
Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

author:Yu Jie's study

< h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > introduction</h1>

In the contemporary literary world, Su Tong is known as "the male writer who knows women best and is best at writing about women". Writer Mo Yan once said: "I think the grasp of women in Su Tong's works seems to be innate, so some writers really need talent." The accurate grasp of women's subtle emotions is beyond my reach."

In Su Tong's many female theme works, Su Tong, as a male, has added a unique piece of qi to the delicate and feminine beauty of his female novels, which is not falling down and is rare and valuable.

Su Tong is good at portraying female figures, and in his view, "women embody more novel elements" in them. The despair, misery and loneliness of the women in his writings are so heavy that the reader feels deeply depressed and suffocated.

His works narrate the story in an objective and calm tone, trying not to carry subjective emotions, but the complex human nature he implies makes people feel mixed, happy but can't laugh, bitter but can't cry, this is the brilliance of Su Tong's works.

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Writer Su Tong

Su Tong's works are inseparable from the new avant-garde realism. Scholar Tong Qingbing said that Su Tong can be called an iconic figure in avant-garde literature. The thematic imagery of Su Tong's avant-garde novels is diverse and rich, and the theme of traditional novels is replaced by personalized themes.

We can see that most of Su Tong's novels choose ancient Chinese materials and give new connotations to old stories. Let's analyze his "Red Pink" from the following three aspects of thematic imagery with the characteristics of new avant-garde realism.

"Red Pink" tells the story of a "prostitute from liang" who was transformed into a prostitute in Suzhou at the beginning of the founding of New China. As a special group under the product of the times, they carry too many good and evil beauty and ugliness of human nature in the turbulent era of the alternation of the old and the new. The works bring us deep thinking, let's taste a taste together.

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Stills from Wang Zhiwen and Wang Ji's version of "Red Pink"

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" >, the contest between human violence and warmth</h1>

Excellent works are inseparable from the shaping of the character image. Lu Xun has many classic characters, such as Xiang Linjie, who is honest and duty-bound but has a tragic fate, Ah Q, who is self-fooling and deceiving himself, Kong Yiji, who lives a sloppy life and wants face, etc. Each classic is like crying and complaining, going deep into the bone marrow.

Su Tong also portrayed the three protagonists in "Red Pink" - two prostitutes and a prostitute character image very classic, the three images vivid and full, distinct personality and flesh and blood. Three different characters reveal three different life destinies, which is a pity!

Psychologist Jung said that character determines destiny. Such as industriousness and laziness, decisiveness and hesitation, strength and cowardice, honesty and hypocrisy, etc., which are in a stable state of reality and habitual behavior and personality characteristics, will be affected by the subconscious.

Although Yu Jie does not quite agree with the statement that character determines fate, because there are other factors, the influence of character on fate is indeed obvious!

"Red Pink" sees through the complex human nature, witnesses betrayal and perseverance, reveals the violence and warmth of human nature, and three distinct characters give us endless space for thinking. It is said that three women are a drama, how can a novel with women as the theme be separated from the war of women? "Red Pink" is undoubtedly a woman's death.

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Stills from "Red Pink", Wang Ji as Qiu Yi, He Saifei as Xiao Calyx

Qiu Yi and Xiao Calyx are both bitter women in the Xihong Mansion in Cuiyunfang, and the two are sisters in love, but in the test and struggle between emotional choices and survival bottom lines, human nature is often vulnerable, and the violence and warmth of human nature can be fully demonstrated.

Qiu Yi has the most distinct personality, she is a bright red, where to go is the focus, she is very assertive, spicy and decisive, tenacious and strong, love and hate, dare to act, if she was born in the new era, is a proper strong woman.

Xiao Calyx's personality is completely different from Qiu Yi, she is a gentle pink, she is only a promise wherever she goes, she lacks opinion, her personality is cowardly, she is timid and afraid of things, she likes to rely on it, and she is completely a little woman posture with strong dependence.

The two have similar origins and the same experience, which seem to be the same on the surface, but in fact, they are very different in their bones, the two have different values, and their understanding of life is not the same. Such different personalities determine different life directions, even if they are like sisters, they will turn against each other under the test of survival and emotional choices.

Qiu Yi grew up in a shantytown, and according to her feelings, it was "the familiar sour smell of poverty and dirtiness.". She had a blind old father and an aunt who didn't want to see her, and poverty forced her to go into a kiln at the age of 16. Xiao Calyx died at the age of 16, her mother remarried, and she also entered the kiln.

