
The old man said, "I often sweep the three places, and the wealth of the family is smooth", which are the three places?

author:Good luck comes with you

In our hometown, there is an ancient saying: "If you often sweep three places, your family will be wealthy." This sentence seems simple, but it contains profound life wisdom and ancient farming culture. Today, let's explore the mysteries behind these "three places" and see how these simple teachings still shine brightly in modern life.

The old man said, "I often sweep the three places, and the wealth of the family is smooth", which are the three places?

First of all, there is the "front door". The ancients said: "Open the door and see joy, go out and meet expensive." "Sweeping the front of the door is not only a respect for life, but also a positive attitude towards good luck. Keeping the front of the door tidy is like setting up a welcoming etiquette for the door, which invisibly attracts positive energy, and wealth will naturally come.

The old man said, "I often sweep the three places, and the wealth of the family is smooth", which are the three places?

Secondly, the "kitchen stove". The kitchen is the energy center of the family, and every dish cooked is closely related to the life of the family. Cleaning the stove often not only makes the food tastier, but also prevents the accumulation of oil fumes from affecting your health. What's more, a clean kitchen can bring a good mood and family harmony, and such a family atmosphere will naturally attract wealth to the door.

The old man said, "I often sweep the three places, and the wealth of the family is smooth", which are the three places?

Finally, "Study or Work Area". Knowledge is wealth, whether it is an ancient cultivator or a modern knowledge worker, the study is the source of wisdom. Organize your desk regularly to purify your mind and think more clearly. A well-organized work environment not only improves productivity, but also brings good fortune to your finances.

The old man said, "I often sweep the three places, and the wealth of the family is smooth", which are the three places?

The experiences of our ancestors are not groundless, they are the crystallization of the wisdom of life, and the pursuit of harmony, health and prosperity by our ancestors. Sweeping these three places is not only a love of life, but also an expectation for the future. Nowadays, these seemingly trivial habits have actually been integrated into our daily life and become a part of our lives.

Remember, in those days, sweeping the floor was not only to sweep away the dust, but also to sweep away the troubles and good luck. Now, we might as well try to rejuvenate this ancient tradition in our lives, and let the wisdom of "always sweeping the three places" illuminate our life path.

The old man said, "I often sweep the three places, and the wealth of the family is smooth", which are the three places?

Dear elders, do you remember how our parents taught us to clean in those years? Have you heard such stories from them? Now, you might as well pass on these traditional wisdom to more people. After all, Caishun is not overnight, but accumulates over time, starting from the daily bits and pieces.

Let's use this simple and practical wisdom to sweep out a warm and prosperous family, so that life is full of sunshine and hope. Forward it to your friends and family, so that they can also feel the wisdom and blessings from our ancestors!

#常扫三地# #老祖宗智慧# #家庭财富#

The old man said, "I often sweep the three places, and the wealth of the family is smooth", which are the three places?