
Red rope must not be worn casually! Look at the taboos and meanings of wearing red rope

author:Lin Lin's little time

In recent years, the wearing of red rope has become a fashion, and many young men and women have tied red rope to their wrists and ankles. Although the red rope is beautiful, it really can't be worn casually! It still has the exquisite and taboo of wearing, let's take a look at it specifically:

Red rope must not be worn casually! Look at the taboos and meanings of wearing red rope

In ancient times, there was such a saying: "Tie the red rope to the sea, and break the green silk from the good." In ancient times, many women were forced by life, exiled to the dust, their hearts have all kinds of helplessness, at this time they will tie a red rope around their waist, indicating that they are not naked in front of others, this red rope is the last dress, but also their last line of defense and the bottom line of dignity.

Red rope must not be worn casually! Look at the taboos and meanings of wearing red rope

From the Tang Dynasty onwards, the red rope had a new definition, and in Li Fuyan's "Theory of Continuing XuanWei", "I asked what was in the bag, and said: 'Red rope ear! With the foot of the husband and wife, and their birth is subliminally related, although the enemy's home, the noble and the lowly are suspended, the end of the world is from the eunuch, Wu Chu is a foreign land, this rope is a series, and it cannot be rolled in the end. The red rope of the old moon is tied to the feet, with the mountains and seas as the guide, the history as the road, the red rope as the line, and the cause and effect are natural.

Red rope must not be worn casually! Look at the taboos and meanings of wearing red rope

In modern times, time has changed, and many concepts have changed. Chinese have liked red since ancient times, it represents festive and auspicious good luck; so wearing a red bracelet also represents giving a good intention: protection, prayer, peace, all good luck depends on it.

Young men and women use the red rope as a promise of love, implicitly expressing their love. The lovers each wear a red rope on their wrist, which means that they will always be together and stay together for a lifetime.

Red rope must not be worn casually! Look at the taboos and meanings of wearing red rope

In addition, in China, there is also a tradition of hanging red to ward off evil spirits, so people are particularly fond of red every year of life. The emphasis on red in the year of this life should be derived from the traditional Chinese culture's worship of red to ward off evil and auspiciousness.

Red auspicious, this tradition has not changed, paste red couplets, newlywed red wedding dresses, red hijabs, red candles, new science red list, etc., people like to use red to add festivity; a small red rope contains the beautiful meaning of Chinese tradition. 、

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I am Lin Lin, leisure time like to read, write some cultural articles, if you like my articles, please pay attention to me, the little girl is shallow, there are deficiencies please correct more.

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