
Porsche's two new SUVs exposed!Seven-seat layout + size upgrade, better than looking up at the U8?

author:Smart electric travel


Porsche's two new SUVs exposed!Seven-seat layout + size upgrade, better than looking up at the U8?
Porsche's two new SUVs exposed!Seven-seat layout + size upgrade, better than looking up at the U8?
Porsche's two new SUVs exposed!Seven-seat layout + size upgrade, better than looking up at the U8?

据悉保时捷全新卡宴纯电版车型,将基于Premium Platform Electric(PPE)平台所打造,并采用Macan EV车型的相同的双电机四驱系统,并配备110-120kWh电池组,最大续航里程预计可达500公里上下。

Porsche's two new SUVs exposed!Seven-seat layout + size upgrade, better than looking up at the U8?
Porsche's two new SUVs exposed!Seven-seat layout + size upgrade, better than looking up at the U8?
Porsche's two new SUVs exposed!Seven-seat layout + size upgrade, better than looking up at the U8?

而保时捷代号为K1的全新旗舰级SUV,则将基于全新SSP Sport架构平台所打造,预计将采用独立四电机形式驱动,最大输出功率将超过1,000匹(约为746kW)。同时新车尺寸相比卡宴EV车型也将迎来大幅提升,并采供三排七座布局设计。