
British historian: There is only China and foreign countries in the world


In the vast starry sky of human civilization, there is a unique existence, and that is China. A British historian once said: "There is only China and foreign countries in the world, because China is a real civilization." This sentence is like a bombshell, arousing people's infinite curiosity and exploration of Chinese civilization.

China, an ancient oriental power, has endured thousands of years of trials and hardships and still stands tall among the nations of the world. Its civilization, like a continuous river, has brought together the essence of various eras and nourished countless Chinese sons and daughters. From the primitive society in the Yellow River Valley, to the hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, to the prosperity of the Han and Tang dynasties, Chinese civilization has shone brightly in the long river of history.

British historian: There is only China and foreign countries in the world

However, this unique civilization has also experienced countless tribulations. From the Opium War in 1840 to the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1937, China struggled bitterly under the iron heel of the great powers. However, at the critical juncture of the life and death of this nation, the Chinese people stood up and defended the dignity of the country and the nation with their blood and lives.

"Mom, why are we Chinese so brave?" A little boy asked his mother.

British historian: There is only China and foreign countries in the world

The mother replied with a smile: "Because we are sons and daughters of China, we have the pride and tenacity of the Chinese nation flowing in our blood. ”

It is this pride and tenacity that has allowed China to continue to grow in the wind and rain, and finally ushered in the birth of a new China. On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong proclaimed from the tower of Tiananmen Square: "The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China has been established!" "At that moment, the whole world was shaken.

British historian: There is only China and foreign countries in the world

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, China began its arduous exploration. Under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong, the Chinese people have relied on themselves and worked hard to achieve brilliant achievements one after another. From the successful explosion of the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb, to the launch of the artificial earth satellite, to the spring breeze of reform and opening up, China has demonstrated great strength and unlimited potential on the world stage.

"The speed at which China is developing is truly amazing!" A foreign scholar couldn't help but sigh after visiting China's modern facilities such as high-speed rail and mobile payment.

British historian: There is only China and foreign countries in the world

And all this is inseparable from China's unique civilization. This civilization has both ancient wisdom and modern innovation; It has both a profound heritage and a broad vision. It is the spiritual pillar of the Chinese people and the confidence of China to go global.

As the British historian put it: "There is only China and foreign countries in the world, because China is the real civilization." "This civilization belongs not only to China, but also to the whole world. With its unique charm and wisdom, it has made great contributions to the development of human civilization.

British historian: There is only China and foreign countries in the world

Today, when we look back at history, we can't help but be proud of the tenacity and glory of Chinese civilization. At the same time, we should also realize that the development of Chinese civilization is inseparable from exchanges and cooperation with other countries in the world. In the context of globalization, we should cherish and protect the diversity of human civilization and jointly promote the prosperity and development of human civilization.

"China, come on!" This is the most sincere wish in the heart of every Chinese son. We believe that with the joint efforts of the Chinese people, China's tomorrow will be even better!

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