), Dreams (1897), The Coming of Jesus..."}},"items":[]}