
1 billion people are at risk of input method leakage! Only Huawei Xiaoyi input method is spared!

author:Don't let go of Douban

Input method leakage, privacy is spied on, are you still at ease?

In this digital age, we use smartphones every day, and input is one of the most commonly used applications on mobile phones. A recent study shows that the vast majority of domestic mainstream input methods have serious security vulnerabilities, which may lead to the theft and leakage of our private information. This is undoubtedly very unsettling, after all, privacy is of paramount importance to everyone.

According to a survey by the Citizen Lab, an independent organization for privacy research, 8 of the 9 mainstream cloud-based pinyin input method applications in China have serious vulnerabilities. The main problem of these vulnerabilities is that when the data on the mobile phone is transmitted to the cloud server, it does not use an encrypted channel for transmission, or does not use an encrypted channel in accordance with security specifications, resulting in the risk of information leakage.

1 billion people are at risk of input method leakage! Only Huawei Xiaoyi input method is spared!

The affected input methods not only include well-known third-party applications, such as Sogou input method, Baidu input method, etc., but also include some pre-installed input methods of mobile phone brands, such as Honor, OPPO, Xiaomi, etc. This means that up to 1 billion of the users who use these input methods are at risk of having their privacy stolen.

Once hackers exploit the vulnerability, all kinds of information we enter in our daily life, such as ID card numbers, mobile phone numbers, bank card passwords, residential addresses, and even private chat records, may be intercepted and leaked by hackers. This will undoubtedly bring great trouble and risk to our lives.

1 billion people are at risk of input method leakage! Only Huawei Xiaoyi input method is spared!

For example, if the ID number is compromised, it may be used by criminals to defraud or steal identities; If the bank card password is leaked, the security of the money will be threatened; If your private chats are stolen, your privacy will be hidden. Worse still, if this information falls into the wrong hands, we may also be exposed to extortion or other criminal activities.

Faced with such a serious risk of privacy breaches, there seems to be nothing we can do. Although Citizen Labs has notified the relevant vendors, as of April 1, there are still vendors who have not fully fixed the vulnerability. And even if the vulnerability is fixed, we can't be sure that new security vulnerabilities won't emerge in the future.

1 billion people are at risk of input method leakage! Only Huawei Xiaoyi input method is spared!

Perhaps, we can temporarily abandon the use of these loopholes in the input method, and use the local input method function instead, but at the cost of losing convenient functions such as word association and fixed phrases, which greatly reduces the input efficiency. For most people, switching to a more secure input method may be a better option.

Thankfully, in this security crisis, Huawei Xiaoyi input method is the only ultra-secure input method that does not have vulnerabilities. Xiaoyi Input Method is able to do this, because of Huawei's strategy of attaching great importance to user privacy and strict product security testing process. For example, Xiaoyi input method requires that all important information must be transmitted through an encrypted channel to ensure that private data is not leaked.

1 billion people are at risk of input method leakage! Only Huawei Xiaoyi input method is spared!

The reason why Xiaoyi input method can achieve such a high level of security is also due to Huawei's great attention to privacy protection in the product development process. It is understood that Huawei takes privacy protection as the primary consideration in the product design stage, and ensures product privacy compliance through multiple steps such as privacy compliance review and security design review.

During the development process, Huawei also introduced a number of privacy-enhancing technologies, such as data de-identification and homomorphic encryption, to minimize the risk of personal information exposure. Huawei has also established a comprehensive data lifecycle management mechanism to strictly control the entire process of data collection, storage, use, sharing, and deletion.

1 billion people are at risk of input method leakage! Only Huawei Xiaoyi input method is spared!

Huawei's emphasis on privacy protection runs through the entire life cycle of the product, which is also the fundamental reason why Xiaoyi input method can be 100% secure.

In addition to ensuring the security of data transmission and storage, Xiaoyi input method also has excellent performance in intelligence. It not only supports basic functions such as intelligent association and intelligent error correction, but also integrates multiple input modes such as voice input, handwriting input, and translation, which can meet the diverse needs of users in different scenarios.

Xiaoyi input method also has industry-leading semantic understanding capabilities, which can accurately identify the user's semantic intent, so as to provide more intimate services. For example, when chatting, Xiaoyi input method can intelligently recommend emojis, stickers and other rich emoji elements according to the context, making the conversation more vivid and interesting.

1 billion people are at risk of input method leakage! Only Huawei Xiaoyi input method is spared!

In the face of such an excellent input method product,We don't seem to have much choice。 Between privacy security and smart experience, I'm sure most people would choose the former. If you're still using those vulnerable input methods, it may be time to consider switching to Xiaoyi input methods.

Of course, even if we change to Xiaoyi input method, we can't completely relax our vigilance. With the continuous development of technology, new security risks may arise at any time. Each of us should be aware of security and develop good online habits.

For example, don't easily enter private information in public; For important accounts, set complex passwords and change them regularly; Install anti-virus software on your phone, etc. Only if we take privacy seriously can we truly ensure the security of personal information.

1 billion people are at risk of input method leakage! Only Huawei Xiaoyi input method is spared!

We also call on relevant technology companies to attach great importance to privacy protection in the product development process and establish strict security mechanisms. Privacy is a fundamental right that everyone should have, and no company should be negligent in this regard.

This input method privacy leak incident has sounded the alarm bell for us. In this era of big data, each of our privacy may be at risk of being snooped on and stolen. We must attach great importance to privacy protection, take necessary protective measures, and at the same time urge relevant companies to fulfill their social responsibilities and work together to build a truly safe and reliable digital ecosystem.

1 billion people are at risk of input method leakage! Only Huawei Xiaoyi input method is spared!