
An old friend called me to invite me to my daughter's wedding party, but I declined

author:Smoke Moon wrote

It was an ordinary afternoon, and I was packing up my old things at home, when suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up and looked at it, and it turned out to be my old friend Brother Li. My heart was tight, and I didn't know what he was looking for me at this time.

"Hey, Brother Li, what's the matter?" I try to make my voice sound calm.

"Oh, Lao Zhang, I have a big thing to tell you, my daughter is getting married! You'll have to participate! Brother Li's voice was full of joy.

I was stunned for a moment, Brother Li's daughter got married, which is a great event. But there was a voice inside me telling me that I couldn't go.

"Brother Li, congratulations! However, I really can't go. I sighed, trying to keep my tone firm.

"What's wrong? What could be more important than attending my daughter's wedding reception? Brother Li's tone became a little displeased.

I was silent for a moment, not knowing how to speak. Brother Li and I used to be best friends, but due to some misunderstandings, we haven't been in touch for many years. This time he invited me to my daughter's wedding reception, and I was naturally very happy. However, that dusty past is like a fish in my throat, and I can't let go of it.

"Brother Li, you know, it's between us. I don't want past misunderstandings to affect your happy events. "I finally mustered up the courage to say what was in my heart.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and Brother Li's voice rang again: "Lao Zhang, I know that I was wrong in the past, and I have also reflected on it over the years. I asked you to come this time to apologize to you in person and hope that you can forgive me. ”

Hearing this, my heart was sour, and my eyes couldn't help but moisten. I don't want to forgive Brother Li, but how can I easily forget the hurt of those years?

"Brother Li, I have received your wishes. However, I still couldn't go. I wish your daughter a happy newlywed and grow old together! I hung up, tears streaming down my face.

That night, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. Scenes of the past came to mind, and the time spent with Brother Li in those years was like yesterday. We struggled together, struggled together, laughed together, cried together. Those days are the most precious memories of my life.

However, memories are memories after all. In reality, we have drifted away. I understand that there are some things that are in the past, and there is no going back to the past.

On the day of the wedding reception, I went alone to the place where we had struggled together. There have long been things and people, but those years have always remained in my heart.

I took out my phone and sent a text message to Brother Li: "Brother Li, I wish you a happy family!" Our friendship I will cherish forever. ”

At that moment, I felt relieved. I know that my life goes on, and those good memories will always be with me.

On the third day after the wedding banquet, Brother Li suddenly appeared at my door. He looked a little tired, but there was a determination in his eyes. I froze where I was, I didn't expect him to come to me.

"Lao Zhang, can we talk?" There was a pleading in his voice.

I was silent for a moment, but finally nodded and welcomed him into the house. We sat on the couch, relatively silent, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

"Lao Zhang, I know you're still angry in your heart, but I'm really here to apologize to you." Brother Li broke the silence and spoke sincerely.

I sighed and looked at the old friend in front of me who had been together in the rivers and lakes, and my heart was mixed.

"Brother Li, everything has passed, what's the point of saying this?"

"It makes a lot of sense!" Brother Li raised his voice, "We used to be such good brothers, I can't just lose you like that." I know what I've done in those years hurt you, but I really regret it. I hope we can start again. ”

When I heard this, my heart was shocked. All these years, I have been running away and afraid to face that past. But Brother Li's words made me feel a little warm.

"Brother Li, is what you said true?" I asked tentatively.

"Of course it's true! Lao Zhang, I know, you may still be worried about the misunderstanding in the past. But you have to believe that time will dilute everything. At our age, what else can't we put down? Brother Li's eyes were full of anticipation.

I was deep in thought, yes, how many decades can there be in life? What are the misunderstandings and contradictions in the past in the long river of time?

"Okay, Brother Li, I'm willing to try to start over." I stretched out my hand and shook it tightly with Brother Li.

At that moment, we felt as if we had returned to our youthful days, the carefree times. All misunderstandings and estrangements have disappeared in this embrace.

Since then, Brother Li and I have restarted our friendship. We often drank tea together, chatted, and reminisced about the old days. Those laughter and tears have become a part of our lives again.

One day, Brother Li suggested that we go to the place where we once struggled together. When we stood there again, looking at everything familiar around us, we couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in our hearts.

"Lao Zhang, you see, this place has witnessed our youth and our friendship. We've fought together here, and we can still do it. Brother Li said with emotion.

I nodded, confident in my heart. I know that no matter what difficulties I encounter in the future, I will face them with Brother Li. Because, our friendship has stood the test of time and has become deeper.

Now, Brother Li and I have entered the twilight of our lives. But our friendship has become more and more precious and has become the most precious treasure in our lives. We have walked through the ups and downs hand in hand and witnessed each other's growth and transformation. And all of this is because of that decision, let's start afresh and let the friendship be reborn.

