
I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

author:Duck Duck shares new things

Today's sharing: How terrible it is to travel with your parents [tears]

Netizen: I went out with my dad to travel on the plane at 14:30, and I was already waiting at the airport at 6:30.

Let's take a look at netizens with the same experience


I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?


I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬早上八点多的动车 ,六点给我送到动车站门口 ,保洁阿姨说动车站还没开门[比心][流泪]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?


I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

Take my parents out to play with pots and pans, and I have to bring [cover my face] [cover my face]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?


I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬我跟你一样 ,你都不知道我们那边有馒头,我妈拿了馒头萝卜干,煮了十个鸡蛋,拿了五瓶牛奶,最后站人安检面前喝完了[看]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬ 老一辈:没苦硬吃。 [tears run]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?


I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬ 确实,有一年五一去香港迪士尼,我们家女王陛下不愿意动说你们进去吧我看东西,结果一个多小时就打电话让我们快出来,说外面冷还没有人,头一次进游乐园就玩了一个项目就出来了,大无语。 [smiling] I haven't refunded Her Majesty's ticket, and I've been waiting until it expires to commemorate it.

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬ 不仅如此 ,我爸还会谎报时间 ,明明八点 ,他能说已经十二点了[微笑]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬ 以前上学不是坐大巴吗?人家9:30 的车 5:00 我就要起来 6:00 出门. 10 minutes to the station [laughing and crying] I didn't have to sleep at all

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?


I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬不排队你就是不尊重飞机。 Hahahaha

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

Wouldn't this be a waste of money [tears] [tears] [tears]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?


I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

We were traveling by car and were dragged up at 2 a.m. to pack our things. Just 4 hours, my dad must go to the scenic spot at 9 o'clock in the morning every time he travels, my mother said he was stupid at work, and the scenic spot requires you to punch in at 9 o'clock to brush your fingerprints?

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬国庆成都自驾重庆,去耍,我爸担心堵车,半夜两点29起来喊我莫睡了,起来走了,要堵车,[捂脸][捂脸][捂脸]我起不来,他就在客厅走来走去走来走去,我只有起来了,开拢重庆天都没亮。 It's more tiring to take a vacation than to go to work. [tears run]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬ 出去玩 ,洗一兜子苹果 ,在家里装好几瓶子矿泉水 ,家里能带的吃的都带上 ,主打去了景区不花一分钱 ,到了景区打开保鲜袋 ,没有一个人想吃苹果 ,最后又背回家[尬笑][尬笑][尬笑]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

I'm really going to get angry [smile], because it's always like this at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, I've already reserved time, 2 and a half hours to arrive, I can almost arrive in advance, I have to wait a few hours to sit [awkward laughs]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬跟我爸出去旅游 ,早上7点的车,凌晨3点就喊我起床了,而且当晚我熬夜到两点半只睡了半个小时 ,谁懂[泪奔]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬ 我下午三点的高铁,我妈早上八点就开始催我了,早上十点已经到高铁站了,我们那个高铁站还没网[泪奔]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?


I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬刚来机场 ,2点40的飞机我2点钟到的 ,遇到一对母女 ,6点的飞机提前4小时到机场,我已经觉得很夸张了[泪奔][泪奔]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬ 我和我妈一起去旅游,六点让我起床,七点出门,到景点还没开门[捂脸][捂脸]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬ 哈哈哈哈哈,是不是不想让你在家吃午饭

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?


I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

I think it's enough to add up all the time to do things, and another half an hour is enough, I don't know why they like to go to the place to do everything, and wait a few more hours??? [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬ 有一次8点半飞上海,我爸爸要我2点就必须去机场等着,然后飞机晚点到凌晨1点起飞,在机场那几个小时感觉度过了我一生[泪奔][泪奔][泪奔]

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬又无语又好笑。 The door opened at ten o'clock, and my dad said he was going back to sleep, but he couldn't hold it anymore [awkward laughter]. Man...... It seems useless all the time, we don't care, we hang him around until eight o'clock in the evening, hahahahahahaha

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?


I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

‬ 我爸妈也是,去的时候提前2小时在高铁站等着,回来也是提前2小时在高铁站等着,心如死灰[泣不成声],人就一定要到高铁站

I was on a two-o'clock plane with my parents, and I was at the airport at half past six. Netizen: Is it a trip to the airport?

"Would you rather wait for the train, and let the train wait for you?", "There is a serious traffic jam on the road", "The food on the train is so expensive", "I am hungry on the road".

I thought that just my parents were like this [tears] [tears] [tears] I was relieved to know that everyone's parents were the same.

The main balance is that no one will let go [than the heart]

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