Qiu Yi acted decisively and vigorously. When the brothel was banned and the prostitutes were dragged away by trucks to face reform, the bold Qiu Yi chose to jump out of the car and escape; when she went to Cuiyunfang to ask the mother of the bustard for gold and silver without success, she threatened to burn the cuiyunfang, forcing the mother of the bustard to return her belongings, and also laying a material foundation for her later life.

Qiu Yi was emotionally single-minded and clean, although it was a bit ironic, but in that era, according to Xiao Calyx' words, "it is not easy for girls in Cuiyunfang to have this obsession." Qiu Yi's ideal is to "hope that a handsome and rich man will buy away her virginity." She rejected many men and finally waited for Lao Pu."

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Stills of Qiu Yi, Lao Pu and Xiao Calyx

Lao Pu is Qiu Yi's first guest, but in Qiu Yi's heart, Lao Pu is a different "prostitute", and their relationship is not simply stuck at that level. In a sense, Lao Pu has a very important place in her life, and she cannot forget the imprint and influence that Lao Pu brought to her.

When she jumped off the big truck, the first thing that came to her mind was Lao Pu, who was her ultimate yearning for love, and she saw Lao Pu as the "first person she could rely on" after she fell into trouble. But after being spurned, insulted and driven away by Lao Pu's mother, Pu Taiqing, and falling out with Lao Pu, she showed the fierceness and despair in her character:

At this time, Qiu Yi finally cried out, and she grabbed the banknote and tore it off, and fell on Lao Pu's face. Qiu Yi said, Who wants your money, Lao Pu, do I want your money? You conscienceless thing. "

Lao Pu's indifference and determination were the last straw that crushed Qiu Yi, and with a strong personality, she entered the Play Moon Nunnery as a nun in discouragement, and did not turn back even if Lao Pu begged bitterly.

Later, the man who once loved her married Xiao Calyx, and the double betrayal of friendship and love made her very painful. However, after Lao Pu sentenced her to death and remarried Xiao Calyx, she still adopted their children regardless of her previous suspicions. Xu is once obsessed, Xu is a fantasy, and Qiu Yi embodies the dare to love and hate to the fullest.

Qiu Yi said, don't cry, you can rest assured that the sad husband handed me over, I will be better than you, do you understand this truth?

On the other hand, Xiao Calyx, due to her cowardly personality and lack of initiative, Xiao Calyx relies on Qiu Yi in many cases, "Over the years, Qiu Yi has become the main backbone of Xiao Cai in her feelings, she relies on Qiu Yi for everything, and Qiu Yi is even more panicked when she is not there."

Qiu Yi has been thinking about Xiao Calyx since she "escaped", and she entrusted Lao Pu to bring various daily necessities and food to Xiao Calyx, so that Xiao Calyx, who was painstakingly transformed, felt warm. However, the small calyx with poor mobility and strong dependence, in order to rely on the man's life, eventually betrayed the closest Qiu Yi.

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Calyx stills

Xiao Calyx was good at eating and lazy after marriage, but he also expected to live a life of a rich wife with no worries about food and clothing, so he forced Lao Pu to take risks and embezzle public funds and was sentenced to death. Lao Pu's words to Xiao Cai before his death are meaningful:

"When the sad husband grows up, don't let him mix in the pile of women, men like me don't have a good ending."

Looking back at the love triangle between the three, Qiu Yi is deeply upset, Qiu Yi is loyal to friendship and love, and the two have ruthlessly betrayed her. Xiao Caiming knew that qiu Yi's lover was Lao Pu, but he was still entangled with Lao Pu.

"Suddenly I remembered Qiu Yi again, so what about Qiu Yi?" Xiao Calyx said, let's not dance first, you take me to see Qiu Yi.... How do I go alone? ...... If you don't go, then let's go dance. "

Qiu Yi became a nun, and after Xiao Cai came out of the transformation, she only said that she wanted to visit her, but she never put it into action, which was far from the care and concern that Qiu Yi had taken care of her before.

And Lao Pu, after playing with Yue'an was rejected by Qiu Yi, actually had such an idea, which is incredible, obviously this is completely inconsistent with Qiu Yi's love for him:

On this day, Lao Pu secretly decided to break the love with Qiu Yi, and he remembered that his head was caught in the crack of the door of the Yue'an to plead with Qiu Yi, which made him sweep the ground. Lao Pu thought that there were many plump women in the world like flowers and jade, and why did he think about Qiu Yi every day, Qiu Yi was just a prostitute in Cuiyunfang. "

Qiu Yi's love for Lao Pu was finally wrongly paid, but she also saw him clearly. Lao Pu could not and would not admit her wife status, only to maintain that level of relationship with her, he still discriminated against her from the bottom of his heart. His fascination with her was limited to her hue, including her plump figure and beautiful face.

