
Big upset! Jack Jones eliminated Trump 13-9 to advance to the semifinals!

author:Not the same sound
{"info":{"title":{"content":"大冷门!杰克琼斯13:9淘汰特鲁姆普挺进四强!小特低级失误太多了","en":"Big upset! Jack Jones eliminated Trump 13-9 to advance to the semifinals!"},"description":{"content":"北京时间5月1日17:00,2024斯诺克世锦赛1\/4决赛,小特与杰克琼斯第三阶段的比赛。此前16局二人8-8打平,这个...","en":"At 17:00 on May 1, Beijing time, the 1\/4 finals of the 2024 Snooker World Championship, the third stage of the match between Xiaote and Jack Jones. In the previous 16 rounds, the two drew 8-8, this..."}},"items":[]}