Time flies like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, Brother Li and I are gray-haired. We have had many memorable moments together over the years. We traveled together, fished together, and went to various parties together. We seem to have returned to that enthusiastic age, forgetting the vicissitudes of the world.

One day, Brother Li invited me to his home for a small gathering. His daughter, the same girl I was unable to attend, is now a mother of two. Seeing her children playing in the yard made me feel emotional.

"Brother Li, you see, these children have grown up, and we are also old." I whispered.

Brother Li smiled, a hint of nostalgia flashing in his eyes. "Yes, Lao Zhang, time flies, time flies. However, I think we are still as young as we were back then. ”

I smiled and didn't speak again. But in my heart, I thought, yes, although our faces are old, that friendship is still young.

That night, Brother Li's daughter and son-in-law prepared a sumptuous dinner. We sat around and talked and laughed. After the meal, Brother Li suggested that we go for a walk in the yard together.

The moonlight is like water, sprinkled on our faces with vicissitudes. Brother Li suddenly stopped and looked at me seriously.

"Lao Zhang, do you know what I am most grateful for all these years?" There was a bit of emotion in his voice.

I shook my head and waited quietly for his next step.

"What I am most grateful for is that you were able to forgive me and let us start over. In those years, I really regretted it. But now, I'm really happy because I've got my best brother back. Brother Li said, tears grooming in the corners of his eyes.

My heart warmed, and I held Brother Li's hand tightly. "Brother Li, it's all over. Aren't we doing well now? ”

We stood in the moonlight, looking at each other, as if we had returned to that summer, the age when we roamed the rivers and lakes together.

Soon after, Brother Li was admitted to the hospital for physical reasons. I went to the hospital every day to accompany him, and we talked about the past, laughing and reminiscing about those crazy days. Even though the illness tormented him, as long as we were together, Brother Li always had a smile on his face.

Finally, that day has come. I stood in front of Brother Li's hospital bed and held his hand tightly. His aura had become weaker, but I could still feel his unwavering friendship.

"Lao Zhang, don't be sad. Our life is worth it. Brother Li's voice was weak but firm.

I held back my tears and nodded. "Brother Li, don't worry, I will help you take care of your family."

Brother Li smiled and closed his eyes, and at that moment, I felt the impermanence of life. But I know that even if Brother Li leaves, our friendship will always remain in my heart.

After bidding farewell to Brother Li, I walked alone by the river. Thinking of the days we used to walk together, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion in my heart. But I also know that life goes on. I will take Brother Li's blessings and friendship and go on bravely.

And those times spent with Brother Li will become the most precious memories of my life. In this world, there is an emotion called friendship. It stands the test of time and will never fade even in the face of life and death.

At Brother Li's funeral, I met many old friends, and they all came to say goodbye to Brother Li. We hugged each other and remembered the bits and pieces of Brother Li's life together. Although the sadness is indescribable, our hearts are full of gratitude and admiration for Brother Li.

After the funeral, I went to Brother Li's home and saw that his family was immersed in grief. I stepped forward and hugged Brother Li's daughter tightly, and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Uncle Zhang, Dad is gone, I'm so scared." There was a cry in her voice.

I gently stroked her hair, trying to give her some comfort. "Don't be afraid, child, your father will always be in your heart. We will miss him together and go down together. ”

Brother Li's grandchildren also came around, and their innocent eyes warmed my heart. I crouched down and hugged them tightly, trying to make them feel warm.

"Grandpa, we'll miss you." The children's voices were childish, but they made me feel the power of life.

I looked at them and couldn't help but feel emotional. Although Brother Li has left, his spirit will be passed on forever. I will do my best to help Brother Li's family through this difficult time.

In the days that followed, I became a regular visitor to Brother Li's house. I accompany them through every important moment, whether it's the children's birthdays or family reunions. I tried my best to fill Brother Li's vacancy and make them feel warm and caring.

Brother Li's family also gradually came out of their grief, and they began to face life again. Seeing them gradually come out of the shadows, I can't help but feel relieved in my heart. I know that Brother Li will also be happy when he is in the spirit of heaven.

One day, I came to Brother Li's grave alone. I sat quietly in front of his tombstone, reminiscing about the time we spent together. Although Brother Li had left, his voice and smile seemed to still echo in his ears.

"Brother Li, don't worry, I will take good care of your family and let them feel your love and care. You will always live in our hearts. I whispered, tears streaming down my face.

At that moment, I felt the fragility of life and the power of friendship. I know that we will always be together, whether we live or die. Brother Li, thank you for everything you have brought me, I will always miss you.

In the years to come, I will continue to accompany Brother Li's family and let them feel the warmth of friendship. I believe that as long as we have love in our hearts, the spirit of Brother Li will always exist.

And those times spent with Brother Li will become the most precious memories of my life. In this world, there is an emotion called friendship. It stands the test of time and will never fade even in the face of life and death.