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Stills of Qiu Yi and Xiao Calyx

When Lao Pu saw the transformed Calyx, he proved his thin affection and lust, "Xiao Pu stood in the sunlight and smiled at Lao Pu, Lao Pu's first feeling was that she was much more beautiful than before, and his heart fluttered. "

Lao Pu and Xiao Calyx, in terms of emotions, can be said to be the same and quite a perfect match! The character defects of the two are doomed to combine the two as a tragedy, one is lazy and vain, only knows how to enjoy, and the other is only for the hue, can not adapt to the new society.

Lao Pu woke up before dying, and let Xiao Calyx not let the child mix in the pile of women in the future; Xiao Calyx also understood that Lao Pu was a good person, and it was he who pit him, "This stormy marriage, in the end, is just a night of nightmares, and Xiao Calyx often emits nightmare screams in the middle of the night." "

The humanity of Lao Pu and Xiao Calyx is distorted, in fact, in a chaotic environment, it is difficult to create a straight humanity. Su Tong writes intricate and complex with ease, echoes the lyricism with narrative, interprets personal desires with forgiveness, and it can be said that his lyricism is a narrative about the soul, and it is also the study of how personal life unfolds on its own.

The different fates of the three people in "Red Pink" are a contest of human violence and warmth, and Qiu Yi's warmth also carries a certain defect. In the age of confusion of thought, the brilliance of human nature is no longer sacred, but a sin and numbness; the process of human life is no longer harmonious and perfect, but a kind of stagnation and imperfection.

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Stills from "Red Pink"

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > second, the contradiction between spiritual restoration and reality escape</h1>

There are many fugitives in the world, whether male or female, reality or history, etc., which are the different backgrounds of Su Tong's novels. Su Tong has been writing life with two different pens and inks, and constantly hovers between spirit and reality, trying to find something in life.

At the beginning of the founding of New China in "Red Pink", the government closed the brothels and let the prostitutes undergo reform and arrange jobs. It is said that this is a good time for them to become new people, move towards a new society, and support themselves, but it is still difficult for Qiu Yi and Xiao Cai to change their thinking.

Qiu Yi jumped out of the car on the way to the transformation camp and fled, she chose to resist and flee the new life in thought and behavior, in her words: "I don't believe that men don't like to visit the kiln, and scatter us in this world and clean up?" She was ignorant and numb in her thoughts.

Qiu Yi is fleeing in body and mind, and the small calyx that did not escape successfully underwent transformation is "in Cao Ying's heart in Han", she seems to be transformed on the surface, but in fact, she is still the spiritual restoration of inherent thinking, and has not been reborn. She couldn't bear the pain at all, she was worried about how to live in the future, and even wanted to escape the pain once she died.

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Qiu Yi and Xiao Calyx who want to escape the transformation - stills

When the female cadre asked Xiao Calyx about her experience in falling into the red dust and asked her to accuse the mother of the bustard, she said: I am voluntary, I died at the age of 16, my mother is married, no one supports me, I earn money to support myself, I am afraid of hardship, I am born a slut. Xiao Calyx's self-contempt and self-contempt in order to escape the transformation are very sad!

When the female cadre asked her whether she wanted to be a worker or a saleswoman, she said she didn't know, she could do anything, as long as it wasn't too tiring, which factory had the lightest work to go to. This makes the people who transform her sigh: the idea is not good at transformation, delicious and lazy, just go pick the glass bottle.

Compared with Qiu Yi, Xiao Calyx is a contradiction between spiritual restoration and reality escape. Her mind stayed at the point of origin, but reality did not allow it. If she wants to balance spiritual restoration and reality escape, then she will choose to cling to and find the life-saving straw for survival, Qiu Yi is, Lao Pu is, and so is the man after remarrying.

Attaching to Qiu Yi made her weak and unassertioned; clinging to Lao Pu made her betray her sisters, let Qiu Yi lose her love, and let Lao Pu go to the end of the road to die; attached to the remarried, let her abandon her son. Living in sorrow, but not seeing sorrow, this is the greatest sorrow, this is a true portrayal of the small calyx.

