
The Russian army has already been tricked, and China must be careful! Ukraine's retreat: It has a dual purpose in terms of strategy and tactics

author:He Shui is me
{"info":{"title":{"content":"俄军已经中计?中国必须小心!乌后撤:在战略、战术上的两重目的","en":"The Russian army has already been tricked, and China must be careful! Ukraine's retreat: It has a dual purpose in terms of strategy and tactics"},"description":{"content":"俄军正在中计?乌军后撤,有战略、战术上两重目的。而选择,决定国运:中国,我的祖国,小心了!乌军在新巴赫穆特防线的“溃退”...","en":"The Russian army is planning to retreat, and the Ukrainian army has a dual purpose, both strategically and tactically. And the choice determines the fortunes of the country: China, my motherland, be careful! The \"rout\" of the Ukrainian army on the new Bakhmut defense line..."}},"items":[]}

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