Fantasize about being attached to people all your life, escaping from real life, but reality is cruel. Qiu Yi's realistic escape, Xiao Cai's spiritual escape, its essence is still sad. Qiu Yi has a large amount of money and can completely rely on herself, but she still has ideological attachments, including "escaping" and turning to Lao Pu, and later marrying the ugly hunchback Feng Laowu.

Whether it is Qiu Yi or Xiao Calyx, they regard men as lifelong dependence, as the only way to get rid of their tragic fate, they believe: "Once a woman has no money, she can only rely on men." But men are unreliable."

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Calyx marries Lao Pu - stills

They are still deeply dependent on ideology and deeply rooted, and they all end up marrying men. Although Qiu Yi will be more independent and gradually find herself in the escape, she will still be unable to avoid being attached to others, and Xiao Calyx will completely lose herself in the escape.

The contradictory focus of spiritual restoration and reality escape in "Red Pink" is still the irreversible level of women's attachment consciousness and ideological level. Therefore, if you can't change the idea of attachment to consciousness, you can't change your destiny! If you want to completely transform, you must be completely rescued from the inside out!

In Lao She's work "Crescent Moon", which also depicts the tragic life of prostitutes, Yue Rong, who once had a dream, realized the truth after experiencing the pain of life: decency and morality are what rich people say to others, and for the poor, filling their stomachs is the greatest truth. As a result, she embarked on the same path as her mother, and finally contracted a willow disease and waited in bed to die.

"Crescent Moon" tells the tragic story of how to "walk in", while "Red Pink" tells the sad story of how to "walk out". "Walking in" is easy, "getting out" is hard, some people are lost in the process, some are still on the road. But "coming out" means moving towards a new life, and more positively meaning to life, no matter how difficult it is, this is a necessary process.

Freud's psychoanalytic theory proposed that the subconscious processes of man have a decisive effect on human behavior. Therefore, if we want to change the characteristics of people's behavior, we must make deep changes in our thinking.

Under the careful tasting, "Red Pink" also has the positive significance of reality, and the three people in the text are not you and me in reality? The consciousness of attachment and cultural influence left over thousands of years cannot be changed overnight, but the degree of influence is heavy or light.

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Qiu Yi stills - played by Wang Ji

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > three, death care and the reshaping of life consciousness</h1>

We say that the avant-garde neorealism is characterized by the use of thematic imagery, which is used as a special carrier to express the author's unique understanding and aesthetic concept of life and life.

Su Tong's imagery creation is extremely expressive and creative, which makes his novels carry a lot of mysterious, fantastic colors and implications for readers to think about. These meanings in the novel always affect the fate of the characters, implying the author's understanding of life and life, and the more obvious is the imagery of wisteria and abandoned wells in "Flocks of Wives and Concubines".

In addition, the complex and decadent humanity in Su Tong's works makes you happy but can't laugh, and the bitterness can't cry, he conveys to the reader an indescribable psychological experience.

"Red Pink" not only has a gentle betrayal, elegant imagination and the sensual beauty of words, but also exudes a delicate sadness and an almost decadent beauty, which is dark and heartache, which has always been difficult to let go.

In my opinion, "Red Pink" and "Wives and Concubines" are both sister articles with different plots but similar styles written about women, both revealing the violence and distortion of human nature, although "Wives and Concubines" is even more so!

Su Tong's "Red Pink": A Red Pink Story of a Marginal Woman, Three Thought-provoking Thematic Imagery Introduction I. The Contest between Human Violence and Warmth II. The Contradiction between Spiritual Restoration and Reality Escape III. Death Care and The Reshaping of Life Consciousness

Lead the prostitute to the ship of the new life

"Red Pink" also mercilessly lyrically expresses the atrophy, distortion and restlessness of life, but this is not just to write tragic scenes for the sake of writing tragic scenes, to write mutilations and to write mutilations, Su Tong's purpose is to arouse the public's desire to reshape the national soul.

The ending of "Red Pink" is meaningful:

Feng Xinhua followed behind and asked, Mom, what is that thing? Qiu Yi looked back, and her expression was very sad. She said it was a rouge box that little boys couldn't play with.

Looking at the title of the work "Red Pink", the story of "Red Pink" has made the word "Red Pink" no longer just a title for marginal women, but has been given a more important meaning, and the words in the work show the author's desire to reshape the national soul, and a new life that does not have to live to death!

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